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Behind The Numbers's picture
Oil profits, pipelines and the human cost of regulatory capture | May 24 2016 | Bruce Campbell | Regulatory capture exists where regulation is routinely designed to benefit the private interest of the regulated industry at the expense of the public interest.
djclimenhaga's picture
It's time for a national postal bank in both Canada and the United States | May 24 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | We now live in the 21st century, a digital age, and it's time to recognize access to fairly priced banking service as a human right.
Krystalline Kraus's picture
Uber ride sharing in Mississauga in trouble | May 22 2016 | Krystalline Kraus | The city has banned ride-sharing companies but left the door open for future legislation
djclimenhaga's picture
We frown on smiles! The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is unhappy to learn public-sector workers are happy | May 22 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | There is a price to our country of having more Canadians in public employment, and there is a price to having fewer so employed. Only one is worth paying.
May 19 2016
Teva Harrison's debut graphic memoir offers an intimate look at the vibrant life of a cancer patient.
May 12 2016
The Graphic History Collective illustrates an informative and illuminating timeline of Canada's complicated labour history. Consider this your call to arms.
May 5 2016
In Ramprend, women come of age and lose one leg to a saw. Why? Delve into Huey Helene Alcaro's dystopian world of religious fervor and gender roles run amok.

Current rabble poll

What question was going through your mind while watching the dust-up in the House of Commons?

Finally, a bench-clearing brawl in the House of Commons. 

The NDP were deliberately blocking Conservative Party whip Gord Brown from taking his seat in a bit of parliamentary gamesmanship. Justin Trudeau wasn't having it and left his seat to physically move Brown past Mulcair's ruffians. One of those ruffians, Ruth Ellen Brousseau, got an elbow in her chest for her troubles (and didn't turn into a pillar of salt).

Mulcair blustered, the Conservatives postured and Trudeau apologized. Then Trudeau apologized again. And again.

What question was running through your mind as you watched this calamity unfold?

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