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AGL Energy's Andy Vesey sees batteries 'changing the world'

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How will solar batteries change the household?

The use of solar storage systems is expected to explode in Australia and change the way households use their solar energy as generous tariffs expire.

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AGL Energy chief executive Andy Vesey has singled out the advance in battery storage as the factor that will "change the world" of energy investment over the next few years, with a significant impact on both businesses and individual consumers.

Speaking at The Australian Financial Review and J.P Morgan Chanticleer lunch in Sydney, Mr Vesey said AGL was expecting a 60 per cent reduction in the cost of batteries over the next five years, while performance would improve as investment poured into the chemistry and material science underpinning the technology.

"If I was going to say one thing as to what's going to change this whole world both in terms of  large-scale investments and consumer investments it's going to be the radical change you're going to see in batteries," he said.

AGL CEO Andy Vesey is putting more emphasis on solar power and batteries.

AGL CEO Andy Vesey is putting more emphasis on solar power and batteries. Photo: Wayne Taylor

Mr Vesey said the adoption of battery storage, both grid-scale and in the home, would "change the nature of these other investments" in large-scale renewable energy such as wind power and solar.

He is still expecting wind farms to dominate the large-scale renewable energy investment in the near and medium term, but pointed to forecasts that large-scale solar would be the most competitive new renewable source by 2050.

"I don't think you're going to see the deployment of very large-scale solar to the same degree as you're going to see wind, just because of the cost," he said. 

"But it's all contingent on ... making room for those new investments and making sure the market can support that."

Mr Vesey has on several occasions pointed to the need for policy to encourage old, more polluting power plants to shut down to make room for new renewable capacity to meet the 2020 Renewable Energy Target and emissions reductions targets.

He reiterated those concerns on Tuesday, pointing to the "very fragile" balance of supply and demand in the national electricity market, which is already 5000 megawatts in oversupply, with another 5000 megawatts of capacity to be built to meet the 2020 target. That oversupply is driving down the wholesale price of power just as investments need to be made in cleaner capacity, and in gas-fired power and storage to back up intermittent renewables.

Mr Vesey said he saw from both the Coalition and Labor more alignment on the direction that the economy needed to go on climate change but signalled they were still far apart on the speed of change.

"What separates them is more the speed and the quantum - how much, how fast," he said.

"Those are very big issues because it's the how much, how fast that drives a lot of government actions. The quicker, the bigger, the more the government has to be involved. The more managed and measured the transition the more markets can do it."

AGL is looking to manage the risk of investing in new renewables capacity through its $3 billion Powering Australian Renewables Fund and for which it is seeking three or four co-investors to form a "coalition of the wiling," as Mr Vesey described it.

He said the fund was "getting a lot of traction" among potential investors and he was still optimistic of announcing the partners about the end of June.


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