Campaign Coverage, News & Analysis

Ex-Australian PM calls for “freedom of navigation” challenge to China
2 March 2016
Abbott’s comments are part of growing demands for the Australian government to mount a military intrusion into Chinese-claimed territory in the South China Sea.

Australian Greens back government’s Senate voting “reforms”
2 March 2016
The legislation is aimed at shoring-up the political establishment and clearing out the Senate to push through the sweeping austerity measures demanded by big business.

The Australian Defence White Paper and the drive to war
1 March 2016
The militarist agenda spelled out in the White Paper is incompatible with the democratic and social rights of the working class.

Australian feminists deride public sympathy for family murder-suicide victims
29 February 2016
Public grief and sympathy provoked anger from feminist commentators, providing a revealing glimpse into the political role of identity politics.

Hundreds of Australian climate-change science jobs to be axed
25 February 2016
The CSIRO cuts are a major setback for scientific investigation into ocean temperatures, greenhouse gas levels and other climate-change issues.

Australian media use US admiral’s comments to push for confrontation with China
24 February 2016
The aim was to lend an air of urgency to a decision by the Australian government to order a military response to alleged Chinese “expansionism” in the South China Sea.

Australia: BlueScope Steel profits leap on back of union-imposed job cuts
23 February 2016
After the AWU and other unions helped impose savage cost cutting, the Australian steel manufacturer doubled its profits.

Australian health care rallies promote election of Labor and Greens
23 February 2016
Not one of the speakers mentioned the cutting of health spending by the last Labor government, kept in office by the Greens.

Arrium threatens to close Whyalla steelworks in South Australia
22 February 2016
The Australian Workers Union, working hand in hand with the company, is preparing to impose another round of job cuts and attacks on working conditions.

Labor Party steps up demands for Australia to “stand up” to China
20 February 2016
Labor is serving as the catspaw of the US military establishment and seeking to dramatically ratchet up military tensions with Beijing.

Global volatility triggers concerns about Australian banks
20 February 2016
The ongoing collapse of commodity prices has placed question marks over the exposure of the banks to losses in the resources sector.

Australian union escalates nationalist campaign over shipping layoffs
19 February 2016
The Maritime Union of Australia is seeking to divide workers along national lines and obscure its own role in facilitating the job destruction.

Australian foreign minister echoes US demands against China
18 February 2016
Bishop’s visit to Japan and China underscored Australia’s role as a key partner of Washington’s aggressive “pivot to Asia.”

Australia’s “Closing the Gap” fraud: Indigenous conditions worsen
18 February 2016
Deteriorating social conditions are hitting the entire working class, with Aborigines among the most vulnerable and disadvantaged.

Australian ministerial reshuffle underscores political impasse
17 February 2016
Amid deteriorating economic conditions, Prime Minister Turnbull is under mounting criticism by the corporate elite.

Australian government-union conspiracy to sack “underperforming” teachers
15 February 2016
The unions have torn up teachers’ hard-won struggle for job security by implementing new anti-democratic inspection regimes and streamlined sacking procedures.

Australian government refuses to help children trapped in Syria
13 February 2016
The government’s reaction to the plight of these six Australian children displays its true contempt for the millions of victims of the predatory US-led war in Iraq and Syria.

New wave of job cuts in Australia as global slump deepens
12 February 2016
The mining and resources sector is now in headlong decline, and the fallout is spreading throughout the economy, including the retail sector.

Australian shipbuilding workers sacked in takeover deal
11 February 2016
Forgacs workers were escorted off the job following the completion of a takeover by Civmec, as part of a sweeping restructuring of the industry.

Human Rights Watch underscores Australia’s abuses of refugees
10 February 2016
The report documents Australia’s stripping of asylum seekers of basic democratic rights and the build-up of repressive police powers.

Australian establishment condemns government’s retreat over increased consumption tax
10 February 2016
Raising the GST is viewed in corporate circles as the most rapid means of shifting more of the tax burden onto the working class.

Australia’s High Court backs indefinite offshore detention
9 February 2016
The ruling sets a new global benchmark for the incarceration of innocent and desperate people in what amounts to Guantanamo Bay-style legal black holes.

Australian public hospitals face growing funding crisis
8 February 2016
According to the AMA’s annual hospital report card, waiting times lengthened in 2014–15 and funding shortfalls will worsen in 2017 when the latest cutbacks come into effect.

Australia: Sydney city council locks out community theatre group
8 February 2016
Closure of the inner-western Sydney Archway 1 theatre and exhibition space takes place amid ongoing federal and state government cuts to the arts.

