2S9 Nona-S Airborne Assault Gun-Mortar -- 2С9 Нона-С Cамоходное Oрудие
The 120-mm 2S9 Nona-S (Anemone) self-propelled howitzer/mortar was first seen in public in May 1985 and it is an airborne artillery assault vehicle that has been developed to carry out two tactical functions:
- conventional artillery equipment to replace existing mortars and howitzers
- and as a direct fire anti-tank weapon system firing HEAT projectiles.
further info:
2S9 Nona
2S9 Nona-C
The 2S9 NONA (Новейшее Орудие Наземной Артилерии - Newest Ordnance of Ground Artillery) is a self-propelled 120 mm mortar designed by the Soviet Union and entering service in 1981. The 2S9 chassis is designated the S-120 and based on the aluminium hull of the BTR-D airborne multi-purpose tracked armoured personnel carrier. More generally, the 120 mm mortar is referred to as the Nona, with the 2S9
2S9-1M "Nona" in the 98th Airborne Division of the Russian Airborne Troops
Под Лугой отгремели артиллерийские орудия. На полигоне протестировали модернизированную «Нону». Самоходную установку оснастили аппаратурой, эффективность которой уже давно проверили на себе многочисленные автомобилисты. Правда, здесь спутниковая навигационная система используется для наведения огня.
2S9 Nona-S Self-Propelled Mortar System | Military-Today.com
http://www.military-today.com/artillery/2s9_nona_s.htm The 2S9 Nona-S self-propelled mortar system was developed for use by the Soviet air assault divisions. This light and airdroppable vehicle entered service with the Soviet Army in 1981. The 2S9 Nona-S was first seen in public in 1985. It is estimated that around 1 000 of these vehicles were built. The 2S9 Nona-S was successfully used during the
2s9 Nona 2s31 Vena 120mm
The gun is capable of delivering aimed direct and indirect fire employing HE 120-mm Russian-made projectiles, and mines of both Russian and NATO standards. Consequently, the gun constitutes a hybrid of a howitzer and mortar that can provide fire support for mechanised infantry sub-units in all types of combat. The auxiliary weapon set comprises a 7.62-mm machine gun mounted on the turret roof, a s
Ukraine war:2S9 NONA SPG fire on Ukrainian positions-Guerra in ucraina
War in Ukraine : Two 2S9 Nona self propelled guns of the Vostok battalion are hitting the Ukrainian positions -(Early summer 2014)
--- (ITA) Guerra in Ucraina : Due cannoni semoventi 2S9 NONA del battaglione Vostok stanno battendo le posizioni dell'esercito Ucraino - (Estate 2014)
(Ukraine war,Guerra in ucraina,War in Ukraine,Guerra nel Donbass,War in Donbass,Ukraine crisis,Crisi ucraina,Ukraine
Fabbri Diecacst 1:72 2S9 Nona, SPG
Fabbri/ Eaglemoss Diecacst 1/72 2S9 Nona-S, self propelled Gun model review.
2С9 «Нона C» - самоходное артиллерийское орудие
The 2S9 Nona-S self-propelled mortar system was developed for use by the Soviet air assault divisions. This light and airdroppable vehicle entered service with the Soviet Army in 1981. The 2S9 Nona-S was first seen in public in 1985. It is estimated that around 1 000 of these vehicles were built. The 2S9 Nona-S was successfully used during the Soviet war in Afghanistan and both Chechen wars. After
Славянск,стрельба из Ноны 2С9.Slovyansk shooting from 2S9 Nona
Славянск,стрельба из Ноны 2С9.Slovyansk shooting from 2S9 Nona
Славянск,стрельба из Ноны 2С9.Slovyansk shooting from 2S9 Nona
Славянск,стрельба из Ноны 2С9.Slovyansk shooting from 2S9 Nona
Славянск,стрельба из Ноны 2С9.Slovyansk shooting from 2S9 Nona
Славянск,стрельба из Ноны 2С9.Slovyansk shooting from 2S9 Nona
Славянск,стрельба из Ноны 2С9.Slovyansk shooting from 2S9 Nona
Нас ищут по Тегам: Ук
Cối tự hành 2S9 Nona-S
2S9 NONA - GTA San Andreas
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Author: Alex Wollas
САУ 2С9 «Нона-C»
САУ 2С9 «Нона-C» на сайте http://kollektsiya.ru/artilleriya/133-2s9-nona-c-120-mm-samokhodnoe-artillerijskoe-orudie.html
2S9 Nona
The 2S9 NONA is a self-propelled 120 mm mortar designed by the Soviet Union that entered service in 1981. The 2S9 chassis is designated the S-120 and based on the aluminium hull of the BTR-D airborne multi-purpose tracked armoured personnel carrier. More generally, the 120 mm mortar is referred to as the Nona, with the 2S9 also known as the Nona-S; a BTR-80 based version is the 2S23 or Nona-SVK, a
Russia: Russia's 76th Airborne Division present '269 NONA'
1. M/S 2S9 NONA firing
2. W/S 2S9 NONA driving
3. M/S Soldier watching live NONA cam
4. C/U Live NONA cam
5. W/S NONA driving
6. M/S Soldier launches moving target
7. M/S Soldier on bank
8. M/S Air-force watching the drill
9. C/U Soldier looking through binoculars
10. W/S Soldiers
11. W/S NONA driving through muddy water
12. W/S NONA driving
13. W/S NONA driving
2S23 Nona-SVK 120-mm Self-Propelled Mortar System | Military-Today.com
www.military-today.com/artillery/2s23_nona_svk.htm The 2S23 Nona-SVK self-propelled mortar system was developed in the late 80s. It is a variant of the tracked 2S9 Nona-S, which was designed for the Soviet air assault divisions.
Самоходное артиллерийское орудие «Нона-C»
«Нона-С» - 120-мм самоходное артиллерийское орудие. Предназначено для поражения живой силы противника, артиллерийских и минометных батарей, бронетехники и других целей. На вооружении Воздушно-десантных войск с 1981 года. Шасси выполнено на базе плавающего гусеничного бронетранспортера БТР-Д. Силовая установка состоит из дизельного двигателя мощностью 240 л.с.
В сварной башне из стальных броневых
Russian Artillery Systems
MSTA-S, 2s9 "Nona", 2s31 "Vena", MSTA-B, Bm-21 "Grad", and Bm-30 "Smerch" are featured.
Russian Artillery and indeed the military itself was kindled in the fires of World War Two.
Over 130,000 tons of Soviet artillery was dropped on Nazi Germany and its forces, while the second largest amount artillery during the second world war is claimed by the U.K. at 16,000 tons fired. It is no doubt that
Parada militara Chisinau 2011, (c) Mischescu
Parada a fost deschisă de către veteranii războiului de pe Nistru, urmați de zeci de alte formațiuni militare din cadrul unităţilor Armatei Naţionale, Ministerului Afacerilor Interne, precum şi ai Serviciului Grăniceri. Maşini blindate de tip BTR-80, BRDM - 2, 2S9 Nona, autoturisme de teren şi de bord, precum şi sisteme de armament -- aruncătoare de mine, tunuri antitanc, sisteme antiaeriene, au t
Terrorists Attack Ukrainian Soldiers Using Artillery
This video was taken from one of separatist YouTube channels "The Voice of Sevastopol." On this video separatists are shooting in the direction of Ukrainian soldiers from 2S9 Nona with 120 caliber. Voices on the video coordinate fire and at a certain point on 6:40 of the video say that they are shooting the Ukrainian infantry. It looks like terrorists have all the necessary equipment for proper sh
Stromsperre durch ukrainische Armee bei Verschiebung verbotener Waffen
Eduard Basurin, Sprecher des Verteidigungsministeriums der Volksrepublik Donezk: In den letzten 24 Stunden blieb die Lage in der Donezker Volksrepublik angespannt. Die ukrainischen Streitkräfte haben drei Mal gegen die Waffenruhe verstoßen. Von den Siedlungen Peski und Opitnoe wurde durch Mörserbeschuss mit Kaliber 128 Millimeter der Bezirk des Donezker Flughafens getroffen. Es ist die Position de
[eng subs] Fight in Nikishino, interview with Biker 21/11/14
About 15:00 of 20th November, despite the ceasefire agreement, 1st Slavyansk battalion positions in Nikishino were attacked by UAF BMP.
