- published: 15 Mar 2016
- views: 10509
Eugène Marin Labiche (5 May 1815 – 23 January 1888) was a French dramatist.
He was born into a bourgeois family and studied law. At the age of twenty, he contributed a short story to Chérubin magazine, entitled Les plus belles sont les plus fausses. A few others followed, but failed to catch the attention of the public. He tried his hand at dramatic criticism in the Revue des théâtres and in 1838, wrote and premiered two plays.
The small Théâtre du Pantheon produced, to some popular success, his drama L'Avocat Loubet, while a vaudeville, Monsieur de Coyllin ou l'homme infiniment poli (written in collaboration with Marc Michel and performed at the Palais Royal) introduced a provincial actor who was to become and to remain a great Parisian favourite, Grassot, the famous comedian.
In the same year Labiche, still doubtful about his true vocation, published a romance called La Clé des champs. According to Léon Halévy, Labiche's publisher went bankrupt soon after the novel was out: "A lucky misadventure, for this timely warning of Destiny sent him back to the stage, where a career of success was awaiting him." There was yet another obstacle in the way. When he married, Labiche solemnly promised his wife's parents that he would renounce a profession then considered incompatible with moral regularity and domestic happiness. A year later, his wife released him from his vow, and Labiche recalled the incident when he dedicated the first edition of his complete works to her.
Teatru Pusculita de Eugene Labiche
Eugène Labiche -- La Poudre aux Yeux
Micutele pasarele de Eugene Labiche
Nevasta altuia - Eugene Labiche
Gramatica familiei Teatru radiofonic de Eugene Labiche COMEDIE
Praf in ochi de Eugène Labiche ComedieTeatru radiofonic
Eugène Labiche, Un Chapeau de paille d'Italie (Comédie-Française, 2012)
La Grammaire
Labiche et Martin, La Poudre aux yeux (Comédie-Française, 1976)
L'intégrale de la pièce jouée par le Théâtre de la Cité (Fribourg, Suisse) en avril-mai 2007. Mise en scène Luc Perritaz
În distribuţie: Victor Rebengiuc, Ion Marinescu, Mircea Anghelescu, Doina Tamaş, Vivian Alivizache, Răzvan Vasilescu Înregistrare din 1984
Adaptare radiofonică după comedia cu acelaşi nume de Eugene Labiche Distribuţia: Alexandru Giugaru - artist al poporului, Nineta Gusti - artistă emerită, Gheorghe Cristea, Nicolae Gărdescu - artist emerit, Nicolae Nemţu-Otonel - artist emerit, Horia Şerbănescu. Regia tehnică: ing. Gabriela Barca
Distracţie pură! O piesă de teatru in care actorii "fac parada" talentului lor deosebit. Merită ascultat! Audiţie plăcută!
https://www.facebook.com/EditionsMontparnasse http://www.editionsmontparnasse.fr/p1581/Un-chapeau-de-paille-d-Italie-Labiche-DVD?utm_source=youtube&utm;_medium=video&utm;_campaign=Labiche Le succès 2013 de la Comédie-Française, avec: Véronique VELLA, Coraly ZAHONERO, Jérôme POULY, Laurent NATRELLA, Léonie SIMAGA, Nicolas LORMEAU, Gilles DAVID, Christian HECQ, Félicien JUTTNER, Pierre NINEY, Adeline d'HERMY, Danièle LEBRUN, Elliot JENICOT, Louis ARENE Mise en scène de Georgio Barberio Corsetti, Réalisation de Olivier Simonnet
https://www.facebook.com/EditionsMontparnasse http://www.editionsmontparnasse.fr/p1556/La-Poudre-aux-yeux-Labiche-et-Martin-La-Fille-bien-gardee-Labiche-et-Marc-Michel-DVD?utm_source=youtube&utm;_medium=video&utm;_campaign=LabicheMartin Ce n'est pas pour l'amour de la musique que Frédéric Ratinois fréquente assidument depuis plusieurs mois les Malingear et vient jouer des romances au piano avec leur fille. Emmeline, qui n'est pas insensible au charme de ce jeune homme, est une personne séduisante. Madame Malingear et son époux demandent donc à Frédéric quelles sont ses intentions. Ce dernier avoue ses sentiments et annonce la visite de ses parents qui vont venir pour officialiser l'affaire. Ceux-ci entendent s'assurer de la respectabilité des Malingear avant de donner leur accord. La mère d...
Mise en scène : Christophe dellocque Tout se passe ici dans un appartement, dans un lieu qui doit rester clos, petit théâtre du monde où deux hommes vivent leur paternité de façon très différente. Labiche plonge ces deux anti-héros dans un tourbillon de mensonges et de mauvaise foi. Des personnages hauts en couleur et grotesques vont enclencher une mécanique cauchemardesque propre à briser le confort de leurs plans et les mener aux lisières de la folie. « Je préfère un vaudeville amusant à une tragédie imbécile. » (Emile Zola)