Australia: Thousands protest High Court ruling upholding offshore refugee detention
6 February 2016
The demonstrations expressed widespread revulsion at the persecution of asylum seekers, but the organisers promoted Labor and the Greens.

Australian High Court sanctions indefinite offshore detention of refugees
4 February 2016
The decision sets a new global benchmark for the incarceration of men, women and children in conditions that amount to torture.

The Pentagon’s CSIS report and Australia’s role in the escalating war drive against China
3 February 2016
Washington’s entire anti-China strategy has received the unconditional backing of successive governments in Canberra.

Pressure mounts on Australian government to challenge China in South China Sea
2 February 2016
“Freedom of navigation” is the threadbare pretext used to disguise US-led preparations for war with China.

Doctor challenges Australian government over refugee conditions on Nauru
2 February 2016
A paediatrics professor who worked in Nauru has condemned the indefinite detention of asylum seekers as torture, defying the police-state secrecy provisions of the Border Force Act.

Australian teenager arrested for documents “connected” to terrorism
1 February 2016
The vague charges underscore the increasingly repressive sweep of Australia’s “anti-terrorism” laws.

Australian state government plans to privatise public housing
30 January 2016
The New South Wales government’s blueprint will provide a bonanza for property developers and finance houses.

Former army chief named “Australian of the Year”
29 January 2016
The award is part of a broader campaign to normalise military involvement in political life, under conditions of escalating militarism and war.

Australian Treasury head demands deep spending cuts
29 January 2016
Fraser’s speech is part of a mounting ideological offensive by the financial and corporate elite to combat public hostility to the austerity agenda.

Australian maritime union isolates and betrays Portland seamen
27 January 2016
The Maritime Union of Australia’s “Our Coast. Our Jobs” campaign divides workers and obscures the union’s role as the enforcer of sweeping cuts demanded by big business.

Australian Dulux workers return to work but job cuts loom
26 January 2016
Together with the other trade unions, United Voice is seeking to contain the growing anger among workers over the mounting destruction of jobs.

Australia “central” to US plans for war with China
26 January 2016
The CSIS report demands a build-up of the Australia military, as well as US bases across the north of the continent.

Australian prime minister visits US military commander in Hawaii
23 January 2016
Over the past year, the admiral has played a vocal role in inflaming tensions with China, particularly over its territorial claims in the South China Sea.

Australian industrial court bans port strikes
23 January 2016
The ruling will likely be invoked by the union to strike a backroom deal with the port company.

Imprisonment periods lengthening in Australian immigration detention centres
22 January 2016
Detainees are now being incarcerated for an average 445 days, resulting in severe mental distress.

Labor Party in Australia demands “action” against China
21 January 2016
Shadow defence spokesman Stephen Conroy’s column underscores the Labor Party’s role as the most fervent supporter of the US-Australia alliance.

Australian government unveils new cuts to health care
21 January 2016
Malcolm Turnbull’s government has made the slashing of basic health services one of the priority targets of its austerity agenda.

Obama thanks Australian prime minister for war efforts
20 January 2016
While the tone was not as strident as his predecessor, Turnbull’s underlying message was the same: full support for US militarism around the world.

Australian nickel refinery crisis threatens thousands of jobs
20 January 2016
The livelihoods of workers in the northern city of Townsville and the French colony of New Caledonia are imperiled by the threatened closure of the Queensland Nickel plant.

Cuts and closures intensify in Australian TAFE colleges
16 January 2016
Young people seeking vocational training are facing skyrocketing tuition fees.

Australian stocks fall sharply on China and global fears
12 January 2016
A new year sharemarket rout highlights Australian capitalism’s acute vulnerability to the slowing growth and signs of economic instability in China.

Two dead, scores of homes destroyed in Western Australian bushfire
12 January 2016
Residents of Yarloop, a town virtually destroyed by the blaze, were given almost no warning and were left without water.

Thirty-eight percent of Australia’s large companies paid no tax in 2013-14
11 January 2016
Tax office data reveals that the country’s major firms pay little or no company tax, while demanding an increased goods and services tax and the slashing of government spending.

Papua New Guinea government ejects Australian “advisors”
8 January 2016
The decision marks a setback for Australian imperialist interests in its resource-rich former colony.

Australian electronics retailer placed in receivership, threatening thousands of jobs
7 January 2016
The Dick Smith chain’s collapse has underscored the deepening crisis in the Australian economy, and drawn attention to the parasitic operations of private equity firms.

