Tag Archives: neofolk

“The Undying Appeal of White Nationalism”

from the good comrades at Candles and Torches Neofascism in the Cultural, Artistic, and Ecological Movements The earth is firmly enveloped in crisis. This crisis is at once material and existential. The economy can no longer support the human weight … Continue reading

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Radical Ecology Against Hipster-Fascism

This article by Sasha from Earth First! is partly a reportback from the confrontation at the recent Death in June show in Portland, Oregon. The full article is a longer analysis of what he calls the “hipster-fascist” trend that’s currently … Continue reading

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A Response to Sean Ragon

NYC Antifa presents this essay in order to further a constructive discussion on the growth of fascist aesthetics in New York’s punk scene. A major problem with asserting our opposition to racist and fascist bands in this scene is that … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Music, New York City, Opinion, United States | Tagged , , , , , ,

Apoliteic music: Neo-Folk, Martial Industrial and ‘metapolitical fascism’

Shekhovtsov suggests that there are two types of radical right-wing music that are cultural reflections of the two different political strategies that fascism was forced to adopt in the ‘hostile’ conditions of the post-war period. While White Noise music is … Continue reading

Posted in Music, Opinion, Russia | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Death In June Are Nazis!

by Steven | libcom.org | Published on Nov. 19 2006 Article about band Death in June, who use fascist symbolism, and their relation to Nazism, racism and the far right. Death in June (DIJ) is not a typical white power … Continue reading

Posted in Music, Opinion, United Kingdom | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment