Bagehot's notebook

British politics

  • London’s election

    Why Zac Goldsmith’s “extremism” attacks on Sadiq Khan were wrong

    by BAGEHOT

    AS THE dust settles on Sadiq Khan’s victory in London’s mayoral election, attentions are turning to Zac Goldsmith’s campaign and his aggressive focus on his rival’s past encounters with Muslim hardliners. A Guardian op-ed under the headline “Forgive and forget Zac Goldsmith’s racist campaign? No chance” has been shared some 25,000 times. In the Spectator, Toby Young argued: “Zac Goldsmith has nothing to be ashamed of”. Both pieces make some good and some bad points. But I sympathise more with the first. Here is why.

    To begin, some concessions. Elections are a rough-and-tumble business.

  • A capital decision

    Sadiq Khan will be London’s new mayor

    by BAGEHOT

    THE official declaration has not yet taken place, but already it is arithmetically certain that Sadiq Khan has won London’s election and will be the capital’s new mayor. With over 90% of ballots counted he leads Zac Goldsmith, his Tory rival, by 44% to 35%. The decisiveness of his victory is easy enough to understand. London is a Labour city; in Britain, as across northern Europe, the centre-left vote has held up better in metropolitan areas than elsewhere. And Mr Khan had the local machine, the story (the son of a bus driver from Pakistan, he grew up in a council flat) and the right pro-enterprise, pro-infrastructure, cosmopolitan pitch for his electorate.

  • Local elections

    Low expectations cloud Labour’s abysmal local-elections performance

    by Bagehot

    YESTERDAY Theo Bertram, an adviser in Downing Street under New Labour, blogged on the art of spinning local-election results. He pointed to the party’s grim showing in 2007, when it lost 505 seats and the opposition Conservatives gained 911, as proof of the wonders that successfully setting expectations and framing results can work. Having set the bar for the Tories ludicrously high, on that election night Labour’s talking heads repeated and repeated the claim that the opposition had fallen short and that their own side had avoided its worst-case scenario. They banged on about the Tories’ failure to take Bury, an arbitrary and unrealistic yardstick.

  • Fantastic Foxes

    Leicester City’s success suggests globalisation is strengthening, not killing, English football

    by BAGEHOT / J.A.

    A guest-post from one of my predecessors as Bagehot:

    WHEN, two years ago, the bones of Richard III, a crippled Medieval monarch, were dug up from a car park in Leicester on the basis of the sketchiest of archaeological hunches, the locals rejoiced. Not many knew much about the 15th-century tyrant and alleged nepoticide; but Leicester, a rather non-descript, former hosiery hub, in the middle of England, was not known for much either, and some fame was welcome.

  • Ken Livingstone's slurs

    Guest post: Why comparing Israel to the Nazis is always anti-Semitic

    by BAGEHOT / A.M.

    A guest-post from one of my predecessors as Bagehot:

    THE borders between criticism of Israel, anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are, like Israel’s borders, disputed. Some people believe that denying Israel’s right to exist, alone among the world’s states, or boycotting Israeli goods while neglecting other human-rights abusers, are themselves straightforwardly anti-Semitic; others consider those legitimate political positions untainted by prejudice. Wherever you draw this line, though, one particular feature of Israel-bashing should fall on the wrong side of it.

  • Labour in disarray

    By tolerating Jeremy Corbyn, Labour’s moderates are complicit in their party’s shame

    by Bagehot

    ANOTHER day, another figure in the Labour Party facing allegations of anti-Semitism. Today it is Ken Livingstone, who went on the BBC to comment on Jeremy Corbyn’s belated and reluctant decision yesterday to suspend Naz Shah, an MP who had suggested that Israel’s population be relocated to America. The former mayor of London, who is close to his party’s hard-left leader and was leading its review into foreign policy, claimed that this was not anti-Semitic and that Ms Shah is a victim of the “well-organised Israel lobby”. He then unburdened himself of the observation that Hitler was “supporting Zionism” before he “went mad and ended up killing six million Jews.”

  • Obama in London

    Barack Obama is right: Britain could lead Europe if it wanted to

    by BAGEHOT

    THE American president touched down in London last night for a three-day visit. Officially his trip has to do with wishing the queen a happy 90th birthday. In practice it is a carefully worded bid to nudge British voters towards a Remain vote in the EU referendum on June 23rd. His lobbying began this morning with a column in the Daily Telegraph (seemingly chosen for being the most high-brow Eurosceptic outlet) under the headline: “As your friend, let me say that the EU makes Britain even greater.” This afternoon he will give a press conference in Downing Street where he is expected to reiterate these arguments.

