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Increasing demand from Israel start-ups

Weebit Nano executives Kobi Ben-Shabat, CEO Yossi Keret and CTO Amir Regev.

Weebit Nano executives Kobi Ben-Shabat, CEO Yossi Keret and CTO Amir Regev.

It might not be a well-known fact in Australia, but Israel has one of the highest concentrations of start-ups in the world and is widely recognised as a global leader in research and development. Now the country's rapidly expanding tech scene is turning to Australia for capital — and experience.

Israel has more than 3000 Israeli start-ups employing almost 20,000 people, with the entire hi-tech industry employing 300,000 people — in a country with a population of just 8.4 million.

By comparison, a PricewaterhouseCoopers report found Australia had only 1500 start-ups, despite having nearly three times the population.

Sky & Space Global chief executive officer Meir Moalem and chief technology officer Meidad Pariente.

Sky & Space Global chief executive officer Meir Moalem and chief technology officer Meidad Pariente.

Widely regarded as having one of the most vibrant and successful technology start-up sciences outside of the US, a recent study by the city of Tel Aviv found there are more than 298 "foreign research and development" centres in Israel, collectively employing more than 58,000 people.

Historically mid-tier and large micro-cap Israel "start-ups" sourced funding via private equity, Angel investors, venture capitals or via IPO's in either the USA or Europe, with a significant number also bought out by larger firms. Some of notable transactions of recent times include Google acquiring Waze for $US966 million, Cisco snapping up INtucell for $US475 million, and Wix going public for $US601 million.

The smaller companies traditionally sourced funding from private groups or by listing on low profile exchanges such as the OTCBB, where liquidity and visibility is low.

Itai Haboucha, head of mergers and acquisitions at one of Israel's largest financial consulting firms, GSE Limited, believes the interest in Australia is much more than Israeli start-ups looking for an alternative form of financing.

"After fielding interest from ASX listed companies in the past twelve months, it became apparent the capital market in Australia can serve a different, and much more viable role in the development of the start up to a prosperous company than the traditional thinking of the capital markets suggested," Mr Haboucha said.

"The idea of teaming with ownership of an ASX listed vehicle was interesting to start up ownership for a few reasons," he said.

"Typically, Israeli start up ownership didn't aim for the capital markets as a source of capital, but perceived them as a way to 'exit' the business once value had been created and as such would not traditionally engage with capital markets until much later in their life cycle.

"However, the recent ASX experiences have changed that perspective, in that under the right conditions it is now seen that the ASX can be a cost effective source of capital enabling finance for ongoing activities and development of the company, not just as an 'exit event', plus it provides a public platform from which to raising additional capital in the future and diversifying the capital base of the company is easier."

In addition, he believes an ASX listing could serve as a "window to elevate the company's profile and increase its visibility."

He added that, "because of the ASX's characteristics as a stock exchange, it can educate and train the company in the demands, regulations and compliance required from a public company and provide a 'valuation bench-mark', ahead of a potential move to a much larger exchange such as NASDAQ or FTSE."

Israel has enormous capital inflows into its tech industry from various sources and a culture of private capital flowing into start-ups to support young companies rich in ideas, expertise and technology yet short on capital.

Interestingly this phenomenon isn't limited to the local population in Israel, but has reached wealthy Jewish communities in the US, Europe and even Australia who are eager to participate in the start-up financing pool.

For the first time in 2016, a raft of smaller Israeli "start-up" technology companies have been bypassing the more traditional funding options and focusing directly on the ASX, primarily via a reverse take over of an existing ASX listed shell company, as a preferred route to capital.

In recent months ASX listed Drake Resources has announced its intention to acquire Genome PTY, Radar Iron Limited announced a deal to acquire Weebit Nano Limited, Milestone Sports is to be acquired by Victory Mines NL, Sky and Space Global have done a deal to be acquired by Burleson Energy Limited, Azonoto Petroleum has agreed to acquire Clipfort, and Anyvision Group is to be acquired by Top End Minerals.

This week, in a sign the trend of Israeli companies looking closely at the ASX for investment, ASX listed Lithex Resources announced a deal to acquire an Israel company focussed on developing new generation lithium-ion battery technology.

Trinity Corporate advisor and fundraiser, Anthony Torre, believes this recent trend of Israeli technology "start-ups" looking to the ASX is only the beginning.

"Technology "start-ups" from Israel, particularly the smaller ones who tended to stay private or list on low visibility exchanges, are seeing that the ASX is an exchange where visibility and access to capital for the right company can be extremely high.

"In recent years ASX listed technology companies have seen strong support, which is why I believe Israeli technology companies are now looking at the ASX as a source of capital, a means to raise investor and market awareness and in some cases as a prelude to listing on the AIM or Nasdaq" Mr Torre said.

Mr Torre, who has seen first-hand the size and quality of the Israel "start-up" industry, believes awareness of the ASX in Israel is likely to grow quickly and this merging trend is "just the beginning".

"I believe that Israel has a world class "start-up" technology sector that will produce companies attractive to Australasian investors and for this reason I foreshadow large numbers of Israel technology companies joining the ASX in coming years."


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