Philadelphia marchers protest Ayotzinapa outrage


Some six months since 43 students disappeared in southern Mexico, their parents are traveling across the United States calling for justice. Continue reading

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Filed under Mexico, Pennsylvania

Right Wing Domestic Terrorists Far More Deadly Than Islamic Extremists

photo credit: khalid Albaih via photopin cc

photo credit: khalid Albaih via photopin cc

By Garikai Chengu

Since September 11, extremists associated with various far-right wing ideologies, including white supremacists, and Jewish extremists, have killed far more people in the United States than extremists motivated by radical Islam. Continue reading

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Filed under Analysis, United States

“Political Prisoner” Phil Africa, Dies In PA Prison Under Suspicious Circumstances


John Vibes

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – According to Ramona Africa, a representative for the MOVE 9, Phil Africa, the organization’s First Minister of Defense, passed away in prison under suspicious circumstances this week. Continue reading

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Filed under Pennsylvania

The US Will Prosecute You For Your Politics

To many in the U.S., the concept of political prisoners may seem foreign, something that happens in other countries. Yet they’re closer, and more numerous, than many may like to imagine.

Rasmieh Yousef Odeh, 67, center, gestures toward her supporters outside federal court in Detroit, Monday, Nov. 10, 2014. Photo: Carlos Osorio/AP

Rasmieh Yousef Odeh, 67, center, gestures toward her supporters outside federal court in Detroit, Monday, Nov. 10, 2014. Photo: Carlos Osorio/AP

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Mother arrested while standing and waiting for family

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Filed under New York

Mandela release triggered FBI anti-communist paranoia, say new documents


Files from aftermath of Cold War show that US law enforcement believed South African leader posed significant threat

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Filed under South Africa, United States

Prominent Lawyer Will Plead Guilty to Impeding the I.R.S.

Really unfortunate news. Stanley Cohen is a very important figure in the NY Left. Continue reading

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Filed under New York