New Delhi: Referring to the ongoing controversy over chanting of Vedic mantras while performing Yoga, Vice President Mohammad Hamid Ansari's wife Salma Ansari on Monday said that there is nothing wrong in saying '
"Nothing wrong in saying '
Read: Centre asks states to adopt Yoga as part of school syllabus
Salma Ansari's comments come in the backdrop of accusations made by the Opposition, that the Centre was pushing its 'Hindutva' agenda by asking participants to chant Vedic mantras during the Yoga Day event. The chanting of '
While the Ayush ministry clarified the protocol is not compulsory, some political parties accused the government of pushing its Hindutva agenda by asking participants to chant Vedic mantras and '
Congress, however, criticised the BJP-led government for being 'insensitive', saying yoga, a great discipline of ancient