Antihero for Hire is a webcomic authored by Mark Shallow and hosted by Keenspot. The comic is set in 2114, and stars a professional superhero named Dechs Rashart, otherwise known as "Shadehawk." It shows his nightly adventures as he fights against criminals who are usually quite incompetent. Shadehawk's sidekick is Laria Moondale, also known as "Wrench", who is the self-proclaimed greatest hacker in the business. Mark Shallow is also the creator of Adventurers!, another Keenspot comic.
In the year 2075, the United States faced an unexpected attack from Canada, who sent waves of genetically modified dinosaurs to conquer the northern states. The invasion was quite successful, as the U.S. was concerned about weapons of mass destruction and never considered the threat of dinosaur attacks.
Those in the northern states who did not wish to live under Canadian rule founded a city in the South, ironically named Triumph City. It is now the year 2144, and the city has grown to a population of ten million.
You came to me looking for all the answers
This killer for hire you found
The story seemed weak
But your pockets were deep
And I can't turn a pretty face down
Close your eyes
Turn your head
You don't have to watch
They'll be dead and you'll have the final word
This is what they pay me for
"Make sure that they know what pain really feels like"
I assure you I know it so well
Hanged up and gagged at your feet