- published: 06 May 2015
- views: 10899
Eckhart von Hochheim O.P. (c. 1260 – c. 1328), commonly known as Meister Eckhart [ˈmaɪ̯stɐ ˈɛkʰaʀt], was a German theologian, philosopher and mystic, born near Gotha, in the Landgraviate of Thuringia in the Holy Roman Empire.
Eckhart came into prominence during the Avignon Papacy, at a time of increased tensions between monastic orders, diocesan clergy, the Franciscan Order, and Eckhart's Dominican Order of Preachers. In later life, he was accused of heresy and brought up before the local Franciscan-led Inquisition, and tried as a heretic by Pope John XXII. He seems to have died before his verdict was received.
He was well known for his work with pious lay groups such as the Friends of God and was succeeded by his more circumspect disciples John Tauler and Henry Suso. Since the 19th century, he has received renewed attention. He has acquired a status as a great mystic within contemporary popular spirituality, as well as considerable interest from scholars situating him within the medieval scholastic and philosophical tradition.
Eckhart may be:
Meister means master in German (as in master craftsman, or as an honorific title such as Meister Eckhart). The word is akin to maestro. In sports, Meister is used for the current national, European or world champion (Deutscher Meister, *Europameister, Weltmeister). Many modern day German police forces use the title Meister. During the Second World War, Meister was the highest enlisted rank of the Ordnungspolizei.
Meister has been borrowed into English slang, where it is used in compound nouns. A person referred to as “Meister” is one who has extensive theoretical knowledge and practical skills in his profession, business, or some other kind of work or activity. For example, a “puzzle-meister” would be someone highly skilled at solving puzzles. These neologisms sometimes have a sarcastic intent (for example, “stubble-meister” for someone with a short, neat beard or “crier-meister” for someone who often cries).
Meister is derived from the Latin word "magister" (teacher), the Yiddish "mayster," and the German "meister" from Old High German "meistar."
Meister Eckhart — Meister Eckhart's Sermons {audiobook}
The Birth Within: The Wisdom of Meister Eckhart
Union with the Divine: The Mysticism of Meister Eckhart
The Nearness of the Kingdom by Meister Eckhart
Eckhart Tolle_Meister Eckhart
Meister Eckhart: A Mystic Warrior for Our Times
Meister Eckhart - Über die innere Armut
When I Was the Forest - Meister Eckhart
The Secret to Divine Consolation by Meister Eckhart
Meister Eckhart Museum Rietberg Zürich
Predigt 1 Meister Eckhart-Intravit Jesus in Templum
Teachings from the fourteenth century Master, Meister Eckhart on the union of the soul with God and the birth within. Material on Meister Eckhart may be found in the book "Journey of the Anointed One" available on Amazon and Kindle here: https://www.amazon.com/Journey-Anointed-One-Breakthrough-Spiritual/dp/0983769710/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid;=1466517790&sr;=8-1&keywords;=journey+of+the+anointed+one+nottingham
A teaching from the fourteenth century Master, Meister Eckhart on the union of the soul with God and the birth within.
Meister Eckhart (c. 1260-1327), a Dominican friar and German mystic was a renowned theologian whose teachings, though popular among the monastic and lay populations that he preached to, deviated enough from the accepted language of the Catholic Church that he was tried as a heretic in 1327. At his trial, Eckhart explained all challenged doctrines, asserting that heresy required intentionality which he did not possess. Before the verdict was handed down Eckhart disappeared. Since the 19th century, he has received renewed attention.Within popular spirituality he has acquired a status as a great mystic, though contemporary scholarship places him properly within the mediaeval scholastic and philosophical tradition. The Nearness of the Kingdom by Meister Eckhart. Go to LearnOutLoud.com to down...
The teachings of Meister Eckhart are vast and transformative. Listen closely to this audio and dive into one of the most profound teachings in our spiritual history.
