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Fighting for ourselves

The Solidarity Federation's book, Fighting for ourselves: anarcho-syndicalism and the class struggle, aims to recover some of the lost history of the workers' movement, in order to set out a revolutionary strategy for the present conditions. In clear and accessible prose, the book sets out the anarcho-syndicalist criticisms of political parties and trade unions, engages with other radical traditions such as anarchism, syndicalism and dissident Marxisms, explains what anarcho-syndicalism was in the twentieth century, and how it's relevant - indeed, vital - for workers today.

You can buy Fighting for ourselves for £6 (including p&p) from Freedom Press (UK - £5 in the shop), and for $10+p&p from Thoughtcrime Ink Books (North America). For other countries please get in touch. Translations are also being planned - if you'd like to help with these please also get in touch.

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Book information
Publisher: Solidarity Federation and Freedom Press (London, UK)
Publication date: Oct 27, 2012
ISBN: 978-1904491200
Paperback: 124 pages.
Dimensions: 210 x 148 x 8mm


"Seriously, read this pamphlet. If you can, make other people read it and discuss it with you. The pamphlet provides an excellent overview of material relevant to radicals today and provides suggestions for further reading for people who want to follow any of the threads further. All the ideas covered come out of serious experiences of struggle and are worth engaging with in a sustained way."

Nate Hawthorne

"Okay, the book is written by activists for activists or those who take an interest in where things are going and are seeking a progressive alternative. Having said that, it clearly sets out its stall as to what's needed to encourage the re-emergence of a revolutionary workers' movement at a time of deepening crisis. The beauty of this book is that by and large, it achieves this task using plain English, explaining all concepts and terms as it goes along. It does this because it is not a work of intellectual grandstanding but one that has a practical goal."

Thurrock Heckler

"Fairly extensive for a pamphlet, Fighting for ourselves includes a broad history of the workers movement, from the first proto-union groups started to the German councilists, to the CNT and FORA, to the historical IWW and ‘workers parties’. It identifies these groups and currents in relation to what they’ve learned from and how this is incorporated into their world view and action. We think the new pamphlet is very good."



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Solidarity Federation