
David Jones fashion boss Donna Player quits the department store

Jenna Clarke 6:30 PM   Donna Player, considered one of the most powerful women in fashion retail, has left David Jones.

Supermodels forgo fee for Pink Hope charity

Jenna Clarke   The supermodels have donated their highly sought after photogenic talents to grace the cover of Elle Australia. A project that would usually cost publishers more than $100,000 in model fees alone.

Bella Hadid was super chilled not a super brat at Fashion Week

Jenna Clarke   Ah Fashion Week, those six days when it's like every day is your year 12 school formal, is over for another year


'All natural' skincare products can irritate your skin

Sarah Berry   As we become increasingly conscious of what we're putting in our body, we are also becoming more aware of what we put on our body.

'Happiness has a lot to do with beauty': Pamela Anderson

Happiness, according to Pamela Anderson, is about beauty.

Margot Robbie to front Calvin Klein campaign

The Australian actress will front the imagery for the soon to be launched women's perfume Deep Euphoria.


Low-fat diets 'perhaps the biggest mistake in modern medical history'

11:12 PM   One expert says it's 'perhaps the biggest mistake in modern medical history resulting in devastating consequences for public health.'

How much can a healthy lifestyle really reduce your cancer risk?

Sarah Berry 12:43 PM   Contrary to popular belief, everything does not cause cancer.

A starving brain or psychology - what triggers an eating disorder?

Paula Goodyer   Does an eating disorder stem from a complex mix of biological, social and psychological influences – or is the real cause simply a problem triggered by brain changes caused by restricting food?

Home & Style

Scouring the bookshops

Erin Munro   We tend to think of minimalist style and apartment living as a contemporary concern.

Collector's corner

Erin Munro   A funny thing happened to comedian Bev Killick while riding on a Melbourne tram.

House of surprise

Helen McKenzie   This beachside award-winner has a conversation piece at every turn.


Lesbian couple arrested after kissing in Hawaii supermarket receives $110,000 settlement

Josh Dye   A lesbian couple arrested during their holiday in Hawaii after kissing and holding hands in a grocery store will receive a US$80,000 ($110,000) settlement after suing for discrimination and harassment.

Autistic teen's incredibly profound letter

Colby Itkowitz   For the first 14 and a half years of Gordy’s life, Evan and Dara Baylinson had no reason to think their son could comprehend anything they said.

What is a toxic relationship?

Matty Silver   It's quite amazing how often I see couples in my practice who, in the first session, just fight and accuse each other of the most terrible things.