Picture essay

Kut Central Prison, Iraq

November 2009, by Emma LeBlanc

Kut Central Prison is attached to the main police station in the capital of Wasit province, southern Iraq. Designed to hold 100 people on a temporary, pre-trial basis, the prison now frequently houses up to 250 inmates —sometimes as many as 280 — including women. Convicted murderers on death row are held in the same overcrowded cells as petty thieves.

Sayyed Serag, a former inmate, was cleared by US forces of suspected involvement in a Shiite insurgent group. He was moved from an American detention center to Kut Central Prison as part of the release process. Once in Iraqi custody weeks passed and he remained behind bars. By his account, one day a guard approached him and explained he would be released only if he paid a $10,000 bribe. “This is a small price for you to pay for freedom”, the officer told him. With no other choice, Mr. Serag’s brother sold his truck, the source of his livelihood, and paid the fee. Sayyed Serag was released.

Staff Sergeant Thomas Heuer, a US military police officer assigned to monitor and advise the Iraqi Security Forces at the prison in 2008/2009, said allegations of bribery and extortion against prison officers were common. “There is corruption, but it is reducing, and they’re starting to adhere to some of the Geneva Conventions," he said.

Kut Central Prison is hardly an aberration. Corruption, abuse, and human rights violations are ubiquitous in prisons throughout Iraq. Human rights organizations have expressed concern about the systematic use of torture to obtain confessions as well as the rape of male and female prisoners by guards. In June of 2009 Harith al Obaidi, a moderate Sunni MP and outspoken critic of human rights abuses, announced in Parliament his plan to investigate allegations of corruption, torture and abuse in prisons. He was assassinated the following day.

Pictures by Emma LeBlanc, all photos copyright Makoto Photographic Agency and the photographer. Reproduction in any form without permission prohibited.

Despite overcrowding and corruption at Kut Central Prison, it is apparently far from being the worst jail in Wasit. Badra, a town near the Iranian border, has a detention center largely filled with people caught crossing into Iraq without visas, according to senior American officials. Most are poor Iranian pilgrims who want to visit the holy sites in Najaf and Kerbala, but who cannot afford to pay the $40 visa fee. “They arrest families and treat them exactly the same as they treat drug smugglers,” one senior US military officer said. “They have the families facing the same penalty as smugglers – six years. Badra jail. It’s not a good place. Not good at all.”

The main prison in Diwaniyah, a province neighboring Wasit, also has a poor reputation. Staff Sergeant Heuer, the Military Police officer, said it was far worse than Kut. “The prison in Diwaniyah is bad compared to this. They had an outbreak of scabies recently. Kut has the best jail I’ve seen in Iraq.”

Lieutenant Colonel Qais Abdul Raheem al Abedi (pictured) heads day-to-day operations at the prison. In an interview at the jail, he admitted there was corruption in the system, but said his main concern was to raise living conditions. “On corruption I will only say that we are getting better,” he said.

“We are trying to modernize," Lt Col al Abedi said. "I went to Germany and saw their prisons and they’re unbelievable, not like a prison at all. There’s a jail in Nasariyah [a city in southern Iraq] and they have two people to a cell. We need a bigger prison and we’re hoping to have a new facility built here. The building is old and in a bad state. We need to do something about that.”

Although there is no official figure, it was estimated in mid-2008 that there were 51,000 prisoners in Iraq, including US detention centers, and the number was expected to grow. That same year, Mohammad Al-Dainy, an Iraqi member of parliament, told the United Nations that the Iraqi government held thousands more detainees in at least 420 secret detention centers throughout the country.

Iraq’s security services remain highly politicized. The police in Wasit are largely under the control of the Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council, an Iranian-backed Shiite religious party that rose to power after the US-led invasion. The SIIC dominates the ministry of the interior in Baghdad and holds power in key southern provinces, despite having limited on-street support.

In the provincial elections of January 2009, the Supreme Council suffered setbacks, including in Wasit province, as voters sought more effective local leadership. But it has fought to protect its disproportionate influence which remains under threat from political opponents. The Sadrists, the mass religious and political movement headed by Muqtada al Sadr are highly popular among the urban poor and a major rival to the Supreme Council. For that reason, Sadrists say they are unfairly targeted by police, both to raise money through bribes and to prevent any political activism.

There were nine female prisoners held in Kut prison in October 2008, including two Iranians. One of the women was pregnant.

Many of the inmates allege political motivations for their arrests. One inmate claimed her house was confiscated for political reasons, and that she was detained for protesting against the seizure.

Nada Mehsin Dafir al Omayrie (left) had been held for five months as of October 2008, with little immediate prospect of release. She was imprisoned after her husband, suspected of being a member of the Sadrist’s military wing, the Mahdi Army Shiite militia, was killed by the security services. “My husband was shot; the police said he was in the Mahdi Army and they arrested me because of that,” Mrs Omayrie, 20 years-old, said. Her son, Jafa’a was a few months old when his father died. Through a lawyer, Mrs Omayrie requested a judge review her case and asked that her son, not yet one year old, be brought to her in prison so she could breast feed. Both requests had been denied.

One of the US officials working with the prison confirmed her story and said there was no reason for Mrs Omayrie to be held. “The system is a mess,” he said, on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to talk to the press. “She’s lucky to have a lawyer – many don’t even get that. The judges are busy with various things and don’t spend much time looking at cases. The system works slowly and unfairly. Fairness isn’t high on the list of priorities.”

An Iraq-based official of the US State Department, also speaking on condition of anonymity, said the allegations of corruption in Kut Central Prison were not surprising. “This is a third world country and these things happen in third world countries,” he said. “In Mexico, people routinely have to pay to be let out of prison and that’s the way it works here. We don’t like it, but it happens.”

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