20 May 2016
French parliament extends state of emergency amid rising protests
By Alex Lantier, 20 May 2016
Contrary to official claims, the state of emergency is not aimed at Islamist terrorism, but at growing opposition in the working class to social austerity and military and police violence.
Strikes and protests mount against French labour law
By Kumaran Ira, 20 May 2016
French government backs neo-fascist protest against opposition to labor law
The working class in France mobilizes against austerity
US media steps up witch-hunt over claims of Sanders “violence” in Nevada
By Patrick Martin, 20 May 2016
The bogus claims of violence and harassment have now reached the front page of the New York Times and the editorial page of the Washington Post.
Sanders’ strong showing in Oregon, Kentucky extends Democratic presidential contest
More on the 2016 US elections »
Growing anger among Verizon strikers as CWA and IBEW prepare sellout
By Nick Barrickman, 20 May 2016
After telling workers they would not accede to Verizon’s demands for a federal mediator, the CWA and the IBEW agreed to mediation as talks restarted Tuesday.
As CWA prepares sellout, Verizon strikers discuss way forward on WSWS online call
By our reporter, 20 May 2016
Verizon strikers from throughout the East Coast of the United States discussed and debated the way forward during a two-hour call hosted by the WSWS Verizon Strike Newsletter.
CWA, Verizon impose blackout on contract talks
CWA agrees to federal mediator, prepares sellout of Verizon strike
The political struggle facing Verizon workers
Spy plane “intercept” highlights US push for South China Sea confrontation
By Mike Head, 20 May 2016
Allegations that Chinese aircraft “unsafely” intercepted a US surveillance plane underscore Pentagon calls for a “trigger” for conflict with China.
War danger grows following new US provocation in South China Sea
US and NATO leaders say EgyptAir Flight 804 was bombed, vow military response
By Thomas Gaist, 20 May 2016
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton demanded an escalation of the war in Iraq and Syria in response to the destruction of the Cairo-bound jetliner.
Hundreds feared dead in Sri Lankan landslides and floods
By our correspondents, 20 May 2016
Disaster victims have blamed the government and other authorities for not providing adequate relief or moving residents to safe places.
Australian Federal Police raid Labor Party frontbencher
By Nick Beams, 20 May 2016
Raids conducted by the police have been denounced as “extraordinary and unprecedented” in an election campaign.
Syriza government uses tear gas and stun grenades against refugees
By Christoph Vandreier, 20 May 2016
The violence deployed against helpless and desperate refugees fleeing wars most clearly exposes the class character of the current government in Greece.
Austrian presidential run-off offers no alternative
By Markus Salzmann, 20 May 2016
Many conservatives are backing Green candidate Van der Bellen because they see him as best able to carry out austerity measures.
UK: BMA agrees sell-out contract to end junior doctors dispute
By Robert Stevens, 20 May 2016
Junior doctors have reacted angrily to a proposed contract that is even worse than the one they previously rejected by an overwhelming margin.
Obama overtime rule to go in effect this December
By Gabriel Black, 20 May 2016
The expansion of eligibility for overtime pay has many loopholes and will only affect a small portion of the workforce.
AFL-CIO report points to continued social polarization
By Shannon Jones, 20 May 2016
The typical Fortune 500 CEO took in $12.4 million last year, 355 times the pay of an average non-supervisory worker.
Video: SEP candidate Niles Niemuth: Top 25 hedge fund managers made $13 billion last year
New York police gun down mentally unstable man in midtown Manhattan
By Daniel de Vries, 20 May 2016
Police fired nine shots at a busy intersection Wednesday morning, killing one and injuring another.
New in French
Les grèves et les manifestations montent en France contre la loi travail
Par Alex Lantier, 20 mai 2016
De sections de plus en plus larges de la classe ouvrière se mobilisent aux côtés de dizaines de milliers de jeunes qui manifestent contre la loi travail.
L’établissement du Parti démocrate mène une chasse aux sorcières contre les partisans de Sanders
Par Patrick Martin, 20 mai 2016
Le tumulte politique et médiatique sur le congrès du Parti démocratique dans l’état du Nevada est une provocation fabriquée de toute pièce.
Les jeunes se mobilisent contre la loi travail à Marseille
Par Anthony Torres, 20 mai 2016
Plusieurs milliers de travailleurs et de jeunes ont défilé à Marseille hier contre la loi travail et les mesures antidémocratiques et répressives du Parti socialiste.
Les jeunes d'Amiens manifestent pour défier la répression de l'Etat français
Par Antoine Lerougetel, 20 mai 2016
750 jeunes et travailleurs sont descendus dans la rue mardi à Amiens pour s'opposer à la loi travail et défendre des droits démocratiques fondamentaux contre la répression.
