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Bracing for the $1 Christmas stamp price hike


Nina Hendy

Australia Post is hiking prices on stamps as the volume of letters continues to fall and it turns its focus to parcel delivery.

Australia Post is hiking prices on stamps as the volume of letters continues to fall and it turns its focus to parcel delivery. Photo: Joe Armao

If you run a small business, you're no doubt bracing for a 43 per cent price hike on Australia's basic postal rate, set to be introduced right after Christmas.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has approved Australia Post's application to introduce a price hike to $1 for postage stamps, up from the current rate of 70c. Large envelopes will also rise in price from $1.40 to $2.

This is a massive additional cost for businesses to factor in given they're often posting bulk. 

Jodie Sangster

While Australia Post's parcel trade grows in line with the surge in online shopping, the company is responding to the very real threat to its core letters business in this new digital landscape.

executive of the Australian Direct 
Marketing Association, Jodie Sangster, says the price hike will drive more businesses away from Australia Post.

Chief executive of the Australian Direct Marketing Association, Jodie Sangster, says the price hike will drive more businesses away from Australia Post. Photo:

Hitting small business hard

The price hike will hit hardest with small businesses who rely on the national postal service as a core form of marketing communication with their customers.

Personalised jewellery business owner Sarah Saputra posts about 700 orders of customised jewellery a week, turning over $1.3 million. During the Christmas period, orders via her site, Belle Fever rise to about  1000 a week.

James Chin-Moody says Sendle is prohibited by legislation from offering an alternative to Australia Post in the letters space.

James Chin-Moody says Sendle is prohibited by legislation from offering an alternative to Australia Post in the letters space. Photo: Eddie Jim

"It's not just the extra cost of posting an item by letter post that's an issue for us," Suputra explains.

"Sometimes, our jewellery gets lost in the mail so we have to remake the order and send it out again, which is a huge added expense for us. Or, Australia Post returns the mail to us because it hasn't been collected from the post office quickly enough, which costs us double to have to post it back out again," Saputra says.

Given the cost of posting items, sometimes twice, she is considering a price rise of her own next year to cover the costs.

Affecting the way people do business

Chief executive of entrepreneur program The Butterfly Experience Deborah Morandin says the postage stamp price hike has been a hot topic of conversation in her 5000-strong Facebook group.

"There's lots of concern about the cost of doing business next year. One man who runs an eBay shop posted pictures of an item that Australia Post had returned to him because the mail was 100g over the limit for him to pay the 30c extra. Once upon a time, Australia Post didn't worry that much, but those days are gone, and it's affecting the way people do business."

Speeding up the switch to digital

The Association for Data-Driven Marketing and Advertising (ADMA) was among a number of organisations that asked for the price hike to be staggered, but the request was rejected.

Chief executive Jodie Sangster describes the price hike as ill-thought through, saying there wasn't a need to implement this increase at such speed.

"This is a disappointing outcome for companies who have already established their marketing budgets for 2016 to have to contend with.

"While we understand that there needs to be an increase to make Australia Post remain viable, this is a massive additional cost for businesses to factor in given they're often posting bulk.

"Also, bear in mind also that businesses will be forced to reduce their volumes, so the increase won't actually result in the increased revenue that Australia Post is hoping for. In fact, the price hike will speed up the switch to digital that many businesses are in the process of implementing. It will also raise questions around whether or not mail should remain part of their marketing channel at all."

No alternative

And while businesses scramble for an alternative, a comparative national postal service appears to be off the cards given that legislation prevents it.

Alternative postal delivery startup Sendle, which has a turnover in the millions, has investigated a letter service.

Chief executive and co-founder James Chin-Moody says: "Unfortunately Australia Post has a monopoly on letter post for letters weighing below 250 grams under the Australian Postal Corporation Act 1989. If a carrier wants to compete on letter post, by law they must charge a minimum of four times more than Australia Post does for the same service, which means that customers aren't left with a lot of choice."

However, Sendle will launch a smaller parcel service (under 500 grams) early next year. Pricing has not yet been announced.

"This will provide a game-changing alternative for businesses that need to send documents or smaller parcels," Chin-Moody says.

Australia Post says the price hike will enable it to recoup the cost of providing letter services so it can maintain the nation-wide 4000-strong Post Office network and keep posties delivering to about 11.4 million points across the country.