  • Labour rejects "Lexit"

    The telling sincerity of Jeremy Corbyn's EU conversion

    by BAGEHOT

    JEREMY CORBYN opened his overdue anti-Brexit speech this morning by observing that the venue, Senate House in London, was the inspiration for the Ministry of Truth in Orwell's 1984. The comment—playfully questioning the sincerity of the arguments to follow—will have unsettled the pro-Europeans who dominate his Labour Party. For Mr Corbyn seems only recently to have converted to the case for British EU membership.

    As a paid-up member of his party’s old left-Eurosceptic wing who campaigned for Britain to leave the club at the last referendum, in 1975, he has a series of stringent criticisms of Brussels to his name.

  • David Cameron’s taxes

    What the Panama papers really reveal about David Cameron

    by BAGEHOT

    PART of the art of politics is crisis management: making embarrassments and other disadvantageous stories go away. But over the past week, David Cameron—whose antennae often seem as sharp as the best of them—has somehow managed to do the opposite. He has turned a pedestrian story about his personal finances into a rolling scandal.

    How? The Panama papers leak revealed that the prime minister’s late father, Ian, had something called a “unit trust” fund, whereby a group of people pool their money (by buying shares, or units, of the total kitty) and use it to invest in a variety of securities, spreading the risk.

  • Q&A

    Transcript: Interview with Will Straw

    by BAGEHOT

    MY COLUMN this week looks at the Remain campaign in Britain's EU referendum. The main organisation in it is Britain Stronger in Europe, an umbrella organisation encompassing pro-Europeans from across the political spectrum and different fields of public life. It is led by Will Straw, with whom I recently spent a day on the trail. During our visit I sat down with Mr Straw to ask him about how the campaign is going, what Remain's strategy should be and what will decide whether Britain votes for or against Brexit on June 23rd.

    Bagehot: Britain is divided on Europe. Some people are extremely keen on it, some are extremely hostile.

  • Mind the gap

    The cosmopolitan-communitarian divide explains Britain’s EU split

    by BAGEHOT

    PUBLISHED by YouGov yesterday, the above map caught my eye. Using a 80,000-strong panel of voters, the pollsters have ranked 188 of the 206 local authority areas in England, Scotland and Wales by their propensity to vote for Brexit at the referendum on June 23rd. The result neatly illustrates the argument of my recent column on the demographics of the Europe vote. Once you have noticed the markedly pro-European leaning of Scotland and Wales (the product of left-leaning political traditions and a different national self-image to that of England), the next most striking thing is Britain’s class-educational split.

  • The meaning of Brexit

    An interview with Ian Bremmer

    by BAGEHOT

    DAVID CAMERON completed his EU renegotiation just days ago and yet, as some of us predicted, already it is receding into the distance. As the campaign gets underway, the focus has moved off the prime minister’s respectable but inevitably modest achievements in Brussels and onto the big arguments. What would a Brexit mean for the country, and for Europe? Would it leave it stronger or weaker? What sort of role should Britain seek to play in the world over the coming decades?

  • BoJo breaks ranks

    Boris Johnson is wrong: in the 21st century, sovereignty is always relative

    by BAGEHOT

    TODAY the commentariat, and almost no one else, has been waiting excitedly for Boris Johnson to show his colours in Britain’s upcoming EU referendum. The great moment came at 3:30pm with the BBC’s confirmation of prior reports that London’s mayor would back a Brexit vote. This news is bad for the In campaign—he is the country’s most popular politician, after all—though not nearly as much as some excited Eurosceptics will claim in the coming hours. It positions Mr Johnson to run for the Conservative leadership should David Cameron lose the referendum, and perhaps, though not as immediately, if he does not.

  • And they're off!

    The Brexit referendum on June 23rd will be all about David Cameron

    by BAGEHOT

    DAVID CAMERON returned home from Brussels last night to mixed reviews. The likes of Nigel Farage were always going to pan his “renegotiation” of Britain’s EU membership (and did not disappoint). Less predictable was the gloomy verdict from typically friendlier sources. “Thin Gruel” ran the leader headline in the Times, while the Spectator deemed the EU to have “called the prime minister’s bluff”.

  • Brexit summit

    Keep David Cameron's renegotiation in perspective

    by BAGEHOT

    DAVID CAMERON is in Brussels for the endgame of his great "renegotiation" of Britain's membership of the EU. For over three years this deadline has loomed over the prime minister--never less so than in the frenetic, final weeks, during which Mr Cameron has concentrated on little else, shuttling round the continent pressing the flesh and testing the limits of the diplomatically achievable. About now the prime minister and EU leaders are sitting down to discuss his asks. The European Council will then return to the subject tomorrow morning (over an "English breakfast" or perhaps "brunch", we are told). By lunchtime Mr Cameron will probably have a deal.

About Bagehot's notebook

In this blog, our Bagehot columnist surveys the politics of Britain, British life and Britain's place in the world. The column and blog are named after Walter Bagehot, an English journalist who was the editor of The Economist from 1861 to 1877.



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