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AGL boss Andy Vesey says companies worried by potential Trump presidency

AGL chief executive Andy Vesey has flagged nervousness in corporate circles is building ahead of the American election.

At The Australian Financial Review's Chanticleer lunch Mr Vesey described the upcoming election as a "wildcard".

"The upcoming US election... there is a lot of uncertainty that will come out to play. That's going to be a key indicator that is going to have a big impact globally," he said.

A Trump presidency has gone from a fanciful notion to a distinct possibility after the US election primaries.

A Trump presidency has gone from a fanciful notion to a distinct possibility after the US election primaries. Photo: AP

"A lot of companies are building [it] into their scenarios: 'What happens if you have a Trump presidency?'"

Mr Vesey, who is originally from New York, describes himself as a Democrat voter. 

But he says both the Democrats and Republicans have done a poor job of engaging their bases, which is why both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have arrived as serious contenders.

Sir Rod Eddington, Dr Nora Scheinkestel  and AGL's  Andrew Vesey at the AFR's Chanticleer lunch.

Sir Rod Eddington, Dr Nora Scheinkestel and AGL's Andrew Vesey at the AFR's Chanticleer lunch. Photo: Louie Douvis

"I don't think it's a Republican issue or a Democratic issue.

"I think the established parties have fundamentally missed something that is very real in the electroate. There is a sense that the electorate at large has become disconnected from these established parties.

"I think that's why you have this big rush to the outsiders. It's why you have a 75 year old socialist from Vermont giving such a tough time to someone who everyone thought was going to take a walk to the nomination.

"If HIllary can't bring out the Sanders voters she is going to be in a very tough spot." Mr Vesey said he recently talked to his daughter in New York after she voted for Sanders in the Democratic primary.

"You have this level of disaffected Democrats… but feel totally disaffected from the US economy."

Mr Vesey says he would never have considered voting for Hillary Clinton but now that Donald Trump looks like a serious contender he will "vote for her three times".

Meanwhile Infrastructure Australia chair Sir Rod Eddington said the American election and the possible exit of Britain from the European Union were the two "seismic shifts out there".

A "brexit" would have a major trade impact he said. If Britain left the EU, "what sort of deal will they then be able to negotiate in terms of their own trading relationship with the Euro zone", he asked.

"Will it mean that others who might be disenchanted with Europe choose to leave the EU too?" 

A vote to exit Europe was a very real possibility, he said. 

"My guess is that at the death they won't, but let's agree it's very close." 


5 comments so far

  • I believe the biggest problem by far with the impending possibility of Brexit and/or Trump, is not either, but rather the unknown of what they will bring. Even if both options eventuate it will not be the catastrophe that many Doomsday Sayers are scare mongering. If these options occur, once they are become reality, mood and expectations will change, together with managing life and economics under Brexit and/or Trump.
    Personally I believe Brexit will create the bigger problem, as then there will be fear of further breakup. However in the Trump case, if he becomes President, then the checks and balances will sort out the road map, and I also firmly believe Trump would not be the monster many assume he would be. In fact, Trump may well be the shake up which is good for both America, and its allies.

    Pistol Pete
    Date and time
    May 24, 2016, 10:15PM
    • Worried that the con is going to unravel! Globalisation/digitalization/mindless growth/technological replacement/trickle down economics/high immigration/foreign buyers/outsourcing to poor countries is great for some but doesn't float all boats. Trump is really going to pretend to seriously threaten to rattle some cages and scare the hell out of cushy all care no responsibility assumptions of owners and senior asset and business custodians. He might even really try to do some stuff within his executive beyond scare these guys half to death. It could be really a anxious and nerve jangling time for execs. Poor loves.

      Date and time
      May 24, 2016, 11:17PM
      • A Trump presidency would be terrible news for the rest of the world. The man can't even successfully run a business, so how the hell could he run the country that has such an impact on the rest of the world? I'm not the biggest Clinton fan, but I'd vote for her just to stop Trump getting in.

        As for Brexit... well, it'll be interesting to see what happens there. The out campaigners are basically campaigning on a ticket of xenophobia. I don't think they've thought through what happens if all the Brits (a lot of whom are retirees) living on the continent get kicked out and have to return to the UK.

        Date and time
        May 25, 2016, 12:22AM
        • "Democrat Badmouths Trump"

          Date and time
          May 25, 2016, 12:48AM
          • Bernie is a democratic socialist with a clear track record over many decades from mayor to senator. There is no need for this article to mislabel him, and to ignore his actual record of moderate policies.

            Date and time
            May 25, 2016, 8:47AM

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