

Mob lawyer attended Lib fundraising lunch

It's been revealed that gangland lawyer Joe Acquaro was at a fundraising lunch attended by Malcolm Turnbull in 2008. Read more


Lib admits filtering political donations

A senior Liberal figure has admitted filtering political donations, a practice Cabinet Secretary Arthur Sinodinos has come under fire for. Read more


Shorten woos WA voters with train cash

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has swung behind a WA state Labor rail project proposal, pledging a $1 billion contribution to boost jobs and cut traffic chaos. Read more


Greek parliament approves reforms

Greek lawmakers hope a reform package passed in parliament will help unlock funds it needs to pay IMF loans, ECB bonds and increasing state arrears. Read more


Loach's I, Daniel Blake wins Palme d'Or

British director Ken Loach's film I, Daniel Blake, has won the Palme d'Or for Best Picture at the 69th Cannes Film Festival. Read more


Egypt sends robot sub to plane crash site

Ships scouring the sea north of Egypt are still trying to locate the black box recorders that could shed light on the crash of an EgyptAir plane. Read more


Ruling conservatives lead in Cyprus poll

A far-right party has won its first seats in the Cyprus legislature amid voter disillusionment after a 2013 financial meltdown. Read more


Man shot near White House still critical

A man shot by a US Secret Service officer outside the White House remains in critical condition, a hospital official says. Read more


Pakistan says drone strike a violation

A US drone strike that reportedly killed the leader of the Afghan Taliban in Pakistan near the Afghan border was a violation of sovereignty, Pakistan says. Read more


Rebels demand stop to Damascus assault

If Syrian government forces fail to stop a major assault on rebel positions in Damascus, mainstream rebel groups will abandon a truce, the groups say. Read more


The winners this year at Cannes

The key winners have been announced at the Cannes Film Festival with British director Ken Loach's film I, Daniel Blake taking out the Palme d'Or. Read more


Knife-edge Austrian presidential run-off

The outcome of Austria's presidential election looks set to be decided by postal votes after preliminary results showed the candidates only narrowly apart. Read more


Hardline party to join Netanyahu govt

Reviving peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians is less likely now a hardline party is to join Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government. Read more


Suu Kyi pressed on Rohingya issue

Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi has asked to be given "enough space" to address the issue of the country's Rohingya Muslim population. Read more


Death toll from Sri Lankan storms now 92

Landslides and floods in Sri Lanka have killed 92 people, authorities say. Read more


Afghan Taliban leader killed in US strike

Afghanistan's spy agency has confirmed that Taliban leader Mullah Akhtar Mansour has been killed, after the US targeted him in a drone strike. Read more


Melbourne's Maria Strydom dead on Everest

A Melbourne woman is dead and her husband is injured after the experienced climbers collapsed on Mount Everest. Read more


Aust-bound woman arrested in Vietnam

An Australian-bound Vietnamese woman has been arrested at Ho Chi Minh airport over alleged drug trafficking. Read more


New Turkish PM backs more power to Erdogan

Turkey's incoming PM has backed constitutional change to create an executive presidency and deliver broader powers to President Tayyip Erdogan. Read more


Austrians vote on rightist contenders

Austrians are voting in a presidential run-off poll that could elect the European Union's first far-right leader. Read more



Police, SES search for missing Qld man

Police hold concerns for a missing Queensland man after finding his car abandoned near a town on the NSW border. Read more


Vic hot-air balloon passengers rescued

Riders have jumped from a hot-air balloon on to boats in a rescue operation on Melbourne's Port Phillip Bay after winds pushed the aircraft off course. Read more


Little change in polls despite campaign

Despite Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten being on the campaign trail for a fortnight, little has changed in the polls. Read more


Drugs and weapons found in Qld house raid

A military ordnance has been disposed of by the Australian Defence force after Queensland police found it in a raid in the state's north. Read more


The seats that counted in Week 2

The Liberals sandbag a seat the've held in south-western Sydney since 1993, while the Greens eye off Batman and Richmond. Read more


Major change in US food labels hailed

Public health advocates have welcomed new US food label rules but say some of those most at risk for obesity may not change habits without other measures. Read more


Weather kinder for firefighters in Canada

A weather change is helping firefighters tackling a wildfire in Canada that has already blackened more than 500,000ha, six times the size of New York City. Read more


GPs ramp up campaign against govt freeze

Doctors will warn patients of the higher costs they'll face from the federal government's rebate freeze every time they are prescribed medication. Read more


Call to ramp up Pacific workers program

There are calls for the federal government to ramp up a Pacific seasonal workers program if it goes ahead with the controversial backpacker tax. Read more


Katter dons hat for ninth federal election

Veteran Queensland MP Bob Katter has called for price arbitration to save dairy farmers hit by the sudden fall in the cost of milk. Read more


Vic man charged with attempted murder

Charges of attempted murder and arson have been laid after an injured 79-year-old man was pulled from a burning Victorian house. Read more


Magnitude-6.1 quake hits central Australia

A magnitude-6.1 earthquake has struck the Northern Territory about 450km southwest of Alice Springs, but no damage or injury has been reported. Read more


Drug boss Guzman facing extradition to US

US guarantees that "El Chapo" will not face the death penalty have opened the way for the drug lord's extradition from Mexico, but appeals are pending. Read more


Man glassed from behind in Sydney attack

A man has been approached from behind while sitting on a park bench and smashed over the head with a glass bottle in inner Sydney. Read more


Downing St denies Trump invitation claim

I've been invited by British Prime Minister David Cameron to 10 Downing St, says Trump, but UK representatives deny such an invitation has been sent. Read more


Wollongong woman hit by car, critical

A 26-year-old woman has been airlifted to hospital with critical injuries after being hit by a car in Wollongong, south of Sydney. Read more


Officer shoots gunman near White House

A gunman is critically ill in hospital after being shot by a Secret Service agent near the home and offices of President Obama, who was out golfing at the time. Read more


Argentina nominates minister for UN chief

Argentine Foreign Minister Susana Malcorra has emerged as a candidate for Secretary-General of the United Nations. Read more


US dollar rises to third weekly gain

The dollar has risen for the third week straight after the US Federal Reserve suggested it may raise interest rates as soon as next month. Read more


Spike in US church sex abuse reports

There has been a sharp increase in the number of reports of sexual abuse by US Catholic clergymen, according to an annual audit. Read more