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Even if the Coalition's network delivers a constant 25Mbps, which is more than what it's promising, that's not enough for the internet of the future.

I've become slow to respond to my name in public spaces for fear I'll turn and smile at a stranger scowling into their phone.

Twitter is about to get a little less complicated.

Like the games of old, this new reboot is fast, loud and gloriously stupid.

Facebook uncovered no evidence that it suppressed news about conservative issues in its "trending topics" feature, the social media firm wrote Monday in a letter to US Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John Thune, a Republican.

Gibes about the decline of the iPhone amid stalling sales may turn out to have been premature, as reports of a huge Apple order and fresh leaked images indicate iPhone 7 could deliver the biggest shake-up to the smartphone in years.

What would your dream smartphone look like? Time to dust off your thinking cap: the modular phone is here.

If you're visiting the home of Google in Silicon Valley it's worth taking a quick history lesson to see where it all began.

Microsoft shifts its strategy in a market dominated by Apple's iOS and Google's Android.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and other high-profile Australian politicians have landed top billing on Google after the search engine giant offered them a free slot to spruik their policies at the top of Google search results.

RP Data chairman Ted Pretty wants to create a rural property version of the company and thinks he's found the beginnings of it in Kisimul.

Google said its Android mobile app store will run on the internet giant's Chrome OS for personal computers, the latest sign of the two operating systems slowly converging.

Tech giant invents weird solution to reduce impact of self-driving cars colliding with pedestrians.

Rather than imagine how that new couch will look in your lounge room, Google's augmented reality smartphone lets you drop virtual objects into the real world.

Warrnambool truck driver Darren Ledner spends hours on the road for work delivering milk. So when the weekend comes around, the last thing he feels like is a four-hour round-trip journey to Geelong for medical appointments.

In the world of YouTube pranks, long one of the platform's most popular genres, it's usually all fun and games — until someone incites a public panic and gets arrested.

Search company introduces new chat and video calling apps, plus a home device that will take your verbal instructions.

There's a nagging feeling that Apple isn't giving us what we want.

Software allows you to use a photo of a stranger to track down their profile on eastern Europe's most popular social network.

Google has unveiled a second-generation virtual reality viewer, accompanied by a motion controller, as it prepares to build its new Daydream VR platform into the upcoming Android N smartphone operating system.