Tribes Life Amazone -
Secret and Isolated Life
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Tribe Documentary
Indian rights activists,
South American governments are challenged by recent encounters to rethink their 'no contact' policies.
Documentary Films Arts & Entertainment TV &
Amazon Tribes Footage: Full Documentary - Yamurikuma is a festival in which the women of some
Xingu Amazon tribes participate in a sort of gender role reversal, wearing feather ornaments and ankle rattles normally worn by men. is a resource for photos and videos of native indigenous people of the
Amazon Rainforest. It is an educational resource and an introduction to the cultures of Amazon native tribes from the
South American Amazon River Basin. Furthermore, this website is a resource for information and geographic maps of the native indigenous tribes of the Amazon Rainforest.
Various indigenous people of the Amazon are represented, including the
Matis, Matsés-Mayoruna,
Bora, Shipibos,
Yagua, Marubo,
Suyá, and Xingu Amazonian native tribes. Various ceremonies and rituals are illustrated, most importantly the
Ceremony of Mariwin, Matsés-Mayoruna
Poison Frog Ceremony,
Dance of Queixada,
Ritual of
Capybara, Ticuna Indian
Girls Puberty
Rite of Passage, Marubo Ceremony of Aco, and the
Kuarup (Kwarup) Ceremony of the
Dead. Moreover, various Amazon native tribe legends are told, including
Bari Rahua and the
Discovery of the
Grand Cosmos, the Amazon
Indian Tribe Legend of The
Pink Dolphin, and the Amazon
Native Tribe Legend of The
Victoria Regia. Various aspects of the cultures of the indigenous people of the Amazon are covered, as well as hunting with blowguns and curare. In particular, the blowguns of the Matis and Yagua native amazonian tribes are illustrated. Moreover, photos of native facial tattoos and body tattoos are shown. Amazon native tribe bilingual education of girls and boys is also highlighted.
Please check out our recent articles on the Huaorani
Indians, the "
Warriors of the Amazon" and on the
Yanomami Indians, "The
Fierce People."
Recently, pictures of naked uncontacted Amazon Indians have made headlines worldwide. Some of these newspaper reports have been controversial and confusing, hence we have added several articles to help clarify and summarize what is known about these nude uncontacted Amazon tribes. Please refer to our new articles on "Uncontacted Amazon
Indians in Peru," and "Uncontacted Amazon Tribe: The Cabellos Largos" to learn more about indigenous Amazonian natives living in voluntary isolation from the rest of the world. To learn about the most recently contacted tribe in the Amazon, please see our new essay on the Korubo Indians, also known as the "
Caceteiros" or "Head-Bashers." The Korubo Indians have been described in the news as a nude tribe living in voluntary isolation, with all the members of their tribe still living naked in the jungle. In addition, has the great honor of exclusively publishing for the first time on the
Internet, the historic photographs taken by Amazon explorer and photographer,
Chuck Clark. During the
1960s, Clark captured images of many indigenous Amazonian communities, who until that time, were uncontacted tribes, living in voluntary isolation from the
Western world.
Brasil Amazon
Tribus: Yamurikuma es un festival en el que las mujeres de algunas tribus Xingu participan en una especie de rol de género reversión, vestido con adornos de plumas y el tobillo sonajeros normalmente usados por los hombres.
Бразилия Amazon племён: Yamurikuma является фестиваль, в котором принимают участие женщины некоторых племен Шингу в каком-то пол ролями, ношение перо украшения и лодыжки погремушки обычно носят мужчины.
Amazon Rainforest, также известный на английском языке как Амазонии или джунглях Амазонки, среда обитания примерно одной трети всех видов животных в мире и неконтактировавщей / изолированные племена, такие как
- published: 20 Aug 2015
- views: 14742