- published: 02 Sep 2014
- views: 255473
The Yakovlev Yak-130 (NATO reporting name: Mitten) is a subsonic two-seat advanced jet trainer/light attack aircraft or lead-in fighter trainer originally developed by Yakovlev and Aermacchi. Development of the plane began in 1991 and the maiden flight was conducted on 25 April 1996. In 2002, it won a Russian government tender for training aircraft and in 2009 the aircraft entered service with the Russian Air Force. As an advanced training aircraft, the Yak-130 is able to replicate the characteristics of several 4+ generation fighters as well as the fifth-generation Sukhoi PAK FA. It can also perform light-attack and reconnaissance duties, carrying a combat load of 3,000 kg.
In the early 1990s, the Soviet government asked the industry to develop a new aircraft to replace the Czech-made Aero L-29 Delfín and Aero L-39 Albatros jet trainers. Five design bureaus put forward proposals. Among them were the Sukhoi S-54, Myasishchev M-200, Mikoyan MiG-AT, and Yakovlev Yak-UTS. In 1991, the other proposals were dropped and only the MiG-AT and Yak-UTS remained. The air forces of the newly-independent Russia estimated that its requirement would be about 1,000 aircraft.
The Syrian Civil War (Arabic: الحرب الأهلية السورية) is an ongoing multi-sided armed conflict with international interventions taking place in Syria. The unrest began in the early spring of 2011 within the context of the Arab Spring protests, with nationwide protests against President Bashar al-Assad's government, whose forces responded with violent crackdowns. The conflict gradually morphed from mass protests to an armed rebellion after months of military sieges. A United Nations report released in December, 2012, stated that the conflict had "become overtly sectarian in nature", between Alawite–dominated government forces, militias and other Shia groups fighting primarily against Sunni-dominated rebel groups; however both opposition and government forces denied that.
Initially, the Syrian government relied mainly on its armed forces, but since 2014 local protection units made up of volunteers known as National Defence Force have come to play a larger role, gradually becoming the primary military force of the Syrian state. From the early stages, the Syrian government received technical, financial, military and political support from Russia, Iran and Iraq. In 2013, Iran-backed Hezbollah entered the war in support of the Syrian Army. Due to foreign involvement, the conflict had been called a proxy war between the regional Sunni and Shia powers, most prominently as a proxy conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran. In September 2015, Russia, Iraq, Iran and Syria set up a joint operation room (information centre) in Baghdad to coordinate their activity in Syria. On 30 September 2015, Russia started its own air campaign on the side and at the request of the government of Syria. The resultant proxy war between the United States and Russia led some commentators to characterise the situation as a "a proto-world war with nearly a dozen countries embroiled in two overlapping conflicts".
Russian air force Yakovlev Yak 130 AWESOME AIR COMBAT pilot trainer
YAK-130│Russian air force│1080p│HD
Yak-130 Presentation movie
Yak-130. Combat employment
RUSSIAN Yak 130 Advanced Trainer Light Attack Aircraft to Fight ISIS Guerriglia
MAKS 2015 Yak-130 DemoFlight
FA-50 (South Korea) vs Yak-130 (Russia)
Syrian Civil War: Yakolev Yak-130 fighter jets to be sold by Russia to Damascus
Yak130 RusJet 2013
Great aircraft for the Russian air force. The Yakovlev Yak-130 (NATO reporting name: Mitten[3]) is a subsonic two-seat advanced jet trainer/light attack aircraft or lead-in fighter trainer developed by Yakovlev and Aermacchi. Development of the plane began in 1991, and the maiden flight was conducted on 26 April 1996. In 2005, it won a Russian government tender for training aircraft, and in 2009 the first planes entered service with the Russian Air Force. As an advanced training aircraft, the Yak-130 is able to replicate the characteristics of several 4+ generation fighters as well as the fifth-generation Sukhoi T-50. It can also perform light-attack and reconnaissance duties, carrying a combat load of 3,000 kg. The Sukhoi Su-35 (Russian: Сухой Су-35; NATO reporting name: Flanker-E) is a d...
the russian yak-130 multi-role jet
Yak-130 New generation Combat Trainer, developed by the Yakovlev Design Bureau, was chosen as the main aircraft for basic and advanced training of Russian Air Force pilots. Yak-130 provides top-class pilots training to handle Russian and foreign-made combat aircraft of the "4+" and "5" generations. Yak-130 aircraft is the basic component of the training complex including integrated system of the objective control, educational computer classes, flight and specialized training apparatus. In December 2011 the Russian Ministry of Defence and IRKUT Corporation signed a contract to supply the Russian Air Force with 55 Yak-130 until 2015 and in 2013 for another 15 aircraft. Some export contract for the Yak-130 aircraft had been signed, the first of which was fulfilled in 2011. Pre-contract negoti...