NAF forces hit damaged the BMP, UA tank arrived to drag the destroyed vehicle out, but was set afire by the GL itself, infantry that was sent to support the tank was pinned down by PTRD and AGS fire. In 40 minute UA troops get their heavy artillery involved start
Sự trả lời của VN đối với Tàu Khửa
Link dowload All Template styles : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uBQ0Vaa9HE&list;=PLqcmVBlnYZRNGbzGc_m2SsE6pkmV4ZNLD
Quân Đội Nhân Dân Việt Nam
Dj Pablo - One Bboy
QUÂN SỐ THƯỜNG TRỰC: 455,000 người (Trong đó: Lục quân 412,000, hải quân 13,000, Phòng không ?" Không quân 30,000); lực lượng bán vũ trang 40,000 người.
QUÂN DỰ BỊ: 5,000,000
Сводка событий за 16 октября 2015 года. Eng
The Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic 3 times. The DPR Ministry of Defense reported to the Donetsk News Agency today. The situation remains difficult in the DPR. According to the Ministry of Defense, the area of the airport and Zaytsevo (the suburb of Gorlovka) were subjected to fire. The fighters used mortar-guns, grenade launchers and small-arms.
2S9 Nona-S Airborne Assault Gun-Mortar -- 2С9 Нона-С Cамоходное Oрудие
The 120-mm 2S9 Nona-S (Anemone) self-propelled howitzer/mortar was first seen in public in May 1985 and it is an airborne artillery assault vehicle that has bee...
The 120-mm 2S9 Nona-S (Anemone) self-propelled howitzer/mortar was first seen in public in May 1985 and it is an airborne artillery assault vehicle that has been developed to carry out two tactical functions:
- conventional artillery equipment to replace existing mortars and howitzers
- and as a direct fire anti-tank weapon system firing HEAT projectiles.
further info:
2S9 Nona
2С9 Нона-С
wn.com/2S9 Nona S Airborne Assault Gun Mortar 2С9 Нона С Cамоходное Oрудие
The 120-mm 2S9 Nona-S (Anemone) self-propelled howitzer/mortar was first seen in public in May 1985 and it is an airborne artillery assault vehicle that has been developed to carry out two tactical functions:
- conventional artillery equipment to replace existing mortars and howitzers
- and as a direct fire anti-tank weapon system firing HEAT projectiles.
further info:
2S9 Nona
2С9 Нона-С
- published: 02 Oct 2011
- views: 16548
2S9 Nona-C
The 2S9 NONA (Новейшее Орудие Наземной Артилерии - Newest Ordnance of Ground Artillery) is a self-propelled 120 mm mortar designed by the Soviet Union and enter...
The 2S9 NONA (Новейшее Орудие Наземной Артилерии - Newest Ordnance of Ground Artillery) is a self-propelled 120 mm mortar designed by the Soviet Union and entering service in 1981. The 2S9 chassis is designated the S-120 and based on the aluminium hull of the BTR-D airborne multi-purpose tracked armoured personnel carrier. More generally, the 120 mm mortar is referred to as the Nona, with the 2S9 also known as the Nona-S; a BTR-80 based version is the 2S23 or Nona-SVK, and the towed 2B16 anti-tank gun version is named the Nona-K. Although no figures have been released it is estimated that well over 1,000 2S9 were built
wn.com/2S9 Nona C
The 2S9 NONA (Новейшее Орудие Наземной Артилерии - Newest Ordnance of Ground Artillery) is a self-propelled 120 mm mortar designed by the Soviet Union and entering service in 1981. The 2S9 chassis is designated the S-120 and based on the aluminium hull of the BTR-D airborne multi-purpose tracked armoured personnel carrier. More generally, the 120 mm mortar is referred to as the Nona, with the 2S9 also known as the Nona-S; a BTR-80 based version is the 2S23 or Nona-SVK, and the towed 2B16 anti-tank gun version is named the Nona-K. Although no figures have been released it is estimated that well over 1,000 2S9 were built
- published: 28 Oct 2014
- views: 923
2S9-1M "Nona" in the 98th Airborne Division of the Russian Airborne Troops
Под Лугой отгремели артиллерийские орудия. На полигоне протестировали модернизированную «Нону». Самоходную установку оснастил...
Под Лугой отгремели артиллерийские орудия. На полигоне протестировали модернизированную «Нону». Самоходную установку оснастили аппаратурой, эффективность которой уже давно проверили на себе многочисленные автомобилисты. Правда, здесь спутниковая навигационная система используется для наведения огня.
wn.com/2S9 1M Nona In The 98Th Airborne Division Of The Russian Airborne Troops
Под Лугой отгремели артиллерийские орудия. На полигоне протестировали модернизированную «Нону». Самоходную установку оснастили аппаратурой, эффективность которой уже давно проверили на себе многочисленные автомобилисты. Правда, здесь спутниковая навигационная система используется для наведения огня.
- published: 20 Jul 2013
- views: 5364
2S9 Nona-S Self-Propelled Mortar System | Military-Today.com
http://www.military-today.com/artillery/2s9_nona_s.htm The 2S9 Nona-S self-propelled mortar system was developed for use by the Soviet air assault divisions. Th...
http://www.military-today.com/artillery/2s9_nona_s.htm The 2S9 Nona-S self-propelled mortar system was developed for use by the Soviet air assault divisions. This light and airdroppable vehicle entered service with the Soviet Army in 1981. The 2S9 Nona-S was first seen in public in 1985. It is estimated that around 1 000 of these vehicles were built. The 2S9 Nona-S was successfully used during the Soviet war in Afghanistan and both Chechen wars. After collapse of the Soviet Union these self-propelled mortars were passed on to successor states. Currently Russia operates around 500 of these artillery systems. Other operators are Azerbaijan, Belarus (54), Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan (12), Ukraine (64) and Uzbekistan (60).
wn.com/2S9 Nona S Self Propelled Mortar System | Military Today.Com
http://www.military-today.com/artillery/2s9_nona_s.htm The 2S9 Nona-S self-propelled mortar system was developed for use by the Soviet air assault divisions. This light and airdroppable vehicle entered service with the Soviet Army in 1981. The 2S9 Nona-S was first seen in public in 1985. It is estimated that around 1 000 of these vehicles were built. The 2S9 Nona-S was successfully used during the Soviet war in Afghanistan and both Chechen wars. After collapse of the Soviet Union these self-propelled mortars were passed on to successor states. Currently Russia operates around 500 of these artillery systems. Other operators are Azerbaijan, Belarus (54), Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan (12), Ukraine (64) and Uzbekistan (60).
