Desiringmachine Soundsystem

Mailing List: …the conjunctive syntheses of intensities and becomings. / A new party. A new program. Free. Everywhere. We are dead fucking serious.

Future Future 09


DJ’s Caliban the Witch, Eleni AKA Slow, Keje, Quaco playing bounce, coldwave, dirty jawns, gabber, minimal synth, war music, and more. Hosts: Missionary Sisters, Hudson, Make-up.

What’s changed is no longer simply that feeling of our skins against less and less clothes–what’s changed is the absence and confusion of how to measure the present, the situation: the sweat, sand, chlorine, mosquito bites, rashes, smells; a time now imagined when seasons will need to be explained, described, to the future–their shapes, sensations; the ways in which our lives were once structured–a whole architecture of time, forgotten.

Saturday August 16th 2014 – 10:30PM
The Brass Bottle
1288 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11221

Future Future 08


DJ’s Caliban the Witch, Nani No, Quaco, and more, playing dancehall, dirty jawn, disco, electro, moombah, nudisco, and twerk.

Winter is always coming. It’s increasingly all we can remember, all we can feel, all we can imagine. But we prepare not just for winter, endless and eternal winter / but also for the warmth, lightness, ease we can sense together immediately.

…of alignments and durations, of those moments of being present / together / in the world; when the sun appears to finally stand still; of witnessing the changing light, wind, air / directly above, in reverse; the different moods, dress; the repetitions of varying speeds, as in a dance, increasing and decreasing, all around us.

So often our routines / commitments, remind us solely of the obligations and responsibilities which we despise; and our only desire / horizon becomes the freedom to abandon. But of course we know love to be the refusal to wither, shrink, decay; the party that you never leave.

Friday June 20th – 11:30PM
Cake Shop
152 Ludlow Street, New York, NY 10002

Future Future 07

Dancers at a beach party in Accra, Ghana

For too long the world of the body has been overdetermined by our vanities and insecurities alike; the manipulation of the intuitive, affective–of our experiences and desires–as being the superficial, trivial; the nonsensical reorientation of “science” as something occurring in the head and nowhere else. Such managerial religious perversity aimed at preserving the misery of the present; limiting the ecstatic potentialities of where our imaginations might lead if we were to actually touch, move together, sweat, to push ourselves and each other to try to feel something together, deeply. If only we knew not just where to look, but how…

So we continue. Months, years, decades… what are the limits of our memories… Where are the truths of these memories contained, demonstrated, lived? How?

“…all we know are assemblages. And the only assemblages are machinic assemblages of desire and collective assemblages of enunciation… Desire is always assembled; it is what the assemblage determines it to be… Assemblages are passional, they are compositions of desire. Desire has nothing to do with a natural or spontaneous determination; there is no desire but assembling, assembled, desire. The rationality, the efficiency, of an assemblage does not exist without the passions the assemblage brings into play, without the desires that constitute it as much as it constitutes them.”

“…this muscular orgy during which the most brutal aggressiveness and impulsive violence are channeled, transformed, and spirited away. The dance circle is a permissive circle. It protects and empowers. At a fixed time and a fixed date men and women assemble in a given place, and under the solemn gaze of the tribe launch themselves into a seemingly disarticulated, but in fact extremely ritualized, pantomime where the exorcism, liberation, and expression of a community are grandiosely and spontaneously played out through shaking of the head, and back and forward thrusts of the body. Everything is permitted in the dance circle.”

Saturday May 17th 2014 – 10:30PM
The Brass Bottle
1288 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11221

Future Future 06


In 1970, George Clinton and the Funkadelic declared, “free your mind and your ass will follow.” But we want to destroy the ass/mind dichotomy. “The kingdom of heaven is within.”

The party will be ecstatic, celebratory, or it will be nothing; full of strange movements, encounters; the wonder, curiosity, suspense, intrigue, the not-knowing, the embrace. Not a beginning, but a middle, an ongoing, a continuation, the meat, the body of the work. What is your span of attention, limit of exhaustion. Reminders. Be prepared.

“We’ve been given a neutral idea of friendship, understood as a pure affection with no consequences. But all affinity is affinity within a common truth. Every encounter is an encounter within a common affirmation, even the affirmation of destruction. No bonds are innocent…”

“living-communism: a set of positions emerging and inseparable from the form they take as life-in-common; a set of relationships, bonds, commitments; a “community of feelings, purposes; of responsibilities and interests”; a set of rhythms and actualizations, built, shared, and inhabited collectively.”

Saturday April 26th – 11:30PM
Cake Shop
152 Ludlow Street, New York, NY 10002

Future Future 05


The party: still evil. The room, the situation, the past, the past, the sound, rhythms / an old crush, daydreams… urgent, impatient, demonstrative. The overcoming. Something shared, but neither binary nor dialectical: love.

So we continue. Like shedding skin. Knowing something, slowly / can’t keep up, in the here-and-now, in the age/mood of learning to breathe underwater, feeling limbs ache, tire: a strategy of presence. Flooded, but ongoing in their inoperativity. A beginning: secrets, glances, desire… Uncertain, unfamiliar gestures: movement plus infrastructure, internalized, understood.

Fleeing/feeling the collapse of your self/body, thought and discovery, all their reminders. Our only encouragement and reassurance is the playfulness of those assembled, injured, touching, present. Our only critique will be life itself: always until victory.

“To every relation of movement and rest, speed and slowness grouping together an infinity of parts, there corresponds a degree of power. To the relations composing, decomposing, or modifying an individual there correspond intensities that affect it, augmenting or diminishing its power to act; these intensities come from external parts or from the individual’s own parts. Affects are becomings… What can a body do? We know nothing about a body until we know what it can do, in other words, what its affects are, how they can or cannot enter into composition with other affects, with the affects of another body, either to destroy that body or to be destroyed by it, either to exchange actions and passions with it or to join with it in composing a more powerful body.”

Friday April 11th 2014 – 10PM
The Brass Bottle
1288 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11221

Future Future 04


To be separated from / something more than, bodies, assembled, something which propels,

Against the miserable loneliness and failures of pride, morality, self-sufficiency, self-righteousness, self-reliance, self-improvement, and all our other selves.

Presence, touch, the physicality of love, the basis of movement,

repetition, trust: our lips are sealed / the real is on the rise.

“But there is a gesture that felicitously establishes itself in this emptiness of language and, without filling it, makes it into humankind’s most proper dwelling… dance.”

Saturday March 29th – 11:30PM
Cake Shop
152 Ludlow Street, New York, NY 10002

Future Future 03: Evil/Empire/Dance/Party


“Revolutionaries often forget, or do not like to recognize, that one wants and makes revolution out of desire, not duty.”

And on-going, being/party, a set of rhythms… Without so many questions, so contemplative, ponderous, so tedious… Something which convinces in a different register; something… for the intuitive and not discursive.

Growing familiar, days and days… the awkwardness, the romance of a new affair; the letting go, taking in; the ecstatic…

“…but what is dance other than the liberation of the body from its utilitarian movements, the exhibition of gestures in their pure inoperativity?”

Saturday March 8th 2014 – 10PM
The Brass Bottle
1288 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11221

Part of The Base‘s month-long fundraising drive events series, “The Evil Empire Dance Party is the age old struggle between good and evil. / We urge you to beware the temptation of pride, the temptation of blithely declaring yourselves above it all, and instead come out and enjoy a night of evil!”

with DJ Themistoklis