Australian government seizes on trade union report to attack workers’ conditions
7 January 2016
While the immediate target of the royal commission report is the trade unions, the real aim is to clear the way for a fundamental transformation of Australian industrial relations.

Australia: Over 100 houses destroyed in Victorian bushfires
4 January 2016
Victoria has been hit by more than 2,500 bushfires since October but the hottest months, when the most dangerous fires usually occur, are still to come.

Australia: One year after the Sydney siege, the cover-up continues
28 December 2015
The investigations into the Lindt café tragedy over the past year are above all aimed at obscuring the role of the state apparatus, especially the intelligence agencies.

Western Australia suffers “greatest revenue shock since Great Depression”
24 December 2015
Collapsing global iron ore and gas prices have triggered an abrupt economic reversal in Australia’s premier “mining boom” state.

Australian report calls for cutting penalty wage rates
22 December 2015
Big business is demanding the further lowering of wages and conditions to match those imposed on workers across America and Europe following the 2008 global financial crisis.

Australia, Japan “strongly support” US, amid rising tensions with China
19 December 2015
As Japanese and Australian leaders met in Tokyo, an American paper reported a US military intrusion into Chinese-claimed air space in the South China Sea.

Report reveals Australian disability scheme’s cost-cutting agenda
19 December 2015
Under-funded NDIS service providers are struggling to cope with low prices set by governments and are employing an increasingly casualised workforce.

Job losses mount throughout Australian mining sector
18 December 2015
Anglo American’s announcement last week of massive layoffs, globally and in Australia, is just one indication of the crisis throughout the mining industry.

Corporate elite demands deeper budget cuts from Australian government
18 December 2015
The global slump and collapsing commodity prices have shattered the government’s promises to return to a surplus by the end of the decade.

Australian budget position worsens as cuts deepen
16 December 2015
Even the government’s own dubious growth figures show that its much vaunted transition to a more broad-based economy is based on lowering real wages.

Australian PM unveils plan for indefinite detention of “terrorists”
12 December 2015
Turnbull’s announcement came amid an intensive campaign by his ousted predecessor, Tony Abbott, to demonise Muslims and call for ground troops to be deployed to Syria and Iraq.

As court bans racist rally, Australian media promotes far-right
12 December 2015
The media has provided blanket coverage of plans for an anti-Islamic rally in Cronulla, where racist mobs attacked Middle Eastern youth in 2005.

Australia: Productivity Commission proposes further major cutbacks to pensions
11 December 2015
The report targets the family home, which for more than a century has been exempt from inclusion in the pension assets test.

Indonesian government discusses offering Australia an island to detain refugees
11 December 2015
As a result of Australia’s “turn back” policy, more than 13,000 asylum seekers are now living in some of Indonesia’s most impoverished provinces.

Scores of Australian workers killed in workplace incidents
9 December 2015
Workers continue to die or be severely injured in work-related accidents that are entirely preventable.

Australian union officials arrested on blackmail charges for imposing bans
8 December 2015
The use of the criminal law to punish industrial action is a bid to wind the clock back to the nineteenth century.

US pressures Australian government to toe the line on China
8 December 2015
Washington’s misgivings over Turnbull have been heightened by the lease of Darwin port to a Chinese company and his failure to agree to joint military challenges to Chinese claims in the South China

Ex-minister’s defection highlights fragility of Australian government
7 December 2015
Less than three months after Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull ousted his predecessor Tony Abbott there are intense rifts within his government.

Australian state government sells power generator for next to nothing
7 December 2015
The power trade unions have diverted workers’ opposition into harmless protests while helping axe thousands of jobs through “voluntary” redundancies.

Sri Lankan housemaid faces execution in Saudi Arabia
5 December 2015
The impending death by stoning highlights the Sri Lankan government’s concern not to offend the Saudi regime and indifference to the plight of migrant workers.

Australian government pushes through bill to revoke citizenships
4 December 2015
The new powers, which can be exercised without any trial or judicial process, go far beyond targeting alleged terrorist suspects.

Australian workers and youth voice concerns over downing of Russian jet
3 December 2015
Workers and youth interviewed by the WSWS pointed to the role of the US in stoking global geo-strategic tensions.

Australia: Reserve Bank leaves rates on hold despite plunge in investment
2 December 2015
The investment figures throw into doubt the government’s efforts to talk up the country’s economic prospects.

Tens of thousands attend climate change rallies in Australia
1 December 2015
While the protests expressed growing concern over the environmental crisis, organisers sought to channel them into bankrupt appeals to the Turnbull government.