- published: 03 May 2013
- views: 1752
2s9 Nona 2s31 Vena 120mm
The gun is capable of delivering aimed direct and indirect fire employing HE 120-mm Russian-made projectiles, and mines of both Russian and NATO standards. Cons...
The gun is capable of delivering aimed direct and indirect fire employing HE 120-mm Russian-made projectiles, and mines of both Russian and NATO standards. Consequently, the gun constitutes a hybrid of a howitzer and mortar that can provide fire support for mechanised infantry sub-units in all types of combat. The auxiliary weapon set comprises a 7.62-mm machine gun mounted on the turret roof, a smoke-screen system, as well as sighting and night-vision devices. Specialists throughout the world appreciate the need to equip high mobility combat units (paratroops, airmobile and naval infantry) with a powerful artillery system that can correspond to ways of their shipment and mobility in terms of their marching and maneuvering characteristics.
wn.com/2S9 Nona 2S31 Vena 120Mm
The gun is capable of delivering aimed direct and indirect fire employing HE 120-mm Russian-made projectiles, and mines of both Russian and NATO standards. Consequently, the gun constitutes a hybrid of a howitzer and mortar that can provide fire support for mechanised infantry sub-units in all types of combat. The auxiliary weapon set comprises a 7.62-mm machine gun mounted on the turret roof, a smoke-screen system, as well as sighting and night-vision devices. Specialists throughout the world appreciate the need to equip high mobility combat units (paratroops, airmobile and naval infantry) with a powerful artillery system that can correspond to ways of their shipment and mobility in terms of their marching and maneuvering characteristics.
- published: 10 Sep 2006
- views: 66821
Ukraine war:2S9 NONA SPG fire on Ukrainian positions-Guerra in ucraina
War in Ukraine : Two 2S9 Nona self propelled guns of the Vostok battalion are hitting the Ukrainian positions -(Early summer 2014)
--- (ITA) Guerra in Ucraina ...
War in Ukraine : Two 2S9 Nona self propelled guns of the Vostok battalion are hitting the Ukrainian positions -(Early summer 2014)
--- (ITA) Guerra in Ucraina : Due cannoni semoventi 2S9 NONA del battaglione Vostok stanno battendo le posizioni dell'esercito Ucraino - (Estate 2014)
(Ukraine war,Guerra in ucraina,War in Ukraine,Guerra nel Donbass,War in Donbass,Ukraine crisis,Crisi ucraina,Ukraine,Ucraina,DNR,LNR,DPR,LPR,UAF,Donbass People's Militia,Slavyansk battalion,Slavyansk,Slovyansk,Illovaysk,Kramatorsk,esercito ucraino,Ukraine armed forces,Ukraine army,Novorussian army,NAF,Novorossiyan Armed Forces,Donetsk People's Republic,Luhansk People's republicSemoventi,Artiglieria semovente,ribelli filorussi,Pro-russian rebels,2S9,Nona,2S9 Nona,Battaglione Vostok,Vostok battalion,Novorussia,Novorussiya,Summer 2014,estate 2014,Self Propelled Mortar,120mm 2A60 mortar,self propelled Howitzer,Self Propelled Gun,Cannone Semovente,Cannone Autopropulso,SPH,SPA,ATO)
wn.com/Ukraine War 2S9 Nona Spg Fire On Ukrainian Positions Guerra In Ucraina
War in Ukraine : Two 2S9 Nona self propelled guns of the Vostok battalion are hitting the Ukrainian positions -(Early summer 2014)
--- (ITA) Guerra in Ucraina : Due cannoni semoventi 2S9 NONA del battaglione Vostok stanno battendo le posizioni dell'esercito Ucraino - (Estate 2014)
(Ukraine war,Guerra in ucraina,War in Ukraine,Guerra nel Donbass,War in Donbass,Ukraine crisis,Crisi ucraina,Ukraine,Ucraina,DNR,LNR,DPR,LPR,UAF,Donbass People's Militia,Slavyansk battalion,Slavyansk,Slovyansk,Illovaysk,Kramatorsk,esercito ucraino,Ukraine armed forces,Ukraine army,Novorussian army,NAF,Novorossiyan Armed Forces,Donetsk People's Republic,Luhansk People's republicSemoventi,Artiglieria semovente,ribelli filorussi,Pro-russian rebels,2S9,Nona,2S9 Nona,Battaglione Vostok,Vostok battalion,Novorussia,Novorussiya,Summer 2014,estate 2014,Self Propelled Mortar,120mm 2A60 mortar,self propelled Howitzer,Self Propelled Gun,Cannone Semovente,Cannone Autopropulso,SPH,SPA,ATO)
- published: 15 Dec 2014
- views: 1181
Fabbri Diecacst 1:72 2S9 Nona, SPG
Fabbri/ Eaglemoss Diecacst 1/72 2S9 Nona-S, self propelled Gun model review....
Fabbri/ Eaglemoss Diecacst 1/72 2S9 Nona-S, self propelled Gun model review.
wn.com/Fabbri Diecacst 1 72 2S9 Nona, Spg
Fabbri/ Eaglemoss Diecacst 1/72 2S9 Nona-S, self propelled Gun model review.
- published: 31 May 2015
- views: 71
2С9 «Нона C» - самоходное артиллерийское орудие
The 2S9 Nona-S self-propelled mortar system was developed for use by the Soviet air assault divisions. This light and airdroppable vehicle entered service with ...
The 2S9 Nona-S self-propelled mortar system was developed for use by the Soviet air assault divisions. This light and airdroppable vehicle entered service with the Soviet Army in 1981. The 2S9 Nona-S was first seen in public in 1985. It is estimated that around 1 000 of these vehicles were built. The 2S9 Nona-S was successfully used during the Soviet war in Afghanistan and both Chechen wars. After collapse of the Soviet Union these self-propelled mortars were passed on to successor states. Currently Russia operates around 500 of these artillery systems. Other operators are Azerbaijan, Belarus (54), Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan (12), Ukraine (64) and Uzbekistan (60).
The 2S9 Nona-S is armed with a 120-mm 2A51 breach-loaded mortar. It is compatible with rifled rounds, specially developed for this artillery system, and any 120-mm mortar mines. This mortar system can be used as mortar or howitzer, delivering direct or indirect fire. Maximum range of fire is 8.85 km with ordinary projectiles, 12.8 km with rocket assisted projectiles and 7.1 km with mines. Minimal firing range is 1.7 km firing rounds and 400 m, firing mines. The Nona-S can engage armored vehicles. Its armor-piercing round penetrates 600 - 650 mm steel plate at 1 000 m range. It is also compatible with the Kitolov-2 precision guided munitions. The Kitolov-2 laser-guided round has a maximum range of 9 km and a hit probability of 80 - 90%.
«Нона-С» - 120-мм самоходное артиллерийское орудие. Предназначено для поражения живой силы противника, артиллерийских и минометных батарей, бронетехники и других целей. На вооружении Воздушно-десантных войск с 1981 года. Шасси выполнено на базе плавающего гусеничного бронетранспортера БТР-Д. Силовая установка состоит из дизельного двигателя мощностью 240 л.с.
В сварной башне из стальных броневых листов установлено нарезное казнозарядное артиллерийское орудие, способное вести стрельбу прямой наводкой и с закрытых огневых позиций как минами, так и артиллерийскими снарядами. Заряжание ручное. Может десантироваться парашютно-реактивным способом с самолетов типа Ан-12, Ан-22 и Ил-76.
