10 Coca-Cola Hacks That Actually Work!
Top 10 other things you can do with coke besides drinking it
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Few brands are as powerful, lucrative and widely recognized as Coca-Cola. Surveys have even suggested that it’s the second most popular word worldwide, behind “hello”, and reigns indisputably as the world’s most popular beverage.
Invented back in 1886, there are approximately 1.6 billion gallons of the drink now sold every year across over 160 countries.
While it might be tasty and refreshing, the soft drink colloquially known as coke is comprised of an acid-filled chemical cocktail with ingredients more commonly found in products that one would never think to guzzle down their throat. These ingredients and additives don’t exactly make coke, which boasts an acidity level comparable to battery acid, a particularly health-conscious beverage choice.
Regular consumers of the fizzy soda are put at risk for developing an addiction to caffeine and a deficiency of important minerals such as calcium, magnesium and vitamin A. It has also been associated with strokes, cardiac arrests, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
They do, however, allow for the beverage to take on many lesser known, albeit still practical and useful, roles. In fact, Coca-Cola can be used for an array of purposes that extend far beyond being drank alongside a burger and fries as part of a fast food combo. As a cleaning product, it has proven similarly effective to many more familiar – and highly toxic - household cleaners. Its chemicals might help the drink tantalize your taste buds, but it can also serve other parts of the body, acting on hair follicles and helping to alleviate pain and soreness. They can also be equally impactful on other everyday objects, such as coins, clothing and even toilet bowls.
Now, although these many purposes do serve to highlight the ever-present chemicals that comprise the fizzy beverage and establish Coca-Cola as a rather unhealthy thirst quencher, let’s not assume that the varied uses for the drink are all bad. As a matter of fact, coke currently holds appeal to a great number of people in the world who don’t view it as a source of sweet, sugary liquid fuel. In several parts of the world, purchasing Coca-Cola is ironically less expensive than accessing clean drinking water. The availability of the drink enables farmers and other low income workers from
across the world to use it as a cheaper alternative to many toxins, such as pesticides and clothing cleaners.
North America, however, Coca-Cola remains predominantly a soft drink, used to sate thirst and little else. But this seems fairly narrow minded, doesn’t it?
Coke’s value as a multi-purpose too is considerable, even to those who are somewhat grossed out by a product equally adept at offering refreshment and cleaning a toilet bowl.
Perhaps this list of 10 practical uses for Coca-Cola will get you dreaming up ways to get the most mileage out of that 12-pack that you just brought back from the grocery store. Or, on the other hand, it may keep you away from carbonated beverages for a long time to come.
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Toilet Bowl Cleaner
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Pain Neutralizer
Dish Washer
Jellyfish Sting Relief
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Gas Smell from Clothing
Coin Scrubbing
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