- published: 13 Sep 2013
- views: 100155
Heinrich Kramer (c. 1430 – 1505), also known under the Latinized name Henricus Institor, was a German churchman and inquisitor.
Born in Sélestat, Alsace, he joined the Dominican Order at an early age and while still a young man was appointed Prior of the Dominican house of his native town.
At some date before 1474 he was appointed Inquisitor for the Tyrol, Salzburg, Bohemia and Moravia. His eloquence in the pulpit and tireless activity received recognition at Rome and he was the right-hand man of the Archbishop of Salzburg. By the time of the Bull Summis desiderantes of Pope Innocent VIII in 1484 he was already associated with Jacob Sprenger to make an inquisition for witches and sorcerers. In 1485 he drew up a treatise on witchcraft which was incorporated in Malleus Maleficarum (literally "The Hammer of Witches").
Kramer failed in his attempt to obtain endorsement for this work from the top theologians of the Inquisition at the Faculty of Cologne, and they condemned the book as recommending unethical and illegal procedures, as well as being inconsistent with Catholic doctrines of demonology.
Ruins are the remains of man-made architecture.
Ruins or ruin may refer to:
The Ruins of Beverast is a black metal solo project by ex-Nagelfar member Alexander von Meilenwald.
In 2004, the debut album was released. As of 2013, four studio albums and one compilation have been released.
The Malleus Maleficarum (commonly rendered into English as "Hammer of [the] Witches";Der Hexenhammer in German) is a treatise on the prosecution of witches, written in 1486 by Heinrich Kramer, a German Catholic clergyman. The book was first published in Speyer, Germany, in 1487.Jacob Sprenger is also often attributed as an author, but some scholars now believe that he became associated with the Malleus Maleficarum largely as a result of Kramer's wish to lend his book as much official authority as possible. Both purported writers of the work were Dominican clergy, and the work came about as “the result of a peculiarly Dominican encounter between learned and folk traditions, an encounter determined in part by the demands of inquisitorial office, and in part by the requirements of effective preaching and pastoral care.” In 1490, three years after its publication, the Catholic Church condemned the Malleus Maleficarum, although it was later used by royal courts during the Renaissance, and contributed to the increasingly brutal prosecution of witchcraft during the 16th and 17th centuries.
Most Evil is an American forensics television program on Investigation Discovery presented by forensic psychiatrist Michael Stone of Columbia University during seasons 1 and 2 and by forensic psychologist Dr. Kris Mohandie during Season 3. On the show, the presenter rates murderers on a scale of evil that Stone himself has developed. The show features profiles on various murderers, serial killers, mass murderers and psychopaths.
Stone researched hundreds of killers and their methods and motives to develop his hierarchy of "evil". The scale ranges from Category 1, those who kill in self-defense, to the Category 22, serial torturer-murderers. Neurologists, psychologists, and other forensic psychiatrists are interviewed on the show in an attempt to examine and profile the minds of notorious killers. Partial re-enactments are shown along with news footage, evidence, and reports from locals. Neurological, environmental, and genetic factors are examined to help determine what drives a person to kill. Background history and pre-meditation are considered when placing an individual on the scale of evil. The show indirectly deals with the concepts of morality and ethics.
Der legendäre Hexenhammer wurde im Jahr 1486 in Speyer von dem Dominikaner Heinrich Kramer veröffentlicht und erschien bis ins 17. Jahrhundert hinein in insgesamt 29 Auflagen erschien. Er diente der Inquisition als Grundlage für die Hexenverfolgung. Detailliert beschreibt der "Malleus Maleficarum", wie das Werk auch genannt wird, wie Hexen zu erkennen und zu verfolgen sind. Ein internationales Forscherteam nimmt den Zuschauer mit auf eine Reise in ein düsteres Kapitel der Geschichte und legt die Geheimnisse des Hexenhammers offen. Christliche Fundamentalisten - Eine wachsende Gemeinde http://youtu.be/c-Yk4jPpZXM Jesus junge Garde - Die christliche Rechte und ihre Rekruten: http://youtu.be/AV8O3quYN_4 Beten Christen in Wirklichkeit den Himmelsgott Horus an? http://youtu.be/MPI85g2VHYw A...
Escrita por dominicos alemanes, fue la guía para enjuciar brujos en la época de la Santa Inquisición, en su lucha contra la brujería y el demonio.
Wir reden über verschiedene Figuren auf Twitter und sonstwo. Intro von @luegenlordtk Einen großen Dank an @KramerHeinrich! Ihr findet uns unter twitter.com/HuSoCast Auf mixcloud.com/HuSoCast Und Merry unter: twitter.com/adfrontem Shownotes: Suzies Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSeA2fy6ki0&t;=142s #WeidelKickingThings in der Tagesschau: https://twitter.com/tagesschau/status/969289471341551616 Unges Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7Bf18pGjAE Hannahs Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPkn9eDAtYM Spiegelartikel über Sarah Rambatz: http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/gesellschaft/sarah-rambatz-so-habe-ich-den-shitstorm-erlebt-a-1188522.html Fauli auf Facebook: https://twitter.com/dirtPopcorntime/status/967449611370684417 Tweets der Woche: Chris: https://twitter.com/...