В боекомплект входят все типы российских и зарубежных 120-мм мин, специально разработанные боеприпасы с осколочно-фугасным снарядом и ОФ активно-реактивным снарядом. Дальность стрельбы снарядами -- 8800 м, минами -- 7100 м. Скорострельность -- 10 выстрелов/мин.
2С9 «Нона-С» — советское 120-мм дивизионно-полковое авиадесантное самоходное артиллерийское орудие. Разработано в Центральном научно-исследовательском институте точного машиностроения и конструкторском бюро Пермского машиностроительного завода имени Ленина на базе шасси плавающего гусеничного бронетранспортёра БТР-Д. Руководители работ: А. Г. Новожилов — отвечал за комплекс в целом, Ю. Н. Калачников — отвечал за орудие 2А51. САО 2С9 «Нона» предназначено для подавления живой силы, артиллерийских и миномётных батарей, ракетных установок, бронированных целей, огневых средств и пунктов управления.
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wn.com/2С9 «Нона C» Самоходное Артиллерийское Орудие
The 2S9 Nona-S self-propelled mortar system was developed for use by the Soviet air assault divisions. This light and airdroppable vehicle entered service with the Soviet Army in 1981. The 2S9 Nona-S was first seen in public in 1985. It is estimated that around 1 000 of these vehicles were built. The 2S9 Nona-S was successfully used during the Soviet war in Afghanistan and both Chechen wars. After collapse of the Soviet Union these self-propelled mortars were passed on to successor states. Currently Russia operates around 500 of these artillery systems. Other operators are Azerbaijan, Belarus (54), Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan (12), Ukraine (64) and Uzbekistan (60).
The 2S9 Nona-S is armed with a 120-mm 2A51 breach-loaded mortar. It is compatible with rifled rounds, specially developed for this artillery system, and any 120-mm mortar mines. This mortar system can be used as mortar or howitzer, delivering direct or indirect fire. Maximum range of fire is 8.85 km with ordinary projectiles, 12.8 km with rocket assisted projectiles and 7.1 km with mines. Minimal firing range is 1.7 km firing rounds and 400 m, firing mines. The Nona-S can engage armored vehicles. Its armor-piercing round penetrates 600 - 650 mm steel plate at 1 000 m range. It is also compatible with the Kitolov-2 precision guided munitions. The Kitolov-2 laser-guided round has a maximum range of 9 km and a hit probability of 80 - 90%.
«Нона-С» - 120-мм самоходное артиллерийское орудие. Предназначено для поражения живой силы противника, артиллерийских и минометных батарей, бронетехники и других целей. На вооружении Воздушно-десантных войск с 1981 года. Шасси выполнено на базе плавающего гусеничного бронетранспортера БТР-Д. Силовая установка состоит из дизельного двигателя мощностью 240 л.с.
В сварной башне из стальных броневых листов установлено нарезное казнозарядное артиллерийское орудие, способное вести стрельбу прямой наводкой и с закрытых огневых позиций как минами, так и артиллерийскими снарядами. Заряжание ручное. Может десантироваться парашютно-реактивным способом с самолетов типа Ан-12, Ан-22 и Ил-76.
В боекомплект входят все типы российских и зарубежных 120-мм мин, специально разработанные боеприпасы с осколочно-фугасным снарядом и ОФ активно-реактивным снарядом. Дальность стрельбы снарядами -- 8800 м, минами -- 7100 м. Скорострельность -- 10 выстрелов/мин.
2С9 «Нона-С» — советское 120-мм дивизионно-полковое авиадесантное самоходное артиллерийское орудие. Разработано в Центральном научно-исследовательском институте точного машиностроения и конструкторском бюро Пермского машиностроительного завода имени Ленина на базе шасси плавающего гусеничного бронетранспортёра БТР-Д. Руководители работ: А. Г. Новожилов — отвечал за комплекс в целом, Ю. Н. Калачников — отвечал за орудие 2А51. САО 2С9 «Нона» предназначено для подавления живой силы, артиллерийских и миномётных батарей, ракетных установок, бронированных целей, огневых средств и пунктов управления.
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- published: 04 Nov 2015
- views: 201
Славянск,стрельба из Ноны 2С9.Slovyansk shooting from 2S9 Nona
Славянск,стрельба из Ноны 2С9.Slovyansk shooting from 2S9 Nona
Славянск,стрельба из Ноны 2С9.Slovyansk shooting from 2S9 Nona
Славянск,стрельба из Ноны 2С9.Slov...
Славянск,стрельба из Ноны 2С9.Slovyansk shooting from 2S9 Nona
Славянск,стрельба из Ноны 2С9.Slovyansk shooting from 2S9 Nona
Славянск,стрельба из Ноны 2С9.Slovyansk shooting from 2S9 Nona
Славянск,стрельба из Ноны 2С9.Slovyansk shooting from 2S9 Nona
Славянск,стрельба из Ноны 2С9.Slovyansk shooting from 2S9 Nona
Славянск,стрельба из Ноны 2С9.Slovyansk shooting from 2S9 Nona
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wn.com/Славянск,Стрельба Из Ноны 2С9.Slovyansk Shooting From 2S9 Nona
Славянск,стрельба из Ноны 2С9.Slovyansk shooting from 2S9 Nona
Славянск,стрельба из Ноны 2С9.Slovyansk shooting from 2S9 Nona
Славянск,стрельба из Ноны 2С9.Slovyansk shooting from 2S9 Nona
Славянск,стрельба из Ноны 2С9.Slovyansk shooting from 2S9 Nona
Славянск,стрельба из Ноны 2С9.Slovyansk shooting from 2S9 Nona
Славянск,стрельба из Ноны 2С9.Slovyansk shooting from 2S9 Nona
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- published: 27 May 2014
- views: 15564
2S9 NONA - GTA San Andreas
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Author: Alex Wollas
Title: 2S9 NONA
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Author: Alex Wollas
Title: 2S9 NONA
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- published: 06 Oct 2015
- views: 54
САУ 2С9 «Нона-C»
САУ 2С9 «Нона-C» на сайте http://kollektsiya.ru/artilleriya/133-2s9-nona-c-120-mm-samokhodnoe-artillerijskoe-orudie.html...
САУ 2С9 «Нона-C» на сайте http://kollektsiya.ru/artilleriya/133-2s9-nona-c-120-mm-samokhodnoe-artillerijskoe-orudie.html
wn.com/Сау 2С9 «Нона C»
САУ 2С9 «Нона-C» на сайте http://kollektsiya.ru/artilleriya/133-2s9-nona-c-120-mm-samokhodnoe-artillerijskoe-orudie.html
- published: 12 May 2012
- views: 24637
2S9 Nona
The 2S9 NONA is a self-propelled 120 mm mortar designed by the Soviet Union that entered service in 1981. The 2S9 chassis is designated the S-120 and based on t...
