• Training Aims to Strengthen HIV/AIDS Response in Greater Equatoria Region

      With an estimated population of 176,132 people living with HIV in South Sudan, only 19,481, or about 11%, of cases have been identified and/or treated according to the 2015 South Sudan Global AIDS Response Progress Report. The goal of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (GFATM) is to address this gap and reduce new adult HIV infections by 50%.

    • Supporting Mingkaman in Transition

      UNDP, with generous support from the Government of Japan, provided the internally displaced population and host communities of Mingkaman with agricultural tools, fishing kits protective, emergency equipment and supplies and training.

    • Senior Government Officials Attend Entrepreneurship training

      As South Sudan is preparing to implement the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict signed in August 2015, the realities have set in and the country faces urgent tasks of shifting focus to state and nation building, deepening peace building and attending to issues of macroeconomic stabilization, reinvigoration of the local economy to promote employment opportunities for the vast majority of women and youth in the country.

    • Building Resilient Communities in Mingkaman

      The UNDP Food Security, Emergency Flood Response and Recovery project recently distributed a new set of tents, tarpaulins, and emergency protective equipment to the people living in Mingkaman.

    • BLOG| Re-thinking with Peace in South Sudan

      The conflict in South Sudan resulted in loss of lives and properties and deprived South Sudanese from realising their livelihood and dreams of an independent Country. The conflict reversed the gains that were made since the signing of the comprehensive peace agreement in 2005. Many of you perhaps might have heard through media reports or know about the Peace Agreement signed last year in August 2015 on Resolution of the Conflict in Republic of South Sudan ( ARCRSS).

    • New team of professionals arrive in South Sudan to help build South Sudanese capacities

      Dr. Dagim Leykun is a general surgeon from Ethiopia. He arrived in Juba determined to help South Sudanese doctors improve their performance. “I volunteer because civil services here are struggling. They don’t have trained specialists in health. When you are in the medical field, you want to help. There is a huge demand for health service in Africa and as an African I want to help my people,” he explained

    • UNITAR expands South Sudan Fellowship Programme 2016 to 25 fellows

      The United Nations Institute of Research and Training (UNITAR) Hiroshima Office and the Embassy of Japan in South Sudan, together with the Government of South Sudan, announced the conclusion of the 2015 Cycle of the UNITAR South Sudan Fellowship Programme and launched the next 2016 Cycle.

    • End child marriage and pledge for gender parity: Yes, You Can South Sudan!

      Every 8th of March (#IWD2016), people from all around the world talk about women rights, equality, parity, and family conciliation. For one day, everybody seems to support women, but apart from celebrating and congratulating women on this day, what concrete actions we take the rest of the year to achieve gender parity?

    • International Women's Day 2016

      Worldwide, women continue to contribute to social, economic, cultural and political achievement. We have much to celebrate today. Although progress towards gender parity has slowed in many places, this year, UNDP South Sudan achieved to advance Gender equality and women's empowerment in South Sudan. Check the numbers!

    • Dialogue workshop welcomes second cohort of peacemakers

      Love. Honesty. Equality. Dignity. All amongst dozens of values shared by community and government stakeholders on the first morning of the Collaborative Leadership and Dialogue Workshop jointly held by the South Sudan Peace and Reconciliation Commission and UNDP this week in Juba.

What We Do

UNDP is the United Nations global development network advocating sustainable development and inclusive economic growth. We support South Sudan in building accountable, transparent state institutions to deliver services to the people. Our programme includes work in Poverty Reduction, Democratic Governance, and Crisis Prevention and Recovery.