Latest political news

Dutton's provocation cuts through

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton.

Nicole Hasham 4:27 PM   Warnings of unschooled refugees stealing our jobs threatened to ignite citizen passions in the second week of the federal election campaign.

'Blood' painted on Qld immigration office

Fake blood was spattered at the Immigration Department building in Brisbane.

2:55 PM   Protesters have painted Brisbane's Department of Immigration office with fake blood to highlight poor conditions faced by women in Australia's offshore detention centres.

'Not one dollar for WestConnex'

The member of Grayndler Anthony Albanese.

Melanie Kembrey 11:58 AM   Anthony Albanese makes a promise to his under-threat inner Sydney electorate.

Big Tobacco's appeal against plain packaging fails in UK

Australia adopted plain packaging cigarettes in 2011.

Paul Sandle and Martinne Geller 10:24 AM   The British High Court finds new rules valid, lawful in all respects, vindicating a packaging law first adopted in Australia and now spreading through the EU.

Car overtaking Shorten convoy in head-on collision

Bill Shorten at the scene of car crash at Testers Hollow near Cessnock and Maitland.

Tom McIlroy, Belinda-Jane Davis 11:29 PM   Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and his support team have narrowly avoided a serious road crash in the NSW Hunter region on Thursday afternoon.

Fresh domestic violence dispute breaks out in public service

The accusations look set to revive the bitter row between the CPSU, key figures in the APS and Employment Minister ...

Noel Towell   Trouble flares again over public servants and domestic violence.

Comments 5

Greens pledge to double R&D; share by 2030

Protesters against CSIRO cuts: Greens pledge to restore cuts under Abbott-Turnbull governments.

Peter Hannam 12:00 AM   CSIRO to be major beneficiary, reversing Abbott Government cuts and saving hundreds of jobs.

AFP wins right to examine Ashby-Slipper evidence in prosecution of Mal Brough

Peter Slipper, Mal Brough and James Ashby.

Louise Hall   The Australian Federal Police will be allowed to use text messages and phone calls between Peter Slipper and his former media advisor James Ashby in its investigation into former Liberal minister Mal Brough.

Labor to restore Medicare funding

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten addresses the media on Wednesday.

Mark Kenny   Opposition Leader Bill Shorten will unveil a major plank of Labor's pitch for middle Australian votes on Thursday pledging to re-invigorate Medicare by restoring the inflation-based growth rate to Medicare payments made to doctors for the provision of basic services.

Former commando bound for Australia

Sun McKay

David Wroe, Lindsay Murdoch   Sun McKay, the former soldier who was present when a fellow Australian security guard died from a gunshot wound at the Baghdad Embassy, was interviewed by Australian police before being allowed to fly home to Australia, Fairfax Media has been told.

Climate truce sought, common ground elusive

Environment Minister Greg Hunt says the climate policy standoff should be better addressed.

Nicole Hasham   Damage stemming from Australia's climate policy standoff is an "important" issue that should be better addressed, Environment Minister Greg Hunt says, amid fears that toxic politics around emissions cuts is unsettling investors and hurting the economy.

Feeney blames 'maelstrom of events'

David Feeney is the Federal Member for Batman and the Shadow Assistant Minister for Defence.

James Massola   Labor frontbencher blames the "maelstrom of events" for failing to declare ownership of $2.3 million property for nearly three years.

Palmer not worried about payout debt

Positive spin: Clive Palmer stays in Brisbane as FTI Consulting is rejigged.

Tracey Ferrier   Govt gets permission to claw back taxpayer funds paid to workers.

When should we worry about climate change?

A wildfire burns behind abandoned vehicles on the Alberta Highway 63 near Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada, on Saturday, ...

Peter Hannam   The answer is about 30 years ago, says one scientist. But we shouldn't give up.

Billions could go ahead of treasurers' debate

Iron ore's price has slid $US10 a tonne since the budget was prepared.

Peter Martin   A sharply lower iron ore price is expected to wipe billions of dollars from budget projections forcing both sides of politics to rein in promises when the official pre-election economic update is released on Friday.

How we fought big tobacco - and won

Australia continues to face challenges to its plain packaging laws in the World Trade Organisation.

Peter Martin   Previously sealed documents reveal the tobacco giant Philip Morris lost its case against Australia over plain packaging because the international tribunal considered it an "abuse of rights".

The logo you're not supposed to see

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

Michael Koziol   As far as campaign stunts go, it doesn't get more blatantly political than a visit to an Australian Border Force patrol boat.

Detained commando 'allowed to shower'

Sun McKay

David Wroe   The Australian security guard being held over the shooting death of a colleague at the Baghdad embassy was allowed to shower before he was detained and had his room partially cleaned, potentially destroying evidence, a former co-worker has said.