The 2S9 NONA is a self-propelled 120 mm mortar designed by the Soviet Union that entered service in 1981. The 2S9 chassis is designated the S-120 and based on the aluminium hull of the BTR-D airborne multi-purpose tracked armoured personnel carrier. More generally, the 120 mm mortar is referred to as the Nona, with the 2S9 also known as the Nona-S; a BTR-80 based version is the 2S23 or Nona-SVK, and the towed 2B16 anti-tank gun version is named the Nona-K. Although no figures have been released, it is estimated that well over 1,000 2S9 were built.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
wn.com/2S9 Nona
The 2S9 NONA is a self-propelled 120 mm mortar designed by the Soviet Union that entered service in 1981. The 2S9 chassis is designated the S-120 and based on the aluminium hull of the BTR-D airborne multi-purpose tracked armoured personnel carrier. More generally, the 120 mm mortar is referred to as the Nona, with the 2S9 also known as the Nona-S; a BTR-80 based version is the 2S23 or Nona-SVK, and the towed 2B16 anti-tank gun version is named the Nona-K. Although no figures have been released, it is estimated that well over 1,000 2S9 were built.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
- published: 14 Oct 2015
- views: 16
Russia: Russia's 76th Airborne Division present '269 NONA'
1. M/S 2S9 NONA firing
2. W/S 2S9 NONA driving
3. M/S Soldier watching live NONA cam
4. C/U Live NONA cam
5. W/S NONA driving
6. M/S Soldier laun...
1. M/S 2S9 NONA firing
2. W/S 2S9 NONA driving
3. M/S Soldier watching live NONA cam
4. C/U Live NONA cam
5. W/S NONA driving
6. M/S Soldier launches moving target
7. M/S Soldier on bank
8. M/S Air-force watching the drill
9. C/U Soldier looking through binoculars
10. W/S Soldiers
11. W/S NONA driving through muddy water
12. W/S NONA driving
13. W/S NONA driving
14. M/S Soldiers looking at map
15. W/S NONA driving through muddy water
16. W/S Soldiers getting into tank
17. M/S Vladimir Shamanov
18. W/S Soldiers
19. W/S Drills
20. W/S Soldiers walking away
Russia: Russia's 76th Airborne Division present '269 NONA'
The 76th Airborne Division, a military branch of service of the Russian Military, staged drills Wednesday demonstrating how airborne soldiers live in the field. The drill also featured firing exercises and tactical training. The division, held under command of the head of Russian airborne forces Vladimir Shamanov, presented the 269 NONA gun mount, fired with controlled projectiles. The 2S9 NONA-S is an amphibious vehicle, consisting of a 4 people crew; a commander, driver/mechanic, a gunner and a loader. The 2S9 utilises a 120mm 2A60 mortar with a 1.8 meter long barrel.
The 76th Airborne Division was originally established in 1939 as the 157th Rifle, during WWII it was known as the 76th Guards Rifle Division that fought on the USSR's south. Later on, it became the 76th Airborne Division. From 1988-1992, this division's fighters took part in preventing national conflicts on former USSR territory. In the 1990's, the division fought in both the first and second Chechen wars. In the 2006, the 76th Airborne Division became an Air Assault Division.
In 2008 the division was involved in the South Ossetia War and took part in The Battle of Tskhinvali. 50 Heroes of the Soviet Union and 33 Heroes of the Russian Federation are among this division. The 76th Division has 3 regiments - 104th, 234th and 237th. Now the division is fully composed of professional soldiers, not conscripted ones. The division is provided with 'smart' weapons like controlled missiles and the 2S9 NONA vehicles.
wn.com/Russia Russia's 76Th Airborne Division Present '269 Nona'
1. M/S 2S9 NONA firing
2. W/S 2S9 NONA driving
3. M/S Soldier watching live NONA cam
4. C/U Live NONA cam
5. W/S NONA driving
6. M/S Soldier launches moving target
7. M/S Soldier on bank
8. M/S Air-force watching the drill
9. C/U Soldier looking through binoculars
10. W/S Soldiers
11. W/S NONA driving through muddy water
12. W/S NONA driving
13. W/S NONA driving
14. M/S Soldiers looking at map
15. W/S NONA driving through muddy water
16. W/S Soldiers getting into tank
17. M/S Vladimir Shamanov
18. W/S Soldiers
19. W/S Drills
20. W/S Soldiers walking away
Russia: Russia's 76th Airborne Division present '269 NONA'
The 76th Airborne Division, a military branch of service of the Russian Military, staged drills Wednesday demonstrating how airborne soldiers live in the field. The drill also featured firing exercises and tactical training. The division, held under command of the head of Russian airborne forces Vladimir Shamanov, presented the 269 NONA gun mount, fired with controlled projectiles. The 2S9 NONA-S is an amphibious vehicle, consisting of a 4 people crew; a commander, driver/mechanic, a gunner and a loader. The 2S9 utilises a 120mm 2A60 mortar with a 1.8 meter long barrel.
The 76th Airborne Division was originally established in 1939 as the 157th Rifle, during WWII it was known as the 76th Guards Rifle Division that fought on the USSR's south. Later on, it became the 76th Airborne Division. From 1988-1992, this division's fighters took part in preventing national conflicts on former USSR territory. In the 1990's, the division fought in both the first and second Chechen wars. In the 2006, the 76th Airborne Division became an Air Assault Division.
In 2008 the division was involved in the South Ossetia War and took part in The Battle of Tskhinvali. 50 Heroes of the Soviet Union and 33 Heroes of the Russian Federation are among this division. The 76th Division has 3 regiments - 104th, 234th and 237th. Now the division is fully composed of professional soldiers, not conscripted ones. The division is provided with 'smart' weapons like controlled missiles and the 2S9 NONA vehicles.
- published: 17 Apr 2014
- views: 401
2S23 Nona-SVK 120-mm Self-Propelled Mortar System | Military-Today.com
www.military-today.com/artillery/2s23_nona_svk.htm The 2S23 Nona-SVK self-propelled mortar system was developed in the late 80s. It is a variant of the tracked ...
www.military-today.com/artillery/2s23_nona_svk.htm The 2S23 Nona-SVK self-propelled mortar system was developed in the late 80s. It is a variant of the tracked 2S9 Nona-S, which was designed for the Soviet air assault divisions.
wn.com/2S23 Nona Svk 120 Mm Self Propelled Mortar System | Military Today.Com
www.military-today.com/artillery/2s23_nona_svk.htm The 2S23 Nona-SVK self-propelled mortar system was developed in the late 80s. It is a variant of the tracked 2S9 Nona-S, which was designed for the Soviet air assault divisions.
- published: 08 Dec 2013
- views: 2071
Самоходное артиллерийское орудие «Нона-C»
«Нона-С» - 120-мм самоходное артиллерийское орудие. Предназначено для поражения живой силы противника, артиллерийских и минометных батарей, бронетехники и други...
«Нона-С» - 120-мм самоходное артиллерийское орудие. Предназначено для поражения живой силы противника, артиллерийских и минометных батарей, бронетехники и других целей. На вооружении Воздушно-десантных войск с 1981 года. Шасси выполнено на базе плавающего гусеничного бронетранспортера БТР-Д. Силовая установка состоит из дизельного двигателя мощностью 240 л.с.
В сварной башне из стальных броневых листов установлено нарезное казнозарядное артиллерийское орудие, способное вести стрельбу прямой наводкой и с закрытых огневых позиций как минами, так и артиллерийскими снарядами. Заряжание ручное. Может десантироваться парашютно-реактивным способом с самолетов типа Ан-12, Ан-22 и Ил-76.
В боекомплект входят все типы российских и зарубежных 120-мм мин, специально разработанные боеприпасы с осколочно-фугасным снарядом и ОФ активно-реактивным снарядом. Дальность стрельбы снарядами -- 8800 м, минами -- 7100 м. Скорострельность -- 10 выстрелов/мин.