Les cheminots français en grève contre la loi travail et la réforme ferroviaire
Par Anthony Torres, 20 mai 2016
Comme le démontre la répression du mouvement contre la loi travail, toute grève contre la privatisation de la SNCF implique une confrontation avec le PS.
Le réarmement de l’OTAN en Europe de l’Est augmente le risque d’une guerre mondiale
Par Johannes Stern, 20 mai 2016
Dans la perspective de son sommet en juillet à Varsovie, l’OTAN renforce ses capacités en Europe de l’Est, ce qui accroît le risque d’un conflit nucléaire avec la Russie.
Entente de trahison entérinée dans le secteur public québécois
Par Laurent Lafrance, 20 mai 2016
Ce que le conflit dans le secteur public a démontré avant tout, c’est que les travailleurs ont besoin de nouvelles organisations de lutte et d’une nouvelle stratégie politique.
Obama à la jeunesse américaine: Cessez de vous plaindre, les choses n’ont jamais été aussi bien!
Par Niles Niemuth, 20 mai 2016
Les médias mettent bien l’accent sur les attaques d’Obama contre Donald Trump, mais ses attaques contre les jeunes qui appuient la campagne du «socialiste» autoproclamé Bernie Sanders sont encore plus significatives.
Other Languages
- Die Kontroverse in den USA um den Zugang von Transgendern zu öffentlichen Toiletten (20.05.2016)
- Syriza-Regierung greift Flüchtlinge mit Tränengas und Blendgranaten an (20.05.2016)
- Süddeutsche Zeitung fordert „Abschreckung“ gegen Russland (20.05.2016)
- Französische Regierung unterstützt neofaschistischen Protest gegen die Opposition zu den Arbeitsgesetzen (20.05.2016)
- NSU: Weitere Hinweise auf Verbindungen zum Verfassungsschutz (20.05.2016)
- Venezolanische Rechte appelliert ans Militär (20.05.2016)
- SPD im freien Fall (19.05.2016)
- Die Grünen rufen nach Polizeistaat (19.05.2016)
- Die USA und ihre Verbündeten drohen mit Eskalation des Kriegs in Syrien (19.05.2016)
- US-Militär plant Kriege in ganz Afrika (19.05.2016)
- Français
- Les grèves et les manifestations montent en France contre la loi travail (20.05.2016)
- Les cheminots français en grève contre la loi travail et la réforme ferroviaire (20.05.2016)
- Le réarmement de l’OTAN en Europe de l’Est augmente le risque d’une guerre mondiale (20.05.2016)
- Entente de trahison entérinée dans le secteur public québécois (20.05.2016)
- Obama à la jeunesse américaine: Cessez de vous plaindre, les choses n’ont jamais été aussi bien! (20.05.2016)
- L’établissement du Parti démocrate mène une chasse aux sorcières contre les partisans de Sanders (20.05.2016)
- Le PS soutient des manifestations néo-fascistes contre les opposants à la loi travail (19.05.2016)
- Défiant la répression policière, les manifestations se poursuivent contre la loi Travail en France (19.05.2016)
- Les États-Unis et leurs alliés menacent d'intensifier la guerre en Syrie (19.05.2016)
- Barack Obama et un quart de siècle de guerres américaines (18.05.2016)
- Español
- Estados Unidos, China y la crisis política en América Latina (13.05.2016)
- Primero de Mayo del 2016 y el futuro del socialismo (11.05.2016)
- Dos candidatos de la derecha pasan a segunda vuelta en las elecciones presidenciales de Perú (09.05.2016)
- Movilización Internacional del Primero de Mayo del 2016: Informe introductorio de David North (09.05.2016)
- Primero de Mayo 2016: Las tareas políticas que enfrentan los trabajadores del subcontinente indio (09.05.2016)
- Dieciocho profesores encarcelados mientras policías reprimen protestas en México (05.05.2016)
- La Guerra, el Partido Demócrata y las elecciones del 2016 (29.04.2016)
- ¡Opongámonos a la guerra imperialista! ¡Únanse al acto del Día Internacional del Trabajador! (29.04.2016)
- ¿Es la propuesta de Sanders de dividir a los bancos una demanda socialista? (26.04.2016)
- El Partido Socialista por la Igualdad anuncia su campaña presidencial (26.04.2016)
- Русский
- Дэвид Кинг 1943–2016: Революционный социалист, художник и защитник исторической правды (18.05.2016)
- Сорок миллионов граждан России — должники (17.05.2016)
- В России создается Национальная гвардия для защиты капиталистической олигархии (14.05.2016)
- Поддержите предвыборную кампанию Партии Социалистического Равенства в Берлине! Голосуйте против войны и милитаризма! (11.05.2016)
- Дэвид Уолш выступает на тему «Искусство, война и социальная революция» на митингах в Калифорнии (07.05.2016)
- 25 лет назад: Более половины населения СССР за чертой бедности (07.05.2016)
- Крах «политической революции» Сандерса (05.05.2016)
- 100 лет назад: Немецкий революционер Карл Либкнехт обличает войну на Первомайской демонстрации (05.05.2016)
- Партия Социалистического Равенства объявляет о начале избирательной кампании
Поддержите Уайта и Нимута в 2016 году! (29.04.2016) - Комментарий по поводу деморализованных оппортунистов (27.04.2016)
