Truro 2:006 - Stand-Up - Scott Berry
Me trying stand up at Truro 2, a christian based camp that runs for one week every summer. Please comment, any advice welcomed. The sound isn't very good so I've got the script below; I decided as this was a Christian camp I'd talk to you about Jesus, so, (Pick up Bible) My first thought when I decided this was that people might say I was being blasphemous, mite not like what I've got to say, I ummed and erred about whether to do this at all really but in the end I decided, Fuck It, God has a sense of humour and there are example of this everywhere, Take the coconut, It is the perfect food, first you make a hole in it, drink the milk, once you've done that you crack it open and use a section of the shell to scoop out the flesh. You've got a drink, you've got food, you've got everything you need. I can imagine God up on his cloud with this perfect food he's designed and what does he do? Sticks it at the top of a 20ft tree, no branches, and spends years laughing at the little Jamaican kids trying to climb up with their arms and legs round it. And that's not the only example either; take the bumblebee, buzzzzz, an it sees a human, decides he's gona sting him, he doesn't look like a nice guy, so he buzz's up, buzzzz, zuppp, stings him, and the bee dies. The humans pretty much fine, and can the bee go and warn his mates, no, he'd dead. You see myself I think all things that sting are a product of the fall, I mean things were perfect before the fall so it makes sense doesn't it <b>...</b>