Refugees rescued off West Timor after being dumped by Australia
30 November 2015
Asylum seekers who disappeared for a week after being intercepted by the Australian navy were found stricken in a small boat without fuel off the Indonesian coast.

Australian government unveils new pro-business “reforms”
28 November 2015
Entire areas of “human services”—including public health and education—will be thrown open to exploitation by cost-cutting corporate operators.

Australian Greens posturing on war and refugees exposed at public meeting
28 November 2015
None of the speakers mentioned the direct connection between the refugee crisis and the war drive by the US and its allies, including Australia.

Australian bushfires tragically confirm Climate Council warnings
27 November 2015
Hot, dry weather conducive to bushfires is extending beyond the traditional summer months.

Australian state government rejects Chinese bid for electricity company
27 November 2015
State Grid’s offer was turned down after a hysterical campaign presenting it as a threat to “national security.”

Australian PM ramps up “war on terror”
25 November 2015
While his style was slicker than his predecessor’s, Turnbull’s reactionary message was the same: a continued commitment to war abroad and anti-democratic measures at home.

Anti-Muslim rallies in Australia: A byproduct of the “war on terror”
25 November 2015
Sunday’s protests had the character of a well-rehearsed political pantomime, staged for the benefit of the media and the police agencies.

Australian state-funded networks provide platform for extreme-right
24 November 2015
Extensive media coverage of anti-Islamic organisations is in line with the government’s preparations for war and deeper attacks on democratic rights.

Australian workers and youth denounce war drive after Paris attacks
23 November 2015
Workers and young people spoke out against the use of the Paris terror attacks to escalate the drive to war and the assault on democratic rights.

Australia: Labor Party attacks government over Chinese port contract
23 November 2015
Labor’s subservience to Washington and the US-Australia alliance is in line with its entire history.

Toyota worker denounces union over shutdown of Australian car industry
21 November 2015
“The only people who will win out from this closure are the company and the unions.”

BlueScope praises Australian unions for pushing through job destruction at Port Kembla
21 November 2015
The company will now try to use the threat to close the steel plant to extract more cuts to wages and conditions.

Australian unemployment figures provoke disbelief and criticism
20 November 2015
Despite mounting job losses, Australian Bureau of Statistics figures for October recorded an unexplained fall in the unemployment rate.

Obama demands China halt South China Sea activities
19 November 2015
In Manila for the APEC summit, Obama condemned China specifically, further escalating the confrontation over the South China Sea.

US president reproaches Australian PM over Darwin port deal
19 November 2015
Amid rising tensions with Beijing, Obama said Washington should have had “a heads-up” over a Chinese company winning the northern Australian port lease.

Australian unions force through steel job cuts and wage freeze
19 November 2015
A significant minority of workers rejected the company-union blackmail.

Australian establishment seizes on Paris attacks to justify war and police state measures
18 November 2015
Every effort is being made to silence any criticism of the wars, attacks on democratic rights and worsening social conditions that have fuelled Islamist extremism.

Australian maritime union betrays Hutchison workers
18 November 2015
Hutchison management thanked the union for giving the company “greatly enhanced flexibility.”

Hutchison worker: “The union delivered the job cuts the company wanted”
18 November 2015
One sacked Hutchison worker who attended the Brisbane mass meeting on Monday spoke with the World Socialist Web Site. He said that although there was “almost unanimous” vote for union-com

Australian unions seek to ram through job destruction at BlueScope Steel
17 November 2015
Opposition has steadily increased to the union’s efforts to blackmail workers into voting to slash their own conditions.

Divisions emerge over Chinese contract for northern Australian port
16 November 2015
The discussion shifted from the commercial opportunities offered by Chinese investment to the “threat” posed by Chinese companies.

Australian government considers removing refugees to Kyrgyzstan
14 November 2015
Kyrgyzstan, one of a number of former Soviet Union countries being considered for transferring refugees, ranks among the 50 poorest countries in the world.

Australia: Growing opposition to union-company deal at Port Kembla steelworks
13 November 2015
The unions are seeking to intimidate workers into accepting 500 job cuts, a wage-freeze and an overhaul of working conditions.

Australian Labor Party backs revamped bill to revoke citizenships
13 November 2015
With Labor’s assistance, the Turnbull government’s bill establishes a wider precedent for overturning the fundamental democratic right to citizenship.

Australian government deporting life-long residents over minor offences
12 November 2015
Hundreds of long-term residents are being stripped of their visas, and face indefinite detention and deportation.