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James Massola

James Massola is chief political reporter in the Canberra bureau. He was a Walkley finalist in 2015 and has worked in the federal press gallery for eight years, including stints for The Australian Financial Review and The Australian before joining the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

Federal election 2016: Chris Bowen agrees with AAA warnings, says he 'belled the cat'

James Massola, Chief Political Reporter Chris Bowen has defended Labor's plan to run bigger deficits over the next four years if it is elected, while admitting that "yes, Australia's AAA rating is under threat".

Federal election 2016: Labor budget plans risks AAA rating, say economists

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten during the peoples' forum at the Brisbane Broncos Leagues Club.
Election 2016 on Opposition Leader Bill Shorten's campaign. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen Wednesday 8 June 2016.

James Massola Federal Labor's move to run bigger budget deficits over the next four years would place Australia's AAA credit rating at risk, according to three of Australia's most reputable economists.

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Federal election 2016: Shorten shifts focus to the economy as Morrison highlights company tax benefits

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten tours the storm affected Coogee Surf Life Saving Club in Sydney on Tuesday.

James Massola Focus shifts back to the economy as Labor releases economic plan in an attempt to get on the front foot and as the govt attacks Shorten over company tax.

Federal election 2016: Unions target Kelly O'Dwyer in blue ribbon seat of Higgins over super changes

Kelly O'Dwyer, assistant treasurer and sitting member for Higgins, has been the target of the union robocalls.

Mark Hawthorne, James Massola The union movement has launched a robocall campaign to undermine assistant treasurer Kelly O'Dwyer over superannuation changes, in a move that could help the Greens in their attempt to hijack the...

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Election 2016: ACOSS and COTA back Turnbull's super reforms

ACOSS boss Cassandra Goldie urges Turnbull to stand firm on the superannuation reform package.

James Massola Australia's peak seniors and welfare groups have called on Malcolm Turnbull to stare down superannuation reform opponents, and urged Labor and the Greens to back the Coalition's policy changes.

Election 2016: George Brandis restricts access to independent Solicitor-General

Attorney-General George Brandis's Legal Direction means that even the Prime Minister needs his signed consent to consult Solicitor-General Justin Gleeson.

James Massola Four days before the federal election was called, George Brandis issued the Legal Services Amendments (Solicitor-General Opinions) Direction 2016.

Election 2016: Labor in stoush with ABC over Vote Compass

Michelle Guthrie: The ABC will respond in

James Massola Labor is furious with the ABC over its Vote Compass website, arguing it misrepresents the ALP's position on election-deciding policies including penalty rates and boat turn backs.

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Election 2016: 'Let's get real about this': Turnbull stares down super dissent

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says no one likes to have to pay more tax but it is time to

James Massola, Tom Mcilroy Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has slapped down suggestions the federal government could water down its superannuation changes, declaring there will be "no changes" to the policy.

Election 2016: Trade and growth set to propel Malcolm Turnbull forwards

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

Mark Kenny, James Massola, Peter Martin The Turnbull government is breathing easier after a better trade performance over the March quarter looks set to rescue otherwise pale economic growth figures to be released on Wednesday.

Election 2016: Scott Morrison moves to head off economic growth fears

Treasurer Scott Morrison accuses Opposition Leader Bill Shorten of cynical class warfare.

James Massola Treasurer Scott Morrison has moved to pre-empt concerns about a potential slow down in economic growth figures that will be released in Wednesday's national accounts.

Election 2016: The 12 seats the Coalition thinks it could lose to Labor on July 2

Bill Shorten and Malcolm Turnbull can both point to polls putting themselves in the lead.

James Massola, Chief Political Reporter Liberal strategists fear the loss of 12 seats at the July 2 poll, slashing Malcolm Turnbull's buffer in the Parliament.

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Election 2016: Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten face off in dour debate at the National Press Club

Leaders debate between Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten at the National Press Club of Australia in Canberra.
Election 2016 on Opposition Leader Bill Shorten's campaign. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen Sunday 29 May 2016.

James Massola, Chief Political Reporter The debate at the National Press Club is the second time the two leaders have squared off in the first three weeks of the campaign.

Election 2016: Labor surges in the polls as campaign focus turns to economic credentials

Treasurer Scott Morrison

James Massola, Chief Political Reporter Economic management will take centre stage when Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten go head to head in a crunch debate on Sunday, as voters continue to drift towards Labor.

Election 2016: Chris Bowen to name a date for return to budget balance under Labor

Shadow treasurer Chris Bowen says the government is showing the same pattern of behaviour it did during the much-criticised 2014 budget.

James Massola, Chief Political Reporter Labor Treasury spokesman Chris Bowen will promise to name Labor's estimated return to surplus date by the end of the 2016 election campaign.

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Election 2016: House price growth to slow under Labor's negative gearing policy, says Labor think tank

Negative gearing is falsely accused of driving house investment activity, experts say.

James Massola House prices will grow more slowly under Labor's changes to negative gearing and capital gains tax policies, according to the ALP-aligned think tank that first proposed the policy.

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Election 2016: Scott Morrison 'flushes out' Labor on Schoolkids Bonus, backs away from black hole

Treasurer Scott Morrison.

James Massola A triumphant Scott Morrison has seized on Labor's back down on promises to restore the Schoolkids bonus and reverse changes to the pensions assets test, but walked away from his claim the opposition...

Election 2016: Labor's David Feeney skewered by David Speers in car crash interview

David Feeney on Sky News on Wednesday.

James Massola He's "fixed" Christopher Pyne, embarassed Malcolm Turnbull over the cost of a company tax cut and helped George Brandis' lose his mind - and his metadata. 

Election 2016: Malcolm Turnbull dodges questions about $35 billion black hole in Scott Morrison's black hole

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull travelled on the Puffing Billy railway with local member Jason Wood and Senator Richard Colbeck on Wednesday.

James Massola Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has dodged questions about the size of Labor's claimed budget "black hole", arguing it is up to Labor to explain its costing.

Election 2016: The black hole in ScoMo's $67b black hole

Treasurer Scott Morrison admits Labor's alleged black hole may be only $32b, not $67b.

James Massola Treasurer Scott Morrison has denied there is a black hole of as much as $35b in the government's own claim Labor has a $67-billion, four-year black hole in its budget costings.

Election 2016: Draft report intended to discredit Labor on negative gearing linked to Scott Morrison meeting

Treasurer Scott Morrison admits Labor's alleged black hole may be only $32b,  not $67b.

James Massola and Peter Martin Draft report makes bold claims that have alarmed some of the people it has been circulated to.

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