Bestselling author Matthew Fox explains how the teachings of 13th century religious maverick Meister Eckhart offers insights into how we can heal todays most pressing issues. For more info visit: http://bit.ly/1sqVX0t
Ausgehend von der Bibelstelle „Selig sind die Armen im Geiste, denn das Himmelreich ist ihrer." (Matth. 5.3) meditiert Meister Eckhart über drei Formen der inneren Armut (Ausschnitt aus der Predigt : „Selig sind die Armen im Geiste"). „So quitt und ledig also, sagen wir, soll der Mensch stehen, daß er nicht wisse noch erkenne, daß Gott in ihm wirke, und so kann der Mensch Armut besitzen." Meister Eckhart Gesprochen von Axel Grube (onomato Verlag)
Meister Eckhart und die Mystik des Westens 1986
For then I knew my soul - every soul - has always held Him. - Meister Eckhart Donna is an author http://donnagoddard.com/
A reading from the great fourteenth century mystic Meister Eckhart from his work "The Divine Consolation" expressing timeless and universal wisdom for bringing the soul into union with the Holy. In this high and paradoxical teaching, we find the essence of mystical detachment. Yet that transcendence and emptying of self is only to be filled with the sacred love of God which enables unconditional love of others. Further exploration of these teachings are offered online to serious spiritual seekers at: http://innerworkforspiritualawakening.com
INSTALLATION In the exhibit "Mysticism - Yearning for the Absolute" (23 September 2011 to 15 January 2012) at the Rietberg Museum Zürich Concept: Albert Lutz and Hildegard Elisabeth Keller Music: Anderscht (Andrea Kind, Baldur Stocker, Fredy Zuberbühler) Text and Voice: Jörg Schröder read sections of Master Eckhart's sermons (Sections of "Das Kamel und das Nadelöhr. Eine Begegnung zwischen Zhuangzi und Meister Eckhart" (Zürich: vdf-Verlag 2011). ISBN 978-3-7281-3436-3 Visuals in this documentation: Hildegard Elisabeth Keller Production: Russell Sheaffar and Hildegard Elisabeth Keller, 2012
text excerpts from Everything as Divine, The Wisdom of Meister Eckhart.
Venerdì 17 febbraio / h 21.00 @ Teatro Everest Tre sermoni tedeschi di Meister Eckhart Tre storie di Armando Pirozzi uno spettacolo di Massimiliano Civica con Valentina Curatoli, Marcello Sambati, Diego Sepe costumi di Grazia Materia per Viola Attraverso il furore intreccia tre sermoni del predicatore domenicano Meister Eckhart con tre brevi quadri scritti dal drammaturgo Armando Pirozzi, incentrati sul dialogo tra due personaggi, un uomo e una donna. Marcello Sambati leggerà i tre sermoni di Meister Eckhart, mentre Valentina Curatoli e Diego Sepe interpreteranno i personaggi delle tre storie. Lo spettacolo è ispirato dai Sermoni Tedeschi di Meister Eckhart, ma non ne vuole essere un commento o una traduzione scenica. È la descrizione dell’incontro tra personaggi colti nel momento del ...
In occasione dell'uscita del volume: Meister Eckhart, Commenti all'Antico Testamento, Ed. Bompiani, Collana , Milano 2012, Massimo Cacciari discute con Marco Vannini, Curatore dell'opera. Saluti di p. Andrea Dall' Asta S.J., Direttore della Galleria San Fedele.
Ost und West begegnen einander: Meister Eckhart und Zhuangzi. Dies wäre zu ihren Lebzeiten nicht möglich gewesen: Der eine war Mönch und lebte im deutschsprachigen Westen von 1260 bis vermutlich 1328. Der andere war Wanderphilosoph in Südchina und lebte im 4. Jahrhundert vor unserer Zeitrechnung. Two masters, one from the West, the other from the East, meet one another: Meister Eckhart und Zhuangzi. This wouldn't have been possible during their lifetimes: the first was a monk and lived in Germany from 1260 to about 1328. The other was a wandering philosopher in southern China who lived during the fourth century before the common era.
Yoni é o nome sânscrito da energia feminina cósmica, a energia da criação eterna. É o nome da vulva sagrada da Grande Mãe, presente no corpo de todas as mulheres, como uma gruta iniciatica de mistérios profundos, como a noite primordial de onde nasce a Luz. Yoni é a minha experiência como Mulher, e como Mãe gestante. É uma performance que foi criada e apresentada aos 8 meses de gestação do meu primeiro filho e que agora, 8 meses depois da sua chegada a esta Terra estranha mas abençoada, pela porta do meu ventre, revisito. É um momento onde me visitam na consciência e no subconsciente todas as forças arquetipicas do Ser que sou e da força que uma mulher gravida e depois Mãe pode ter, como um manancial infinito. É um rito de passagem iniciatico, pelo reino das aguas uterinas, pelas emoçõ...
De 66ste aflevering van Armada, tijdschrift voor wereldliteratuur focust, parallel aan het thema van de Maand van de Filosofie, op datgene wat zowel het meest onzichtbare als het sterkst betwijfelde aspect van de mens vormt: de ziel. Feestelijke lancering met bijdragen van Joke J. Hermsen, Roel Bentz van den Berg, Christine Otten, Henk van der Waal en Rudi te Velde. De 66ste aflevering van Armada, tijdschrift voor wereldliteratuur (onder gastredactie van Joke J. Hermsen) focust, parallel aan het thema van de Maand van de Filosofie (april), op datgene wat zowel het meest onzichtbare als het sterkst betwijfelde aspect van de mens vormt: de ziel. Na eeuwenlang door de wetenschap als een onzinnig en vooral ‘bijgelovig’ concept terzijde te zijn geschoven, is de ziel nu bezig aan een bescheide...
