100% Proof That WDBJ Reporter Shooting Was Staged?
Pete Santilli discusses this widely released photo of journalist
Allison Parker and her cameraman
Adam Ward, posing while getting makeup for their role as crisis actors!
Full episode: https://youtu.be/_ZLwtQy6G3I
Episode #1058 -
U.S. Air-Force Threatens Owner Of
Groom Mine Near Area 51
Lisa Hegwood joins Pete to tell the story of a family being threatened by the
United States Air-force if they do not relinquish their family owned mine and sell to the
United States Government.
Once again things are heating up in
Nevada and it has nothing to do with the weather!
Stay tuned to
The Pete Santilli
Show because the Sheahan
Family Mine (The Groom Mine) is about to become a household name.
Most people have probably heard of the secret base -- hidden in the
Nevada desert -- known as Area 51.
But, what you may not know is that there is a privately owned lead and silver mine overlooking the classified base.
"From our great-great-grandfather, to our grandfathers, to our fathers, they were raised there," said Joe Sheahan, Groom Mine co-owner. "This was their home."
The Groom Mine has been in the Sheahan family for 130 years. Since military testing started in the mid 50's, the family has had one of the nation's most closely guarded secrets literally in their backyard.
They have never spoken about it publicly -- until now.
First, we really didn't want to come public, but the
Air Force has forced us into it. We want 'em to know what they have done over the last 60 years to our family is not acceptable," said Dan Sheahan, Groom Mine co-owner. "These were fired over our property. The bullets, the cases dropped on the ground right there and then."
The Sheahans say their buildings have been strafed and bombed by military jets over the past six decades. They believe it was an errant bomb or dropped wing tank that blew up their mill in the
1950's -- ending production at the mine.
Now, in what the Sheahans consider the final insult in a litany of abuse, they are being given an ultimatum by the Air Force. They must accept a $5.2 million buyout for the 400 acres in their possession or face having the land condemned and taken through eminent domain.
"I mean, that's really what we're talking about," said Joe Sheahan. "Is it okay to bomb your citizens, hold 'em at gunpoint and then -- just to add insult to injury -- just steal their property?"
The Sheahans say the Air Force offer doesn't even cover the value of the minerals in the mine -- let alone the family's close connection to the land -- where forbearers not only toiled -- but died.
"Either give us our property, leave us alone, or pay us what you owe us," Joe Sheahan added.
Full Show And
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