Sick kids to get temporary tattoos by NZ artist Benjamin Lloyd

 Photo: Benjamin Lloyd/Facebook

When New Zealand airbrush artist Benjamin Lloyd posted two photos to his Facebook page on May 22, nothing could have prepared him for the response he received.

Asking for just fifty likes, he promised he would attend Auckland's Starship Hospital to give sick kids airbrushed temporary tattoos to boost their confidence and offer a distraction from the challenges of being sick in hospital.

Now with more than 402,000 likes and 216,00 Facebook shares, Lloyd has more than met his quota and will be off to the hospital to fulfil his promise.

The gesture has received some backlash with people disapproving of tattoos on young children, however the response has been overwhelmingly positive overall, with parents, family members and young people who have spent a lot of time sick in hospital showing their support for the initiative.

An accompanying video that has been viewed more than 100,000 times shows Lloyd applying the airbrushed custom tattoo. He says it took just 9 minutes to apply, using non-toxic, temporary ink.

We don't know yet when Mr Lloyd will attend the Starship Hospital, but you can follow his Facebook page for updates.