Child sex abuse probe to target military

The Australian Defence Force Cadets have come under the spotlight of the sex abuse royal commission.

David Wroe   The Royal Commission into child sex abuse is set to probe claims of widespread assault in the Australian military including against young defence force cadets in recent years.

Greens leader slams US alliance

Greens leader Senator Richard Di Natale

David Wroe   Australia is joining a "regional arms race" and risks putting itself in the middle of a "proxy war" between the United States and China, Greens leader Richard Di Natale says in his first major foreign policy speech.

'No one is beating a path to the door'

Retiring MP Anna Burke

Nicole Hasham   Available for hire: Former Speaker of the House of Representatives. Excels at negotiating, making impromptu speeches and managing a disorderly crowd.

Labor pays penalty for dodgy rate position

Mark kenny dinkus

Mark Kenny   What's the penalty rate for political dissembling? Bill Shorten and Brendan O'Connor are about to find out. Their each-way bet on weekend penalty rates seeks to have it both ways. The result is that they are likely to take fire from both directions too.

Immigration $3500-a-week border bus

Immigration has hired local transport outfit CBD Chauffeured Transport to ferry the bureaucrats between the old Customs ...

Noel Towell   No unauthorised arrivals as Immigration officials hop on board Canberra's Australian Border Bus.

The day Sussan Ley turned into 'elephant man'

Health Minister Sussan Ley has announced more funding for the National Allergy Strategy.

Esther Han   ''Something in me knew something was going badly wrong,'' the health minister says.

Rent control, but for pathologists, not for you

Peter Martin dinkus

Peter Martin   Why on earth is the Coalition controlling rents?

Negative gearing scare campaign 'self-serving'

John Symond predicted a housing price fall that will be 'frightening and frighten others' under Labor.

Mark Kenny   Labor has launched an extraordinary surgical strike on the millionaire property tycoon "Aussie" John Symond.

Union slams private vs public school funds gap

Year 3 students sit the NAPLAN test in 2015.

Carolyn Webb   Union slams government over private school funding increasing at twice that of public schools.

Push for government to use tobacco excise dollars to help mentally ill smokers quit

Forty-two per cent of cigarettes consumed in Australia are smoked by people with a mental illness.

David Ellery   Tobacco excise dollars should be used to help mentally ill smokers to quit: fellowship

Police set to charge 'tinnie terrorist' five over boat escape plot

Musa Cerantonio outside his mother's home last year.

David Wroe and Adam Gartrell   Police remained hopeful at the weekend of laying charges against five men who they suspect of planning to take a boat to Indonesia before joining the Islamic State terror group in Syria, Fairfax Media understands.

Moscow needs to wrestle Syria into peace talks, Bishop says before high-level meeting

Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop.

David Wroe   Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad is stronger now thanks to Russia's backing and high-level talks this week must therefore focus on getting Moscow to steer Assad into peace and political talks, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop says.


Election 2016: the photographers' campaign

Photographers Alex Ellinghausen and Andrew Meares are travelling with Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten.These are some of their key images.

Could 'double-dipping' David Feeney derail Labor's campaign?

Your personally curated news with six things you need to know before you get going today.

'Aussie John' is wrong. Here's why

''Aussie John'' has got it wrong. Labor isn't planning to hit negative gearing on all established housing overnight.

Backpacker tax to go as Credlin attacks Turnbull again

Your personally curated news with six things you need to know before you get going.

Explosive evidence tendered in ASIC's case against Westpac

Your personally curated news with six things you need to know before you get going.

Brazil's President suspended after marathon 20-hour Senate debate

Your personally curated news with six things you need to know before you get going.

Caretaker mode can test public servants

The extra-long caretaker period increases the chance that there will be slip-ups by public servants before the federal election.

Albanese could be hostage to Lib preferences

If the Greens run second in Anthony Albanese's seat then his prospects become complicated.

Scott no heart, Scott no apology

One of the world's most heartless immigration ministers – now the federal treasurer – refuses to apologise when he's wrong.

Shorten starts with one clear advantage

Malcolm Turnbull's pitch for election rests on the question he did not pose in his 2000-word pitch to the voters after calling the July 2 double dissolution election: who do you trust?

Shorten quicker than Turnbull in early running

Elections require difference, real or claimed, so that's where all the attention will be over the next eight weeks. That, and personality.

Abbott's subs blunder a disaster

The decision on which country to award a submarine contract is not something to be sorted out between mates.

Turnbull is 'zombie Tony Abbott', but Shorten is no better

Don't die waiting for a serious debate during the campaign.

Senators face fight over long and short terms

Whenever Parliament looks at electoral matters, ideology and principle frequently trumped by self-interest.

Bill Shorten's budget reply banks big savings

Your personally curated news with six things you need to know before you get going.