Labor sinking in sea of denial

Labor sinking in sea of denial

LABOR’S angry reaction to truth-telling about refugees shows it still doesn’t get it, writes Andrew Bolt.

No tolerating blatant disrespect

No tolerating blatant disrespect

THOSE who show disrespect to our courts are showing contempt for society and tolerating such blatant behaviour is a sign of weakness, writes Rita Panahi.

IVF is expensive but so worth it

IVF is expensive but so worth it

EVERYONE knows about IVF but few understand how expensive, complicated and stressful it can be. But when it works, it’s a beautiful thing, writes Alice Clarke.

Too lenient on sex predators

Too lenient on sex predators

AT first glance the jail term given to a man who abused his surrogate twins looks tough but consider the facts and it’s not long enough, writes Elise Elliott.

Nowhere to hide if tough calls turn bad

Nowhere to hide if tough calls turn bad

Holding people’s lives in your hands is a crushing responsibility but the Parole Board is rehabilitating itself and restoring trust, writes Andrew Rule.

Jared Tallent a beacon amid Games’ drugs gloom

Jared Tallent a beacon amid Games’ drugs gloom

Jared Tallent will finally get the gold medal that first went to a cheat, but the shadow of drug abuse is still hanging over the Olympic Games, writes Patrick Carlyon.

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Councils need to back SES

Councils need to back SES

NO one will deny the great duty that the State Emergency Service has provided to the citizens of Victoria for decades.

Bernie drives GP cash grab

Bernie drives GP cash grab

FORMULA One supremo Bernie Ecclestone has no respect. The outspoken Grand Prix boss has taken his massive fee and run off at the mouth against the very people who pay him.

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