American firm wants our Ugg

Lucy Cormack 7:37 PM   A Sydney ugg boot manufacturer is being taken to a US court for using the word 'ugg'.

Latest NSW news

What would happen if we burnt all the fossil fuels?

A mother and a child with his head covered with a wet towel to protect them from the scorching heatwave last week in ...

Peter Hannam 1:00 AM   It would release 5 trillion tonnes of carbon dioxide - and effectively ''cook the planet''.

Number of cycling fines surges


Matt O'Sullivan 2:17 PM   The size of fines for cyclists is not the only thing to have surged in NSW in the past two months.

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'It would have been inappropriate not to act'

Senator Arthur Sinodinos is embroiled in a political donations row after the NSW electoral commission report.

Sean Nicholls 9:15 PM   The NSW electoral commission has rejected criticism it should have withheld a report that embroiled cabinet secretary Arthur Sinodinos in a political donations row until after ICAC delivered its findings.

'There was nowhere for me to go'

Sydney Mon 23May 16: Ian Gardiner is 56 years old and became one of Sydney's "accidental" homeless when he lost his home ...

Rachel Browne 12:15 AM   When Ian Gardiner lost his job and couldn't afford bond, he moved into his Nissan Pulsar.

Stat reveals impact of an ageing population

NSW Treasurer Gladys Berejiklian will hand down the NSW Intergenerational Report on Thursday.

Sean Nicholls 12:00 AM   The number of workers compared to people aged 65 and over in NSW is set to halve within 40 years.

Baby formula battle playing out on shelves

Bellamy's Organic chief executive Laura McBain.

Esther Han 9:54 AM   Two baby formula brands are at war, with one claiming the other poached a lucrative supply deal with Coles.

Noreen Hay won't contest Whip position

Wollongong MP Noreen Hay will not stand for re-election as Opposition Whip.

Sean Nicholls 2:12 PM   Wollongong MP Noreen Hay indicated she will not stand for re-election as party Whip following charges against a staff member.

Lockout laws hit land values in  Kings Cross

Property values in Kings Cross have dropped 20 per cent since the lockout laws.

Sean Nicholls   Land values on Kings Cross' golden mile have been hit by the lockout laws, but are predicted to recover amid ongoing gentrification of the area.

HIV trial finds gay icon in conservative MP

Tom Spillane is part of a PrEP trial to help stop the spread of new HIV infections.

Kate Aubusson   Talking about his sex life is not a comfortable prospect for Tom Spillane, but this anxiety pales in comparison to a gnawing fear that dogged him for much of his 20s.

Eels player linked to pills investigation at Star

Facing allegations: Corey Norman.

Michael Chammas and Kate Aubusson   Parramatta Eels five-eighth Corey Norman has been linked to a pills investigation at the Star casino.

Comments 1

The real sharing economy

HEAD SHOT Fiona Worrall, who participates in a time banking scheme in the Blue Mountains, NSW. 18th May 2016 Photo: ...

Rachel Browne   When Dorothy Johnston needed to hire someone to get her ironing and gardening done, she was able to do it without paying a cent.

Police to review 88 deaths

Cyril Olsen, 64, bashed, then fell into Rushcutters Bay and drowned, August 22, 1992.

Ava Benny-Morrison   New methods are being used to reveal what looks like a shocking spate of murders across Sydney.

Lee's explanation for $4.6 million overdraft

A photo of Christine Jia Xin Lee posing with her handbags and designer cushions was among those tendered in court.

Rachel Olding   After splurging $4.6 million on handbags and designer goods thanks to a banking error, Christine Jia Xin Lee had a simple explanation.

'Like bashing my head against a brick wall'


Rachel Browne   If you're a parent who has been "teensplained", help is on the way.

'Silent' victims of assault and harassment

A foreign student at UNSW has reported sexual harassment from a fellow student.

Cosima Marriner   It was 3am when Sabeena Mozaffar started getting Facebook messages from a fellow student offering to pay her for sexual favours.

Start school or stay and play?

Otto, 5, and Hugo, 6, Hadley with their mum, Kirstine Russell.

Kelsey Munro   Four-and-a-half, five-and-a-half or six? Kirstine Russell has tried every age point at which a child should start school.

Comments 3

Uni college eager to dilute power of alumni

The culture of St John's College at the University of Sydney has been under the spotlight.

Cosima Marriner   One  University of Sydney college has spent four years cleaning up its culture but is still waiting for the government to agree to an overhaul of its council.

Safety issue 'too important' for local councils

An environmental health officer tests a water cooler tower.

Kirsty Needham   The government needs to take control after a recent deadly outbreak of disease, NSW Labor says.


Sensible fare reform a long time coming

Changes to the Opal fare structure give the transport minister a unique opportunity to refine the way our transport system is run.

'One slip and splat'

"Moving through fear is not something society teaches you," says Karen, who found an exhilarating way to overcome it.

Next time you drive past a cyclist, remember the driver who hit Uncle Col

My uncle Colin was riding to visit the grandkids when he was hit by a car. He died minutes later.

Why the vice-chancellor had to act

Sandwiched between abhorrent college traditions and the social norms of 21st century, Michael Spence had to act.

Weak wage growth brings its share of problems

The pay packets of Australians are growing at the slowest rate in decades.

Why Baird is barking up the wrong tree

Why has the state merged so many councils? And will the new councils be better than the old?


Five-horse fall at Taree

Watch the sickening fall that left four amateur jockeys in hospital.

Australian bootmaker in ugg-ly legal battle

A US footwear company is seeking to prevent Sydney-based Australian Leather from selling 'ugg boots' around the world.

Would you trust a drone to do this?

It was deployed at Port Macquarie as part of the NSW government's $16m shark management plan to spot sharks, but this drone located a pod of dolphins.