American Spoken English- Master Spoken English-Tape 04
Magic learning
English method (extracted and translated from ebook "Cách học tiếng Anh thần kỳ" of doremon-nobita - Email:
- 4 hours daily
Complete in 2 years
First 6 months: (1st to 6th month)
- First 2 months and 20 days (80 days)
Listening Practice through Dictation(LPTD) 1 and 2 : listen and read along (read transcripts by eyes at the same time of listening) 10 units/lessons daily, 10 times each unit within 10 days. After 10 days, change to next 10 units.
2. Learn to pronounce with
American Spoken English, Pronunciation
Workshop and Mastering the American Accents. 1 hour daily.
Watch the
Friends comedy show with caption/subtitles on, 2 episodes daily.
Next 1 month and 18 days (next 48 days)
Repeat LPTD 2 and additional LPTD 3: listen 10 units daily, 8 times each unit within 12 days. After 12 days, change to next 10 units.
Read ALOUD LPTD 1. Read ALOUD 10 units daily, read each unit twice (2 times) within 12 days. After 12 days, change to next 10 units.
3. Watch the Friends comedy show with caption/subtitles on, 2 episodes daily.
-Next 2 months (next 60 days)
1. Repeat LPTD 3 and additional LPTD 4: listen 10 units daily, 6 times each unit within 15 days. After 15 days, change to next 10 units.
2. Read ALOUD LPTD 2. Read ALOUD 10 units daily, read each unit twice (2 times) within 15 days. After 15 days, change to next 10 units.
Rewrite LPTD 1. Rewrite each unit daily. Rewrite each unit at least twice (in 2 months). Learn them by heart after rewriting completely.
4. Watch the Friends comedy show with caption/subtitles on, 2 episodes daily.
- Next 4 months (from month 7th to month 10th)
Listen to 30 Ministory lessons of Effortless
English Power English Now. Listen 3 lessons daily, 4 times each lesson within 12 days. After 12 days, change to next 3 lessons.
2. Read ALOUD LPTD 3 and 4. Read ALOUD 10 units daily, read each unit twice (2 times) within 12 days. After 12 days, change to next 10 units.
3. Rewrite LPTD 2,
3,4. Rewrite each unit daily. Rewrite each unit at least twice (in 4 months). Learn them by heart after rewriting completely.
4. After read ALOUD all LPTD, then start to read ALOUD Ministory
1-6. Read ALOUD 3 lessons daily, read each lesson once (1 time) within 12 days. After 12 days, change to next 3 lessons.
5. Watch the Friends comedy show with caption/subtitles on, 2 episodes daily.
- Next 2 months (from month 11th to month 12th)
1. Listen to 22
POV lessons of Effortless English Power English Now. Listen 7 lessons daily, 2 times each lesson within 20 days. After 20 days, change to next 7 lessons.
2. Read ALOUD Ministory 7-24. Read ALOUD 3 lessons daily, read each unit once (1 time) within 10 days. After 10 days, change to next 3 lessons.
3. After read ALOUD each lesson is done, then rewrite them. Rewrite 1 lesson in 2 days, rewrite once for each lesson.
4. Watch the Friends comedy show
- Next 4 months (from month
13th to month
1. Listen to 30 Mainstory lessons of Effortless English Power English Now. Listen 3 lessons daily, 4 times each lesson within 12 days. After 12 days, change to next 3 lessons.
2. Read ALOUD Ministory 25-30. Read ALOUD 3 lessons daily, read each unit once (1 time) within 10 days. After 10 days, change to next 3 lessons.
3. After read ALOUD Ministory is done, then reread 22 POV lessons. Reread 7 lessons daily, once for each lesson in 10 days. After 10 days, change to next 7 lessons.
4. After read ALOUD POV is done, then reread Mainstory
1-21 lessons. Reread 3 lessons daily, once for each lesson in 10 days. After 10 days, change to next 3 lessons.
5. Rewrite Ministory and POV lessons, 1 lesson in 2 days, rewrite once for each lesson.
6. Watch the Friends comedy show...
- Next 2 months (from month 17th to month
1. Listen to 30
Vocab lessons of Effortless English Power English Now. Listen 5 lessons daily, 4 times each lesson within 10 days. After 10 days, change to next 5 lessons.
2. Read ALOUD Mainstory 22-30. Read ALOUD 3 lessons daily, read each unit once (1 time) within 10 days. After 10 days, change to next 3 lessons.
3. After read ALOUD Mainstory is done, then reread Vocab
1-15 lessons. Reread 5 lessons daily, once for each lesson in 10 days. After 10 days, change to next 5 lessons.
4. Rewrite remain POV and Mainstory lessons, 1 lesson in 2 days, rewrite once for each lesson.
5. Watch the Friends comedy show...
Last 6 moths (from month 19th to month
1. Listen to audio books. At least 2 hours daily. Listen twice each book. Read along book content while listening.
Select suitable books (short/long) by yourself to listen within a day.
2. Read ALOUD remain Vocab lessons following above way.
3. After read ALOUD 30 Vocab lessons is done, then reread Ministory and POV lessons.
4. Rewrite remain Mainstory and 30 Vocab lessons following above way.
5. Watch the Friends comedy show...