
Essay film. Stream of windows. Caveman VJ. Office browsing.

*best*RapidEssayNSFW!! is a live video essay by Amsterdam-based Australian artist Emile Zile. It uses online and prepared video sources from YouTube, 24hour news streams, scientific trials, viral marketing blips, social software and monologues by .com-era cult leaders to weave an audiovisual portrait of contemporary culture and its acceleration of signs. As a live performance, *best*RapidEssayNSFW!! references the audiences’ familiarity with non-linear web browsing and ‘skimming’ content, yet slows down this practice by using audio effects, music and in-browser video manipulations to create a coherent whole. Using multiple sources of appropriated footage in a highly performative and audiovisually dense way, Zile creates a unified and traceable story through the live crafting of a video essay. – Video Vortex, Amsterdam 2011

March 12 2011 Video Vortex at Trouw Amsterdam
November 30 2011 Open Archive Melbourne

Selected work


Mildura Biennale

2-5 October 2015

MARS gallery

screening Western Digital
28 May – 14 June
Melbourne, Australia