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wn.com/Самоходное Артиллерийское Орудие «Нона C»
«Нона-С» - 120-мм самоходное артиллерийское орудие. Предназначено для поражения живой силы противника, артиллерийских и минометных батарей, бронетехники и других целей. На вооружении Воздушно-десантных войск с 1981 года. Шасси выполнено на базе плавающего гусеничного бронетранспортера БТР-Д. Силовая установка состоит из дизельного двигателя мощностью 240 л.с.
В сварной башне из стальных броневых листов установлено нарезное казнозарядное артиллерийское орудие, способное вести стрельбу прямой наводкой и с закрытых огневых позиций как минами, так и артиллерийскими снарядами. Заряжание ручное. Может десантироваться парашютно-реактивным способом с самолетов типа Ан-12, Ан-22 и Ил-76.
В боекомплект входят все типы российских и зарубежных 120-мм мин, специально разработанные боеприпасы с осколочно-фугасным снарядом и ОФ активно-реактивным снарядом. Дальность стрельбы снарядами -- 8800 м, минами -- 7100 м. Скорострельность -- 10 выстрелов/мин.
Мы в социальных сетях:
- published: 15 Oct 2013
- views: 85840
Russian Artillery Systems
MSTA-S, 2s9 "Nona", 2s31 "Vena", MSTA-B, Bm-21 "Grad", and Bm-30 "Smerch" are featured.
Russian Artillery and indeed the military itself was kindled in the f...
MSTA-S, 2s9 "Nona", 2s31 "Vena", MSTA-B, Bm-21 "Grad", and Bm-30 "Smerch" are featured.
Russian Artillery and indeed the military itself was kindled in the fires of World War Two.
Over 130,000 tons of Soviet artillery was dropped on Nazi Germany and its forces, while the second largest amount artillery during the second world war is claimed by the U.K. at 16,000 tons fired. It is no doubt that Russia is the pioneer of artillery as we know it.
As Russian artillery evolved to fight an even greater war fantastic systems were created such as the Bm-27 "Uragan"
and the 2s3 "Akatsia".
Today Russia's artillery system is second to none with the worlds largest number of various systems totaling more than 15,200 pieces. Closest competitor is China with 12,000 pieces.
wn.com/Russian Artillery Systems
MSTA-S, 2s9 "Nona", 2s31 "Vena", MSTA-B, Bm-21 "Grad", and Bm-30 "Smerch" are featured.
Russian Artillery and indeed the military itself was kindled in the fires of World War Two.
Over 130,000 tons of Soviet artillery was dropped on Nazi Germany and its forces, while the second largest amount artillery during the second world war is claimed by the U.K. at 16,000 tons fired. It is no doubt that Russia is the pioneer of artillery as we know it.
As Russian artillery evolved to fight an even greater war fantastic systems were created such as the Bm-27 "Uragan"
and the 2s3 "Akatsia".
Today Russia's artillery system is second to none with the worlds largest number of various systems totaling more than 15,200 pieces. Closest competitor is China with 12,000 pieces.
- published: 06 Sep 2008
- views: 314039
Parada militara Chisinau 2011, (c) Mischescu
Parada a fost deschisă de către veteranii războiului de pe Nistru, urmați de zeci de alte formațiuni militare din cadrul unităţilor Armatei Naţionale, Ministeru...
Parada a fost deschisă de către veteranii războiului de pe Nistru, urmați de zeci de alte formațiuni militare din cadrul unităţilor Armatei Naţionale, Ministerului Afacerilor Interne, precum şi ai Serviciului Grăniceri. Maşini blindate de tip BTR-80, BRDM - 2, 2S9 Nona, autoturisme de teren şi de bord, precum şi sisteme de armament -- aruncătoare de mine, tunuri antitanc, sisteme antiaeriene, au traversat PMAN din Chisinau pe 27 august 2011.
wn.com/Parada Militara Chisinau 2011, (C) Mischescu
Parada a fost deschisă de către veteranii războiului de pe Nistru, urmați de zeci de alte formațiuni militare din cadrul unităţilor Armatei Naţionale, Ministerului Afacerilor Interne, precum şi ai Serviciului Grăniceri. Maşini blindate de tip BTR-80, BRDM - 2, 2S9 Nona, autoturisme de teren şi de bord, precum şi sisteme de armament -- aruncătoare de mine, tunuri antitanc, sisteme antiaeriene, au traversat PMAN din Chisinau pe 27 august 2011.
- published: 27 Aug 2011
- views: 5308
Terrorists Attack Ukrainian Soldiers Using Artillery
This video was taken from one of separatist YouTube channels "The Voice of Sevastopol." On this video separatists are shooting in the direction of Ukrainian sol...
This video was taken from one of separatist YouTube channels "The Voice of Sevastopol." On this video separatists are shooting in the direction of Ukrainian soldiers from 2S9 Nona with 120 caliber. Voices on the video coordinate fire and at a certain point on 6:40 of the video say that they are shooting the Ukrainian infantry. It looks like terrorists have all the necessary equipment for proper shooting including the night vision devices.
May 13, 2014.
wn.com/Terrorists Attack Ukrainian Soldiers Using Artillery
This video was taken from one of separatist YouTube channels "The Voice of Sevastopol." On this video separatists are shooting in the direction of Ukrainian soldiers from 2S9 Nona with 120 caliber. Voices on the video coordinate fire and at a certain point on 6:40 of the video say that they are shooting the Ukrainian infantry. It looks like terrorists have all the necessary equipment for proper shooting including the night vision devices.
May 13, 2014.
- published: 14 May 2014
- views: 517
Stromsperre durch ukrainische Armee bei Verschiebung verbotener Waffen
Eduard Basurin, Sprecher des Verteidigungsministeriums der Volksrepublik Donezk: In den letzten 24 Stunden blieb die Lage in der Donezker Volksrepublik angespan...
Eduard Basurin, Sprecher des Verteidigungsministeriums der Volksrepublik Donezk: In den letzten 24 Stunden blieb die Lage in der Donezker Volksrepublik angespannt. Die ukrainischen Streitkräfte haben drei Mal gegen die Waffenruhe verstoßen. Von den Siedlungen Peski und Opitnoe wurde durch Mörserbeschuss mit Kaliber 128 Millimeter der Bezirk des Donezker Flughafens getroffen. Es ist die Position der 93. mechanisierte Einzelbrigade unter dem Kommando des Obersten Klatschko. Wie Sie alle wissen, haben wir ihn schon seit langem als Kriegsverbrecher klassifiziert, so wird es auch weiterhin bleiben. Unter Beschuss geriet auch die Siedlung Zajcewo. Der Geheimdienst der VRD bestätigt erneut eine Verletzung des Minsker Abkommens über den Abzug der Waffen über 100 Millimeter. Ich berichte mittlerweile täglich davon. Das letzte, was uns bekannt gegeben wurde,ist, dass in der Siedlung Granitnoe vier Einheiten des Panzermörsers 2S9 Nona-S gesichtet wurde. Ich möchte daran erinnern,dass die Trennlinie dort 500 Meter entfernt ist. In den Siedlungen Marienka befinden sich zehn Einheiten von Selbstfahrlafetten, die in Privathäusern versteckt sind. Nordöstlich der Siedlung Olginka sind acht Einheiten von Transportpanzern und Schützenpanzerwagen gesichtet worden. Das ist 12 Kilometer von der Trennlinie entfernt. Aber warum bemerken wir genau diese Siedlung? Dort befinden sich das Mehrfachraketenwerfersystem BM-21 „Grad“ und vier Granatwerfer mit Kaliber 120 Millimeter. Diese Technik ist für die Kampfsicherung verboten. Die ukrainische Seite zieht weiter nationalistische Truppen zur Trennlinie zusammen. In den Siedlungen Marienka und Nowotroiizkoe wurde die Ankunft von Aidar- und Asow- Kämpfern festgestellt. Sie besetzen Privathäuser der einheimischen Bewohner. Somit zeigen sie ihre Mißachtung bezüglich der Bevölkerung des Donbasses, die auf okkupierten Territorium (unter Ukrainischer Kontrolle) wohnen. Somit ist die politisch-militärische Führung der Ukraine nicht bemüht, das vom Präsidenten der Ukraine unterschriebene Minsk Abkommen über den Abzug der Waffen und der Waffenruhe, zu erfüllen. Ich möchte noch ergänzen. Sie haben ihre Taktik bei der Verschiebung der Waffen verändert. Sie machen es nachts. Aber es gibt eine Besonderheit dabei, die neu ist: Während der Verschiebung der verbotenen Waffen schalten sie den Strom in den Siedlungen ab. In der Siedlung wird es dunkel, in diese Zeit durchfährt die Militärtechnik die Siedlung. Danach wird der Strom wieder eingeschaltet.
