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Good news for calamari lovers: squid populations on the rise

Giant Australian cuttlefish, Spencer Gulf, South Australia.

Giant Australian cuttlefish, Spencer Gulf, South Australia. Photo: Scott Portelli

It's good news for calamari lovers but it may not be great for our oceans. Squid populations are on the rise.

It's not just the 10-tentacled denizens of the deep that are thriving, their eight-limbed cousins, the octopus, are also having a baby boom.

While most marine species have come under increased pressure, cephalopods - squid, octopus and cuttlefish - have seen populations consistently rise since the 1950s.

A southern calamari in Australian waters.

A southern calamari in Australian waters. Photo: Jim Dodd

These are the findings of a global survey of fisheries data by an international team led by Zoe Doubleday at the University of Adelaide.

Dr Doubleday said: "Cephalopods have a unique set of biological traits, including rapid growth, short lifespans and flexible development. These allow them to adapt to changing conditions more quickly than many other marine species."

Project leader Professor Bronwyn Gillanders says large-scale changes to the marine environment, brought about by human activities, may be driving the global increase in cephalopods.

A pharaoh cuttlefish swims over coral reefs in the Andaman Sea off Thailand.

A pharaoh cuttlefish swims over coral reefs in the Andaman Sea off Thailand. Photo: NY Times

"We're investigating what may be causing them to proliferate – global warming and over fishing are two theories. It is a difficult, but important question to answer, as it may tell us an even bigger story about how human activities are changing the ocean," Professor Gillanders said.

Dr Doubleday said it was unclear what the long-term impact of cephalopod population growth would be.

"Nature has a way to self-regulate," she said. "Species such as octopus are voracious predators. In Australian waters they feed on rock lobsters and have an impact there. They also turn cannibalistic if food is short."

A giant cuttlefish off Terrigal, NSW.

A giant cuttlefish off Terrigal, NSW. Photo: Natalie Moltschaniwskj

She said the population growth in squid was found across a "really broad range of species", including coastal and deep-sea squid.

"This means we have seen population growth in the jumbo squid off the coast of California as well as the southern calamari, which is what is eaten here."

The study came about when Dr Doubleday started looking at a collapse in the population of the Great Australian cuttlefish in waters near Whyalla in South Australia around 2010.

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

"Cephalopods are renowned for boom-and-bust life cycles, so we weren't sure if their decline was cyclical or not," she said. "While researching global trends, the cuttlefish population showed signs of recovery." 

She said that their global data showed "linear increase in a really broad range of species".

"We were surprised," Dr Doubleday said. "Squid usually do their own thing, never fit into a trend. They can be hard to work with.

"However, that's the beauty of using long-term data."

The research team, led by the University of Adelaide's Environment Institute, used cephalopod catch rates from 1953-2013. The team included researchers from the Falkland Islands, Scotland, Portugal, Spain and South Africa.

The research correspondence is published this week in Current Biology.

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