Local News

Future of local news takes shape

Future of local news takes shape

FAIRFAX Media’s restructure of its publishing operations in Goulburn, Bowral, Queanbeyan, Yass, Crookwell and Braidwood will result in ...

University debating tutors visit

University debating tutors visit

Last Friday six debaters from the University of Wollongong and the Australian National University travelled to Braidwood to ...

Playful Obsessions

Playful Obsessions

The new exhibition last weekend at The Left Hand, bringing together two artists - Bec Setnicarr and Colin ...

Winners Are Grinners

Winners Are Grinners

On Saturday afternoon the possum witnessed the Braidwood Bowling Club defeat Tomakin Bowling Club in the final round ...

Regional Focus

Local Sport

Bears defeat Gunning

It was a sunny Saturday afternoon when the Braidwood Bears took on the Gunning team. John McGlone the president of ...



On Saturday the Braidwood Bowling Club’s pennant teams journeyed to Malua Bay for their return match against teams,that ...

Billy Carts AND Harleys

Billy Carts AND Harleys

Remember folks as you put the finishing touches to your mean machines that on Race Day secret Lions ...

TV Guide

  • {!= date.text !}
  • {!= show.name !}
    {!= show.start !} - {!= show.end !}


Top Stories

Braidwood Times Classifieds
Braidwood Times Classifieds
Braidwood Times Classifieds


Men’s Shed Raffle

Men’s Shed Raffle

Thank you locals and visitors for supporting our annual March raffle. We had nine terrific prizes and tickets ...


Life & Style


The future of Palerang

Here is a message from the Front. The enemy sent their final ultimatum demanding our surrender but we ...

Five minutes to midnight

It's five minutes to midnight for Palerang Council. It failed the 'scale and capacity' threshold in the State ...

Better off on our own

Sandra Hand raises some interesting points as to why we should entertain the idea of Palerang Council amalgamation ...

Unity’s water management

While talking with communities around the proposed Dargues Gold Mine site, protecting water resources has understandably been a ...


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