wn.com/Stromsperre Durch Ukrainische Armee Bei Verschiebung Verbotener Waffen
Eduard Basurin, Sprecher des Verteidigungsministeriums der Volksrepublik Donezk: In den letzten 24 Stunden blieb die Lage in der Donezker Volksrepublik angespannt. Die ukrainischen Streitkräfte haben drei Mal gegen die Waffenruhe verstoßen. Von den Siedlungen Peski und Opitnoe wurde durch Mörserbeschuss mit Kaliber 128 Millimeter der Bezirk des Donezker Flughafens getroffen. Es ist die Position der 93. mechanisierte Einzelbrigade unter dem Kommando des Obersten Klatschko. Wie Sie alle wissen, haben wir ihn schon seit langem als Kriegsverbrecher klassifiziert, so wird es auch weiterhin bleiben. Unter Beschuss geriet auch die Siedlung Zajcewo. Der Geheimdienst der VRD bestätigt erneut eine Verletzung des Minsker Abkommens über den Abzug der Waffen über 100 Millimeter. Ich berichte mittlerweile täglich davon. Das letzte, was uns bekannt gegeben wurde,ist, dass in der Siedlung Granitnoe vier Einheiten des Panzermörsers 2S9 Nona-S gesichtet wurde. Ich möchte daran erinnern,dass die Trennlinie dort 500 Meter entfernt ist. In den Siedlungen Marienka befinden sich zehn Einheiten von Selbstfahrlafetten, die in Privathäusern versteckt sind. Nordöstlich der Siedlung Olginka sind acht Einheiten von Transportpanzern und Schützenpanzerwagen gesichtet worden. Das ist 12 Kilometer von der Trennlinie entfernt. Aber warum bemerken wir genau diese Siedlung? Dort befinden sich das Mehrfachraketenwerfersystem BM-21 „Grad“ und vier Granatwerfer mit Kaliber 120 Millimeter. Diese Technik ist für die Kampfsicherung verboten. Die ukrainische Seite zieht weiter nationalistische Truppen zur Trennlinie zusammen. In den Siedlungen Marienka und Nowotroiizkoe wurde die Ankunft von Aidar- und Asow- Kämpfern festgestellt. Sie besetzen Privathäuser der einheimischen Bewohner. Somit zeigen sie ihre Mißachtung bezüglich der Bevölkerung des Donbasses, die auf okkupierten Territorium (unter Ukrainischer Kontrolle) wohnen. Somit ist die politisch-militärische Führung der Ukraine nicht bemüht, das vom Präsidenten der Ukraine unterschriebene Minsk Abkommen über den Abzug der Waffen und der Waffenruhe, zu erfüllen. Ich möchte noch ergänzen. Sie haben ihre Taktik bei der Verschiebung der Waffen verändert. Sie machen es nachts. Aber es gibt eine Besonderheit dabei, die neu ist: Während der Verschiebung der verbotenen Waffen schalten sie den Strom in den Siedlungen ab. In der Siedlung wird es dunkel, in diese Zeit durchfährt die Militärtechnik die Siedlung. Danach wird der Strom wieder eingeschaltet.
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 212
[eng subs] Fight in Nikishino, interview with Biker 21/11/14
About 15:00 of 20th November, despite the ceasefire agreement, 1st Slavyansk battalion positions in Nikishino were attacked by UAF BMP.
NAF forces hit damaged ...
About 15:00 of 20th November, despite the ceasefire agreement, 1st Slavyansk battalion positions in Nikishino were attacked by UAF BMP.
NAF forces hit damaged the BMP, UA tank arrived to drag the destroyed vehicle out, but was set afire by the GL itself, infantry that was sent to support the tank was pinned down by PTRD and AGS fire. In 40 minute UA troops get their heavy artillery involved starting artillery barrage at NAF positions, UA 2S9 Nona made few shots as well.
By 17:30 everything was over, despite the damage electronics UA tankers managed to start the tank engine and drag the destroyed BMP out.
wn.com/Eng Subs Fight In Nikishino, Interview With Biker 21 11 14
About 15:00 of 20th November, despite the ceasefire agreement, 1st Slavyansk battalion positions in Nikishino were attacked by UAF BMP.
NAF forces hit damaged the BMP, UA tank arrived to drag the destroyed vehicle out, but was set afire by the GL itself, infantry that was sent to support the tank was pinned down by PTRD and AGS fire. In 40 minute UA troops get their heavy artillery involved starting artillery barrage at NAF positions, UA 2S9 Nona made few shots as well.
By 17:30 everything was over, despite the damage electronics UA tankers managed to start the tank engine and drag the destroyed BMP out.
- published: 22 Nov 2014
- views: 2989
Sự trả lời của VN đối với Tàu Khửa
Link dowload All Template styles : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uBQ0Vaa9HE&list;=PLqcmVBlnYZRNGbzGc_m2SsE6pkmV4ZNLD
Link dowload All Template styles : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uBQ0Vaa9HE&list;=PLqcmVBlnYZRNGbzGc_m2SsE6pkmV4ZNLD
Quân Đội Nhân Dân Việt Nam
Dj Pablo - One Bboy
QUÂN SỐ THƯỜNG TRỰC: 455,000 người (Trong đó: Lục quân 412,000, hải quân 13,000, Phòng không ?" Không quân 30,000); lực lượng bán vũ trang 40,000 người.