SERIES: "Baggage: Let it go. Live free." TOPIC: Becoming Your Authentic Self SPEAKER: Darin Brown, Outreach Pastor DATE: 6/17/12 Self-awareness and your relationship with God are intricately connected. In the thirteenth century, Meister Eckhart, a Dominican writer wrote, "No one can know God who does not first know himself." St. Teresa of Avila wrote "Almost all problems in the spiritual life stem from a lack of self-knowledge." We've all heard expressions like, "There's more than just what meets the eye," and "All is not as it appears," or"You've got to get below the surface." When it comes to your life...what lies beneath? There is so much more to our lives that what we reveal to others or the way that we appear to others. Things like: emotional pain, relational scars, damaging expe...
Interview of Professor Bernard McGinn on Christian Mysticism.
DESCRIPTION: http://Leehamster.com - 2013.09.26 - 7eC-8OtpL_U - Eckhart Tolle Interview ___________________________________________________ MORE VIDEOS: Eckhart Tolle On Facebook June 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9f7XY0FJlI Eckhart Tolle Interview with Nina Rhodes 1998 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHcK8PHy9-c Eckhart Tolle - short but important interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkkqp3mMjRk Eckhart Tolle Interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5slhxSbUYhQ Eckhart Tolle Interview SAND Conf 2012: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnIADZ7z6ac Eckhart Tolle - Responsibility: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6vVwh-KGEc Conversations on Compassion: Eckhart Tolle, spiritual teacher and author: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M00VLswZdyc The Most Powerful Video on Spirituality...
The teachings of Meister Eckhart are vast and transformative. Listen closely to this audio and dive into one of the most profound teachings in our spiritual history.
Eckhart Tolle leads a meditation on "The Power of the Present Moment" at Wisdom 2.0 2014. Join us at our upcoming event Wisdom 2.0 2017 at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco, February 17-19. Learn more at http://wisdom2conference.com
A teaching from the fourteenth century Master, Meister Eckhart on the union of the soul with God and the birth within.
Michael A. Rodriguez is a spiritual Teacher and Author of the book “The Uncreated Light of Awareness” In this interview Michael tells us about his spiritual yearning as a child and his voracious thirst for Truth, how he became disenchanted with academia and entering a monastic life. He ate, drank, breathed, lived and slept Non-Duality and went through a 5 year purification and alchemical transformation called “Poverty” by Meister Eckhart. He says: “If you think the Universe came first, you are it’s prisoner, when you know that you came first, you are free”. www.BoundlessAwareness.org.
In many ways, Meister Eckhart has had to wait seven centuries to be heard. Born in 13th century Germany, much of his life was spent in a monastery; though not all. The Meister in his name means Master, and is an academic title from the University of Paris. An admired member of the Dominican Order, he was often sent to reform ailing priories. He was known also as a spiritual counsellor; a safe haven for many who sought God in their life, but found themselves troubled by the dire state of the institutional church. And in a century of flowering female spirituality, he was a supportive figure for many Dominican nuns and women in the burgeoning lay communities which arose. He was best known, however, as a preacher an original preacher who used his native German language to startling effect...
Conferenza Sulla Via del Distacco - tratta dalle beatitudini di Meister Eckhart; a Cura di Loris Adauto Muner
Professor Needleman places G.I. Gurdjieff on one level with Meister Eckhart. Interview excerpt with Needleman 26.1.2010 http://www.kqed.org/a/forum/R201001261000 Jean Toomer, Katherine Anne Porter, Hart Crane, Walt Whitman, Ralph Waldo Emerson Oversoul, Richard Maurice Bucke, law of three, law of seven, spiritual discipline, Movements, Sacred Dances, elevation, buddha, awareness, Nirvana, egoism, illusion, ignorance, understanding, hints, clues, energy, mystery, Meetings with remarkable Men.
I'm the kind of gambler
Whose luck is guaranteed
Thanks to my partner
Mister Greed
He supplies the suckers
As many as I need
My silent partner Mister Greed
Ev'rybody wants to make a fast buck
That is why I always take
Their last buck
He's my handy helper
He's my friend indeed
He's the most important
Reason I succeed
I just pick tile lettuce
But guess who plants the seed
My trusty partner
Mister Greed
Oh what a team
Oh what a match he makes
He makes 'em itch
I make 'em scratch
And we both agree
We love to see those suckers bleed
Me and my partner
My trusty partner
Me and my partner
Mister Greed