Chris Marsden, national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party, delivered the following speech on "The Brexit referendum and the struggle against nationalism and war" to the International Online May Day Rally.

For an active boycott of the Brexit referendum!

SEP logo

  • No to the European Union—No to British nationalism!
  • For the unity of the British and European working class!
  • For the United Socialist States of Europe!

Also see our extensive coverage and analysis of the EU referendum campaign.

Socialist Equality Party Statement

1. The June 23 referendum on Britain’s membership in the European Union raises issues of immense international importance. The outcome will have implications for workers not only in the UK, but far beyond its shores.

2. The Socialist Equality Party urges workers and young people to boycott the referendum. The Remain and Leave campaigns are both headed by nationalist forces that stand for greater austerity, brutal anti-immigrant measures and the destruction of workers’ rights. Their differences are over how best to defend the interests of British capitalism against its European and international rivals under conditions of economic slump and the escalation of militarism and war.


EU referendum coverage

Also see our extensive coverage and analysis of the EU referendum campaign.


UK population poorer and hungrier
1 June 2016
The number of people in the UK who struggled to put food on the table in 2014 is equivalent to the entire population of London.
Divisions over Europe tear through UK Conservative Party
31 May 2016
Several leading Tory euro-sceptics made unprecedented attacks on Prime Minister David Cameron over the weekend.
The politics and origins of Britain’s Spiked-Online—Part Two
31 May 2016
In the hands of Spiked, invocations of “free speech” are transformed into a justification for attacking broader democratic rights.
National Health Service bosses report calls for a flexible workforce
30 May 2016
The changes would force nurses, paramedics and others to take on increased workloads and do jobs currently carried out by doctors.
The politics and origins of Britain’s Spiked-Online—Part 1
30 May 2016
Spiked’s defence of “free speech” is based on promoting right-wing individuals and groups, often in alliance with Conservative Students societies.
UK White Paper escalates privatisation of higher education
28 May 2016
The proposals remove any remaining barriers to profit making and facilitate the establishment of private universities.
UK university lecturers strike against pay cuts and casualisation
28 May 2016
University staff have seen their pay fall in real terms by 14.5 percent since 2009.
Anti-migrant rhetoric dominates debate on UK membership in the EU
28 May 2016
The Leave campaign is focusing on whipping up hysteria over immigration.
UK government retreats on including NHS in free trade deal
27 May 2016
An amendment to the Queen’s Speech expressed regret that the government did not include a bill that would protect the NHS from the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
UK rich just keep getting richer
26 May 2016
The fortunes accrued by 120 billionaires account for 60 percent of the wealth of the 1,000 richest people in Britain and Northern Ireland.

Read more

Further coverage of developments in Britain on the World Socialist Web Site.