QUÂN DỰ BỊ: 5,000,000 người
LỤC QUÂN: 412,000 người
Trang bị
Xe tăng chiến đấu chủ lực (MBT) 1,315: 70 T-62; 350 Type-59; 850 T-54/T-55; 45 T-34
Xe tăng hạng nhẹ 620: 300 PT-76; 320 Type-62/Type-63
Xe trinh sát RECCE 100: BRDM-1/BRDM-2
Xe chiến đấu bộ binh bọc thép AIFV 300 BMP-1/BMP-2
Xe bọc thép chở quân APC 1,380: Bánh xích APC (T) 280: 200 M-113 (to be upgraded); 80 Type-63; Bánh hơi APC (W) 1,100 BTR-152/BTR-40/BTR-50/BTR-60
Pháo các loại: ARTY 3,040+
Pháo xe kéo TOWED 2,300 76mm/85mm/M-1944 100mm/M-101
105mm/M-102 105mm/D-30 122mm/Type-54 (M-30) M-
1938 122mm/Type-60 (D-74) 122mm/M-46 130mm/D-20
152mm/M-114 155mm
Pháo tự hành SP 152mm 30 2S3; 175mm: M-107
Cối tự hành GUN/MOR ? 120mm 2S9 NONA (reported)
Pháo phản lực bắn loạt MRL 710+: 107mm 360: 360 Type-63; 122mm 350 BM-21; 140mm: BM-14
Cối MOR: 82mm: some; 120mm M-43; 160mm M-43
Chống tăng AT
MSL AT-3 Sagger
DKZ chống tăng RCL 75mm Type-56; 82mm Type-65 (B-10); 87mm Type-51
Pháo GUNS 100mm Su-100 SP; T-12 (arty); 122mm Su-122 SP
Phòng không AD
Tên lửa vác vai SAM MANPAD: SA-16 Gimlet/SA-18 Grouse (Igla)/SA-7
Pháo phòng không GUNS 12,000 100mm/14.5mm/30mm/37mm/57mm/
85mm/ZSU-23-4 SP 23mm
Tên lửa đất đối đất MSL SSM Scud-B/Scud-C (reported)
wn.com/Sự Trả Lời Của Vn Đối Với Tàu Khửa
Link dowload All Template styles : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uBQ0Vaa9HE&list;=PLqcmVBlnYZRNGbzGc_m2SsE6pkmV4ZNLD
Quân Đội Nhân Dân Việt Nam
Dj Pablo - One Bboy
QUÂN SỐ THƯỜNG TRỰC: 455,000 người (Trong đó: Lục quân 412,000, hải quân 13,000, Phòng không ?" Không quân 30,000); lực lượng bán vũ trang 40,000 người.
QUÂN DỰ BỊ: 5,000,000 người
LỤC QUÂN: 412,000 người
Trang bị
Xe tăng chiến đấu chủ lực (MBT) 1,315: 70 T-62; 350 Type-59; 850 T-54/T-55; 45 T-34
Xe tăng hạng nhẹ 620: 300 PT-76; 320 Type-62/Type-63
Xe trinh sát RECCE 100: BRDM-1/BRDM-2
Xe chiến đấu bộ binh bọc thép AIFV 300 BMP-1/BMP-2
Xe bọc thép chở quân APC 1,380: Bánh xích APC (T) 280: 200 M-113 (to be upgraded); 80 Type-63; Bánh hơi APC (W) 1,100 BTR-152/BTR-40/BTR-50/BTR-60
Pháo các loại: ARTY 3,040+
Pháo xe kéo TOWED 2,300 76mm/85mm/M-1944 100mm/M-101
105mm/M-102 105mm/D-30 122mm/Type-54 (M-30) M-
1938 122mm/Type-60 (D-74) 122mm/M-46 130mm/D-20
152mm/M-114 155mm
Pháo tự hành SP 152mm 30 2S3; 175mm: M-107
Cối tự hành GUN/MOR ? 120mm 2S9 NONA (reported)
Pháo phản lực bắn loạt MRL 710+: 107mm 360: 360 Type-63; 122mm 350 BM-21; 140mm: BM-14
Cối MOR: 82mm: some; 120mm M-43; 160mm M-43
Chống tăng AT
MSL AT-3 Sagger
DKZ chống tăng RCL 75mm Type-56; 82mm Type-65 (B-10); 87mm Type-51
Pháo GUNS 100mm Su-100 SP; T-12 (arty); 122mm Su-122 SP
Phòng không AD
Tên lửa vác vai SAM MANPAD: SA-16 Gimlet/SA-18 Grouse (Igla)/SA-7
Pháo phòng không GUNS 12,000 100mm/14.5mm/30mm/37mm/57mm/
85mm/ZSU-23-4 SP 23mm
Tên lửa đất đối đất MSL SSM Scud-B/Scud-C (reported)
- published: 23 Apr 2012
- views: 1292104
Сводка событий за 16 октября 2015 года. Eng
The Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic 3 times. The DPR Ministry of Defense reported to the Donetsk News Agency today...
The Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic 3 times. The DPR Ministry of Defense reported to the Donetsk News Agency today. The situation remains difficult in the DPR. According to the Ministry of Defense, the area of the airport and Zaytsevo (the suburb of Gorlovka) were subjected to fire. The fighters used mortar-guns, grenade launchers and small-arms.
DPR reconnaissance teams registered 26 units of the Ukrainian military equipment near the contact line. The Deputy CommAnder of Corps of the DPR the Ministry of Defence Eduard Basurin reported at a press-conference today. There are 4 self-propElled guns 2S9 “Nona” in Granitnoe, 10 self-propElled guns in Marinka, they are masked in the houses, 8 armoured vehicles and armoured personnel cArriers to the north-east of Olginka, they secure multiple rocket launcher systems “Grad” and 4 mortar guns of 120-mm calibre”- Basurin lists.
The Ukrainian Armed Forces brought up extrEmist battAlions "Azov" and “Aydar” to the contact line. Eduard Basurin reported at a briefing in the press-centre. They take over homes in Marinka and Novotroitskoe.
Kiev plucked the exchange of prisoners between the Ukrainian Armed Forces, DPR and LPR. It was scheduled today in Lugansk. DPR’s human rights ombudswoman Daria Morozova reported on Friday. Kiev demanded to release additional two more captives. The date of the next exchange isn’t unknown. As a result of shelling 5 civilians were wounded for 7 day in the DPR. It has reported by the Office of the Ombudsperson Human rights today.
The next stage of the withdrAwal of artillery systems to 100 mm in caliber from the contact line will carried on October 21 st. Basurin reported today. There are 3 stages: Debaltsevo, southern direction and the part of the contact line near the DPR.
wn.com/Сводка Событий За 16 Октября 2015 Года. Eng
The Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic 3 times. The DPR Ministry of Defense reported to the Donetsk News Agency today. The situation remains difficult in the DPR. According to the Ministry of Defense, the area of the airport and Zaytsevo (the suburb of Gorlovka) were subjected to fire. The fighters used mortar-guns, grenade launchers and small-arms.
DPR reconnaissance teams registered 26 units of the Ukrainian military equipment near the contact line. The Deputy CommAnder of Corps of the DPR the Ministry of Defence Eduard Basurin reported at a press-conference today. There are 4 self-propElled guns 2S9 “Nona” in Granitnoe, 10 self-propElled guns in Marinka, they are masked in the houses, 8 armoured vehicles and armoured personnel cArriers to the north-east of Olginka, they secure multiple rocket launcher systems “Grad” and 4 mortar guns of 120-mm calibre”- Basurin lists.
The Ukrainian Armed Forces brought up extrEmist battAlions "Azov" and “Aydar” to the contact line. Eduard Basurin reported at a briefing in the press-centre. They take over homes in Marinka and Novotroitskoe.
Kiev plucked the exchange of prisoners between the Ukrainian Armed Forces, DPR and LPR. It was scheduled today in Lugansk. DPR’s human rights ombudswoman Daria Morozova reported on Friday. Kiev demanded to release additional two more captives. The date of the next exchange isn’t unknown. As a result of shelling 5 civilians were wounded for 7 day in the DPR. It has reported by the Office of the Ombudsperson Human rights today.
The next stage of the withdrAwal of artillery systems to 100 mm in caliber from the contact line will carried on October 21 st. Basurin reported today. There are 3 stages: Debaltsevo, southern direction and the part of the contact line near the DPR.
- published: 16 Oct 2015
- views: 111