- Português
- Socialismo e a luta contra a guerra
Construir um Movimento Internacional da Classe Trabalhadora e da Juventude Contra o Imperialismo! (25.04.2016) - A pressão pelo impeachment e os perigos com que se defronta a classe trabalhadora brasileira (25.04.2016)
- Os cinco anos da Revolução Egípcia (12.02.2016)
- Governo brasileiro reprime protestos em São Paulo contra o aumento do transporte (30.01.2016)
- Estudantes brasileiros ocupam escolas de São Paulo contra plano de reorganização (22.12.2015)
- As lições políticas da traição do Syriza na Grécia
Declaração do Comitê Internacional da Quarta Internacional (08.12.2015) - Vinte e cinco anos desde a queda do Muro de Berlim: uma avaliação (10.10.2015)
- O caminho para os trabalhadores automotivos dos EUA (03.10.2015)
- Um mundo convulsionado por crises (23.09.2015)
- Desastres da “Fortaleza Europa”: refugiados morrem na terra e no mar (23.09.2015)
- Socialismo e a luta contra a guerra
- 中文
- >>
A pittance for Zika, $600 billion for the Pentagon
20 May 2016
The priority of the ruling class and its political representatives is not the protection and wellbeing of the vast majority of Americans, but funding the gigantic US military apparatus.
SEP 2016 US Election Campaign
Break the CWA’s isolation of the Verizon strike!
By Jerry White—SEP candidate for US president, 20 May 2016
The five-week strike by 40,000 Verizon workers can only be taken forward by mobilizing the strength of the entire working class.
Obama to American youth: Stop complaining, things have never been better!
By Niles Niemuth, 17 May 2016
Oppose Obama’s assault on immigrants!
After sickouts, what is the way forward for Detroit teachers?
More on the SEP 2016 US election campaign »
Why the South China Sea tensions were removed from Australian Greens’ speech
By Oscar Grenfell, 20 May 2016
Richard Di Natale’s foreign policy speech was edited to remove anything that could have been interpreted as a challenge to the Australian ruling elite’s preparations for war against China.
NATO rearmament in Eastern Europe increases danger of world war
Queen’s Speech 2016: UK Conservatives continue agenda of austerity and repression
German government steps up military intervention in Africa
Arts Review
San Francisco International Film Festival—Part 4
Maggie’s Plan, Frank & Lola, along with Dreyer’s Vampyr (1932)
By Joanne Laurier, 20 May 2016
Some not very good new films—and better old ones.
A further comment on the death of David King, socialist and artist
By David Walsh, 19 May 2016
King was a brilliant graphic designer, photographer, illustrator, archivist, researcher, editor, historian and art collector.
David King 1943-2016: Revolutionary socialist, artist and defender of historical truth
By David North, 14 May 2016
David King, who devoted his extraordinary gifts as an artist to salvaging the historical truth of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and its aftermath from beneath the vast edifice of Stalinist crimes and lies, died suddenly in London on May 11.
The Water Crisis in Flint, Michigan
Outrage erupts at Flint meeting of pipeline board
By James Brewer, 20 May 2016
Residents of Flint spoke out in anger during a board meeting of the KWA pipeline authority.
New evidence reveals state of Michigan helped to push Flint into pipeline deal
Video: Flint, Michigan resident speaks on lack of services for poisoned residents
By Tim Rivers, 17 May 2016
Corporate-backed charities come up with teaspoon of help for Flint
Obama in Flint: Let them drink lead
More on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan »
Featured Video
Video: Workers speak about families divided by borders
By our reporters, 14 May 2016
Socialist Equality Party
Paris meeting addresses war danger in Asia, bankruptcy of Tamil nationalism
By Kumaran Ira, 16 May 2016
Meeting May 21 in Glasgow
For an active boycott of the Brexit referendum! For the United Socialist States of Europe!
Workers Struggles
Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
20 May 2016
The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.
International May Day 2016
May Day 2016: Introductory report by David North
By David North, 2 May 2016
May Day 2016 and the future of socialism
By Joseph Kishore, 4 May 2016
Listen to all the May Day speeches »
Build the International Youth and Students for Social Equality!
For a socialist program against Labor, the Liberals and the Greens
By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (Australia), 11 May 2016
Committee minutes reveal anti-democratic discrimination against IYSSE at University of Melbourne
SEP (Germany) Election Campaign
Berlin elections: Workers and students speak out against war
By our reporters, 28 April 2016
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