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Love is Key

Love must prevail: Tuesday hearing marks a new skirmish in the cryptowars

Julian Assange says "Lauri Love is fighting this case for the rights of all UK residents against excessive and abusive policing. Because the UK is a laboratory for these kinds of repressive policies, the case will also have wide-reaching repercussions internationally."

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Free Love funding drive: save Lauri from US extradition

On 12 April at 2pm, Lauri Love will appear at Westminster Magistrate's Court challenging an attempt by the UK's NCA to compel him to hand over his encryption keys

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Lauri Love fights compelled decryption on 12 April

2pm, London, West Magistrate's Court; Richie Tynan of Privacy International: “This is the first time we have heard of a UK agency using two different legal mechanisms to compel the decryption of data"


Courage at the 2016 Logan Symposium

At this year's Logan Symposium in Berlin, the Courage Foundation held workshop on the issues we've faced in our two years as an organisation and hosted a live video call with Lauri Love


Courage workshop at The Logan Symposium

Friday's session will include a live video-link Q&A; with Courage beneficiary Lauri Love

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You can now donate to Barrett Brown and Lauri Love defence funds tax-free

EU supporters can make tax-deductible donations via the Wau Holland Foundation


Matt DeHart sentenced to 7.5 years in jail

Matt, who has already served 3.5 years, was sentenced in accordance with the plea deal he was coerced into signing late last year