Australia Post communications manager Michelle Skehan​ says the reason the monopoly is in place is to allow it to cover the cost of the Community Service Obligation (on-time delivery and delivery to 98 per cent of delivery points five days a week. She also said the basic postage rate has increased only four times in the past 23 years.

Australian domestic addressed letter volumes reached a peak in 2007/08 (4.6 billion letters). Australia Post's latest forecast is that in 2017/18, the domestic addressed letter volume will be less than half that, at 2.1 billion letters.

Domestic letter volumes are expected to continue to decline by a further 10.8 per cent per year to 2017/18, Australia Post predicts.

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10 comments so far

  • I'd say the market will reward the Post Office in the appropriate manner by seeing a drop in volumes.
    Ultimately the business will see huge losses and unfortunately loss of jobs.
    Management have to understand to survive you need to operate more smarter and employ innovative strategies - increasing price is dumb.

    What the!
    Date and time
    December 21, 2015, 7:05PM
    • We have already instituted changes in work practices to reduce outgoing mail and will institute additional measures in the New Year. When the price hike hits, businesses will just rely more on fax and email. We used to send out quite large volumes of post. Not anymore. And we save money on paper, toner and envelopes.

      Date and time
      December 21, 2015, 11:25PM
    • Postal services are going the way of horse shoe manufacturers.

      That the Direct Mail Industry Association is having a problem with these price hikes has me in utter 100% support of the hikes.

      Date and time
      December 22, 2015, 8:20AM
  • "Only four price hikes in 23 years" doesn't say anything, the AMOUNT of those increases says it all.

    I side with those who believe demand for basic mail is more elastic than AP hopes. I'll certainly be avoiding the need to use mail as far as possible, no more cards for me.

    Date and time
    December 21, 2015, 10:04PM
    • Totally agree with this! The $0.50 stamp started in January 2003. The $1 stamp starts January 2016. The annual growth rate over this time is 5.5%, far in excess of inflation!

      Date and time
      December 22, 2015, 2:40PM
  • Looking forward to a lot less rubbish appearing in the mailbox!
    This includes mail from businesses with which I do business. If I wanted it, I would initiate it.
    It is a major drama trying to move house these days, due to this letterbox spam (some of which happens to contain bills, so can't be ignored).

    If any business in this century depends on mail for their business, they really have to rethink their business model.

    Date and time
    December 21, 2015, 10:38PM
    • Sales are down due to competition from email etc, so to fix the problem some genius comes up with the idea of doubling the price and reducing the service to less than snail mail pace "to secure a sustainable post office network".Brilliant! Why didn't someone think of this before?

      Frustrated Businessman
      Date and time
      December 22, 2015, 8:00AM
      • I'd have to question Michelle Skehan's comment that the price of a basic stamp has only risen 4 times in 23 years. It seems every year I go to the post office there has been a price rise. I'm surprised that the watchdog has allowed such a huge rise. The rise itself is not the only retrograde step. For a dollar a stamp you now get downgraded service that is 2 days longer than before. That makes it a dollar for sending a letter from one state country area to another state country area which will take up to 6 days by the Post Office's reckoning! What absolutely lousy service! They are obviously hoping that people in the cities won't really notice, and those in the country will just have to cop it!

        South Coast
        Date and time
        December 22, 2015, 12:31PM
        • This is the 5th price rise since 1992.

          45¢ – 1992 (effective 2 January 1992)
          50¢ – 2003 (effective 13 January 2003)
          55¢ – 2008 (effective 1 September 2008)
          60¢ – 2010 (effective 28 June 2010)
          70¢ – 2014 (effective 31 March 2014)
          $1.00 – 2016 (effective 4 January 2016)

          Date and time
          December 22, 2015, 2:34PM
      • The CEO of Australia Post has been an abject failure. The national economy is being held hostage by a culture of executive entitlement, underpinned by a legislative monopoly. Enough is enough. There is no valid reason to give an organisation a monopoly, allow it to charge whatever it wants as a tax on society - and give executives salaries as if they are operating in a competitive environment. This has to end. Remove its monopoly now please, so Australians can choose who to pay to deliver their mail. I'm done with Australia Post.

        Date and time
        December 22, 2015, 1:06PM

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