Moon 44 is a 1990 science fiction, action film from Centropolis Film Productions, directed by Roland Emmerich and starring Michael Paré and Lisa Eichhorn and co-starring Brian Thompson.
By the year 2038 all natural resources on Earth have been depleted. Multinational corporations have taken control of the universe and rival companies fight deadly battles over mining planets in outer space. One of these battlefields is the Moon 44 fuel mining operation in the Outer Zone, which is the only installation still controlled by the Galactic Mining corporation. The other moons 51, 47 and 46 have recently been conquered by the Pyrite defense company's battle robots. Galactic Mining had its own defence system—battle helicopters operating in the stormy atmospheres of the moons—but it was cancelled as too many of its pilots died during training as they had to navigate in extreme weather conditions on Moon 44. Now the company will send new young navigators to Moon 44 to assist the pilots. However, there is still a shortage of pilots as nobody wants to move to the Outer Zone, so the company is forced to use prisoners as a last resort. Galactic Mining regards its fleet of one hundred mining shuttles as even more important, and the shuttles will leave Moon 44 at the first sign of attack while leaving the Moon 44 crew behind.
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This is the space age
This is the space age
This is the space age
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This is the space age
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This is the space age
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This is the space age
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Don't feel out of placeThis is the space age
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This is the space age
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This is the space age
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This is the space age
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This is the space age
This is the space age
This is the space age
This is the space age
Don't feel out of place
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This is the space age
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This is the space age
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This is the space age
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This is the space age
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This is the space age