Brazil’s mega-scandal hits its biggest lender

Edit The Japan News 13 May 2016
Washington Post / BloombergBrazilians rarely do things small. They boast Latin America’s biggest economy but also own its worst recession, a seemingly bottomless corruption scandal and a government allegedly so practiced at disguising budget shortfalls that President Dilma Rousseff was ordered to step aside early Thursday morning ... Much has been written about how such state-driven economic “dirigisme” distorted Brazil’s economy ... + - ... ....

Now the beast of full-blooded Euroscepticism is unleashed

Edit The Guardian 21 Feb 2016
Call it an Eton mess. this is precisely the confrontation that was not meant to happen, the battle that David Cameron and Boris Johnson have tried to avoid for many years. But on Sunday night, as Johnson at last declared himself a supporter of Brexit, this long-evaded contest became inevitable ... Related ... For a while, all went to plan ... a fortress of dirigisme, a solvent of nationhood, a threat to British democracy and independence....

Steps Gulf governments could take to deal with this epoch of paucity

Edit The National 18 Feb 2016
Low oil prices roil the Gulf. The region's rulers are facing an epoch of paucity, following an era of plenty ... So what should the region's governments do? ... The Gulf has its own, distinctive economic model. sovereign wealth-fund backed dirigisme, in which monolithic parastatals recycle state funds through state banks and into state-backed infrastructure projects while earning economic rents by charging high prices to residents ... Free zones....

The Reality of the Situation is Not Clear….But Trump Is

Edit CounterPunch 16 Feb 2016
Obama’s basic approach is to promote his values as much as he can within the limits of the situation ...David Brooks, “I Miss Barack Obama,” The New York Times, Feb ... There is no virtue or sanity in remaining independent when American values of “individualism, achievement and flexibility” are threatened by “dirigisme, order and economic equality.” (Brooks, “Livin’) ... ... ....

The Tories seek closure after the EU vote, but they won’t get it

Edit The Guardian 14 Feb 2016
And so to Brussels, on the lethal assault course of EU renegotiation – the Wacky Races of David Cameron’s shuttle diplomacy ... If that confidence is justified, the referendum will be held on Thursday 23 June. To distil the whole gamble to its irreducible core ... Concentrates the mind, doesn’t it? ... Related ... The European Union has long stood proxy for their internal argument about the frontiers of the state and the threat of dirigisme ... ....

David Brooks: Living Sanders’ Danish dream

Edit Sacramento Bee 12 Feb 2016
American capitalism has always been distinct from continental European capitalism. We’ve had more entrepreneurial creativity but less security ... American values have always been biased toward individualism, achievement and flexibility – nurturing disruptive dynamos like Bell Labs, Wal-Mart, Whole Foods, Google and Apple – and less toward dirigisme, order and economic equality ... First, Sanders would centralize power in Washington ... ....

At the heart of France's malaise are the grim estates that offer no hope

Edit Sydney Morning Herald 19 Nov 2015
My friends and I all knew to avoid the local cite, as the French call these tragic enclaves ... Advertisement ... The unfairness is staggering, especially in a left-wing country obsessed with social justice and redistribution; in my day our Marxist teachers would lecture us endlessly about what they imagined were the inequities of American and British capitalism, blind to the home-grown failures of French dirigisme just around the corner ... ....

Malta's economic history

Edit The Malta Independent 13 Aug 2015
The time has long come for somebody to write a history of the Maltese economy in modern times, say from the end of the Second World War to right now. Extended narratives about political and even social developments are available although they do not cover the full extent of the period mentioned ... Pity ... All this against the background of a varying mix of styles in government management, ranging from dirigisme to a careless liberalism. ***....

Osborne’s dirigisme is good economics

Edit Financial Times 21 Jul 2015
Social and commercial pressure on minimum wages has advantages over legal prescriptions ...The Financial Times Limited 2015)....

Our language crisis - looking after the way we speak and the way we write

Edit The Malta Independent 21 Jul 2015
By Professor Joseph M. Brincat. What crisis? Our language has never had it so good ... All this, of course, comes at a price ... Targeting individual persons or a klikka, and blaming the Kunsill tal-Malti ("a handful of all-knowing dirigisme-bloated latter day linguists"), and moaning that our language "has become the laughing stock of world languages" (do we care how Hungarian is written? Who bothers how we write?), will not solve the issue ... ....

António Campos Honored by Rotary of Vila do Conde (Rio Ave Futebol Clube)

Edit Public Technologies 18 Jun 2015
(Source. Rio Ave Futebol Clube) ... António da Silva Campos early showed readiness for the sport, which he practiced while cyclist, for entrepreneurship, for the companies that created and developed beyond borders and by sports and associative dirigisme ... distributed by ... (noodl....

Anti-Slavery Hamilton Gets Pushed Off The $10 Bill, While Genocidal Slaver Jackson Stays On The $20

Edit Huffington Post 18 Jun 2015
Pollitt's Law, formulated by The Nation's longtime columnist Katha Pollitt, says outsiders gain access to a field only when it loses prestige ... Thomas Jefferson ... His political mission was to create a state that could facilitate, encourage, and guide the process of economic change — a policy also known as dirigisme, although the expression never entered the American political lexicon the way its antonym, laissez-faire, did....

"We only see the outside world when there’s murder, torture or killing somewhere." (interview) (Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany)

Edit noodls 10 Jun 2015
(Source. Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany) Auswärtiges Amt - Interviews - "We only see the outside world when there's murder, torture or killing somewhere.". Why Palmyra must be saved, African pop music promoted and the Humboldt-Forum rethought. Foreign Minister Frank‑Walter Steinmeier shares his take on cultural policy ... *** ... What can Germany do? ... Why? ... My philosophy is promotion without dirigisme ... On the contrary....