The Enemy Among Us


MohammadThe stage of political activism has a mercurial plot. Most would prefer to assume there are set patterns and even unwritten rules about who is on which side of the fence when it comes to issues like racism, sexism, homophobia and antisemitism. These are for simple reasons, like skin color, ethnicity, sex and sexual orientation.
What becomes confusing is when a person is born of a race or orientation that happens to be the target of these hate groups– and instead of joining their brothers and sisters in struggle, they decide to give those who hate and despise them their loyalty and devotion.
For the past few years there has been a disturbing trend out of the NYC/NJ area of people of color either joining or creating their own neo-Nazi/fascist groups, many with ties to central and south American countries where it is becoming more prevalent.
Even when armed with…

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Was Craig Cobb at the NSM Rome Georgia Rally?

Is it?


Here is a photo of the NSM rally in Rome Georgia on April 23, 2016

NSM rally April 23, 2016 Rome Georgia. NSM rally April 23, 2016 Rome Georgia.

Let’s take a closer look…

Is this Craig Cobb Is this Craig Cobb?

Craig Cobb is a long time white supremacist who is now on probation till the year 2018.

Same guy? Same guy?

Cobb is most famous for his latest stunt of trying to take over the town of Leigh ND and then terrorizing the people of that town with the threat of firearms.

Is he in violation of his probation?

According to Freakout Nation (link above) the terms are:

A few of them are as follows:

He can have no contact with the victims.
He cannot be in possession of guns or weapons.
He must be employed.
GPS Monitoring.
He cannot associate with known felons.
His residence, car and computer may be searched at any time.

We are looking forward…

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Notable Attendees from the Protect the South Rally in Washington DC on September 5th.


Jason Sulser DC

This man in the ThunderCats tee shirt is Jason Sulser.  He organizes Confederate flag rallies in the Stafford and Fredericksburg area.  He also uses these rallies to recruit for the League of South.  He uses White Nationalist terms like cultural genocide.

Dennis Durham

Standing behind Sulser is Dennis Durham.  He is openly in the League of South.  He is carrying flag of White Nationalism.

Dan Blake

With the camera and Joker shirt is Dan Blake.  He videotapes Confederate Flag rallies and shares them on Facebook.

Susan and John Hall

On the left is Susan Hathaway.  She is founder of the group, The Virginia Flaggers.  This group is responsible for the Confederate Battle Flags along various highways in Virginia, including the one off of 1-95 near Fredericksburg.  Next to her in the reenactors outfit is John C Hall Jr from Dublin Georgia.

Susan facebook

Samm Tittle

The woman behind the flag is Samm Tittle. She is running for President…

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Theocratical Astro-Turf in Birmingham Brought to You by Huckster Glenn Beck, while the Confederate Flag Falls Flat.



Glenn Beck has a dream…to be the next Martin Luther King… not the “civil rights for social minorities,”MLK… but he wants to be as famous and as remembered as MLK…


…while doing the decidedly un-King thing of fighting to uphold the status quo by fighting the tyrannical oppression of minorities upon the majority. Does that make sense? No? Good, you’re ready for the mind (such as it is) of Glenn Beck.

Five years ago in 2010, Beck had a rally in DC where he rudely plopped his big butt on the Lincoln Memorial on Martin Luther King Day, and claimed he would be the next MLK. He drew a sizable crowd, nowhere nearly as large as the real MLK event back in the day nor as large or powerful as the actual celebration honoring MLK happening across town organized by the DC African American community, nor was it as genuine.

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When the Confederate Flag is NOT a Rainbow or When Stupid Hits the Internet.


Just when you think the internet can’t get anymore stupid…

This is what happens when stupid hits the internet. This is what happens when stupid hits the internet.

The brain children behind this mentality ….

q88aw Heritage not Brains

I really am glad they’ve chosen to take this route, because it brings the entire Confederate Flag / Dylann Roof issue back to the forefront, and it does it with such a ridiculous and asinine comparison that people can’t help but seriously consider the context of the Confederate flag. The comparison white nationalists are trying to make is that since Dylann Roof did what he did “because of a flag,” the Roanoke shooter obviously did what he did because of a flag as well; so all movements to ban or remove the Confederate flag should equally be focused on banning and removing the rainbow flag because of… reasons?

Ok, this is going to take some heavy-duty dissection, so settle in and…

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The White-Nationalist Friendly Route 40 Republican Club Is Now The Route 40 Republican Party. President Fred Mullis , White-Nationalist Vice President John Stortstrom And Treasurer Patricia Scott Have Been Replaced But Is the Club/Party Still A Nest Of Racists?

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The White Nationalist Buzz Around Trump.



We don’t need to say much about how billionaire Donald Trump is feeding the crazy, and there is a whole lotta crazy going on. The media has smelled the blood in the water and is narrowing in on the truly extreme crazies and white nationalists who are supporting him.

The overt racism has begun to manifest itself in Trump’s supporters as Univision reporter Jorge Ramos was thrown out of a Trump event, only to be faced with the type of person who supports Trump…

Earlier this week, an article in the New Yorker magazine by journalist Evan Osnos hit the stands and internet, exposing the kinds of people who are enthusiastically attracted to the Trump campaign. His article was very well researched and presented, which means the white nationalists he interviewed were not happy that he portrayed them for what they are.

They attacked Osnos personally, they attacked him for…

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