Direct links are provided to purchase the album on CD, double LP, and digital format. Shirts, hooded jackets, and posters are available as well. Links are also given for The Ruins of Beverast and Ván Records. 'Blood Vaults - The Blazing Gospel of Heinrich Kramer' released September 6th, 2013. CD/double LP/shirts/hooded jacket/poster (Ván Records webshop) http://www.van-records.de/advanced_search_result.php?XTCsid=5aau1mg419fu8p7vesimkjkiv0&keywords;=The+Ruins+of+Beverast+Blood+&x;=7&y;=11 Digital format (The Ruins of Beverast, bandcamp) http://theruinsofbeverast.bandcamp.com/album/blood-vaults Blue vinyl version. Ván Records, 2013. A1 Apologia A2 Daemon A3 Malefica B1 Ornaments on Malice B2 Spires, the Wailing City C1 A Failed Exorcism D1 Trial D2 Ordeal D3 Monument The Ruin...
Dokumentation über den Malus Maleficarum, zu deutsch : "Der Hexenhammer" und seine Verfasser.
The Third Reich, 1933-1945, was arguably the most heinous regime in history. Comprised of some equally malevolent characters, this administration was responsible for initiating the biggest and most costly war mankind has ever known. This list could have been bigger but I settled on these 15 (mostly) NSDAP members. Countdown Titles: 00:13 Hermann Goering 01:09 Ilse Koch 02:13 Joseph Goebbels 03:05 Franz Stangl 04:26 Paul Blobel 05:21 Josef Kramer 06:08 Ernst Kaltenbrunner 06:51 Friedrich Jeckeln 07:37 Oskar Dirlewanger 09:06 Odilo Globocnik 10:22 Adolf Eichmann 11:35 Josef Mengele 13:03 Reinhard Heydrich 13:57 Adolf Hitler 14:41 Heinrich Himmler ►Click Here To Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM3ry99rzi032-bJK6L3dcg?sub_confirmation=1
10 most evil nazis. This list contains ten of the most evil nazis lived in the third reich | ww2. Who was the most satanic nazi on earth? Let us know in the comments... 10. Josef Kramer 9. Ernst Kaltenbrunner 8. Friedrich Jeckeln 7. Oskar Dirlewanger 6. Odilo Globocnik 5. Adolf Eichmann 4. Joseph Mengele 3. Reinhard Heydrich 2. Adolf Hitler 1. Heinrich Himmler Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Listing10 Listing 10 - Top 10 compilations : http://www.facebook.com/10Listing Music: http://www.purple-planet.com Source: http://www.listverse.com Top 10 Lists. On our top 10 channel we bring you top lists on various topics - top tens all time. The most shocking, weird, scary, funny, fascinating, interesting and amazing facts in the world. We appreciate any feedback on our top 10s ...
Heinrich Kramer , also known under the Latinized name Henricus Institor, was a German churchman and inquisitor.Born in Sélestat, Alsace, he joined the Dominican Order at an early age and while still a young man was appointed Prior of the Dominican house of his native town.At some date before 1474 he was appointed Inquisitor for the Tyrol, Salzburg, Bohemia and Moravia.His eloquence in the pulpit and tireless activity received recognition at Rome and he was the right-hand man of the Archbishop of Salzburg. ---Image-Copyright-and-Permission--- About the author(s): Unknown License: Public domain ---Image-Copyright-and-Permission--- This channel is dedicated to make Wikipedia, one of the biggest knowledge databases in the world available to people with limited vision. Article available unde...
LE MALLEUS MALEFICARUM OU MARTEAU DES SORCIÈRES EST UN LIVRE SUISSE écrit par 2 Suisses Heinrich Kramer et Jacobus Sprenger, et c`était le manuel comment torturer et bruler des femmes européennes innocentes assassiné par Octogon; c`était l`inquisition suisse et la Guarde Suisse, car les Espagnols n`ont meme pas bruler des femmes.
Salemin noitaoikeudenkäynnit tapahtuivat Massachusettsin Salemissa nykyisten Yhdysvaltojen alueella vuonna 1692. Oikeudenkäynneissä tuomittiin yhteensä ainakin 25 ihmistä kuolemaan ja monia muita vankeuteen. Noitavainojen syynä oli joidenkin kyläläisten outo käytös ja puritaanien noitahysteria, joka johti yhteensä 20 ihmisen kuolemaan (14 naista, 6 miestä). Kyseessä on yksi tunnetuimmista noitavainoista ja Pohjois-Amerikan englantilaisten siirtokuntien historiaan liittyvistä tapahtumista. Vuonna 1944 englantilainen nainen sai noituudesta sakkorangaistuksen. Hänen tuomionsa oli viimeinen Länsi-Euroopan yli 500-vuotisessa noitavainojen historiassa. https://eroakirkosta.fi Noitavasara eli Malleus maleficarum (saks. Der Hexenhammer) on noitavainojen aikaan vuonna 1486 julkaistu kirja. Sen kok...
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Blood Vaults - The Blazing Gospel Of Heinrich Kramer. German Blackened Doom Metal, 2013, Van Records. I claim no rights to the music, all rights go to The Ruins Of Beverast and Alexander Von Meilenwald. Lyrics may be found at http://www.metal-archives.com/albums/The_Ruins_of_Beverast/Blood_Vaults_-_The_Blazing_Gospel_of_Heinrich_Kramer/384639 Please support the band and the music, if you enjoy the album buy it! Track Listing 1. Apologia 0:00 2. Daemon 2:22 3. Malefica 11:20 4. Ornaments On Malice 21:44 5. Spires, The Wailing City 29:58 6. A Failed Exorcism 43:14 7. Trial 58:47 8. Ordeal 1:02:31 9. Monument 1:06:18