An overview of the World Military videos on the navy, air force, army. From aircraft carriers to fighter planes, passing through tanks, infantry and special forces, to the attack submarines. Military HUB - A meeting place for all fans ....
Check out our official website: http://us.tomonews.net/ Check out our Android app: http://goo.gl/PtT6VD Check out our iOS app: http://bit.ly/1gO3z1f ------------------------------------------------------------- Russia will deliver an initial batch of Yak-130 fighter jets to its ally Syria by the end of this year, Russian media reported on Monday. Syria reportedly made a $100 million down payment to Russia for the first six jets in 2011. It plans to receive a total of 36 by 2016. Manufactured by Russian aerospace firm Yakovlev and exported by Rosoboronexport, the Yak-130 is a combat trainer that can also perform light attack and reconnaissance missions. Designed to be easy to fly and maintain, the plane can take off and land from grass strips and unpaved runways. The Yak-130 went in...
Now, the third championship title!!! - https://youtu.be/8C7uwuWMDf8 Year 2011. United states of America. The 9th Jet World Masters championship. The model RusJet Yak-130 was recognized as a limit of accuracy and a standard in its class. This model managed to receive a highest static score ever been achieved. That was a climb to new peaks... Absolutely new RusJet Yak-130 has been built. Let's meet this amaising model at the Jet World Masters 2013. Meiringen Airbase. Switzerland. - В 2011 году на 9-м чемпионате мира Jet World Masters в США модель Як130 была признана пределом точности исполнения и эталоном в своем классе и получила максимальную статическую оценку за всю историю чемпионатов. Но это был лишь очередной взлет к новым вершинам... Сегодня абсолютно новый Як-130 готовится к...
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
За более чем 80 лет своего существования ОКБ им А.С. Яковлева выпустило свыше 200 типов летательных аппаратов. В этом "созвездии" особое место занимает Як-130. Ведь это единственный военный самолeт, спроектированный и построенный в современной России. По мнению специалистов, в нeм уже заложены решения, которые только будут реализованы в авиационных комплексах 5-го поколения. "Як" обладает цифровой авионикой, современным вооружением и способен выполнять задачи: лeгкого штурмовика, беспилотного ударного разведчика и учебно-тренировочного самолeта. Год выпуска: 2009 Жанр: Документальный цикл Продолжительность: 39 мин Режиссер: Александр Ильин В ролях: 1. Константин ПОПОВИЧ – Главный конструктор самолeта Як-130 ОКБ им. А.С. Яковлева; 2. Петр ДЕЙНЕКИН – Герой России, Главнокомандующий ВВС (199...
Now, the third championship title!!! - https://youtu.be/8C7uwuWMDf8 Русская версия здесь - http://youtu.be/nlWsEflrzQA Part2: http://youtu.be/y_dIW_f6YwI The new movie «Ultimate Accuracy» (English language) of Arthur Sarkisyan has been finished by 10 years of RUSJET Club and 10 years of first participation of RUSJET at Jet World Masters in 2003... This movie reflects the author's point of view on the most important events of the team RusJet' life and about one of the most significant chapters in the club's history the work on «Yak-130 Project». Due to this movie we can see all these moments at new , interesting angle...Some of video wasn't published before... It will be interesting not only for specialists, but and for all aviation enthusiasts... The movie shows stressful day...
Now, the third championship title!!! - https://youtu.be/8C7uwuWMDf8 The new movie «Ultimate Accuracy» (English language) of Arthur Sarkisyan has been finished by 10 years of RUSJET Club and 10 years of first participation of RUSJET at Jet World Masters in 2003... This movie reflects the author's point of view on the most important events of the team RusJet' life and about one of the most significant chapters in the club's history the work on «Yak-130 Project». Due to this movie we can see all these moments at new , interesting angle...Some of video wasn't published before... It will be interesting not only for specialists, but and for all aviation enthusiasts... The movie shows stressful days of designing the model Yak-130, making the decisions in difficult situations, emotions...
Subscribe: Máy bay Yak 130 - Máy bay Siêu Thanh X51A - Khoa học quân sự [Thuyết Minh] - Yakovlev Yak-130 là một máy bay huấn luyện
NEW RUSSIAN FIGHTER TRAINER YAKOVLEV YAK-130 FULL VERSION VIDEO. NEW RUSSIAN FIGHTER TRAINER YAKOVLEV YAK-130 FULL VERSION VIDEO. The Yakovlev Yak-130 (NATO name: Mitten) is a subsonic two-seat . космос, биология, физика, техника. Great aircraft for the Russian air force. The Yakovlev Yak-130 (NATO reporting name: Mitten[3]) is a subsonic two-seat advanced jet trainer/light attack aircraft or .
Johnny got a gun
Ack Ack Ack Ack
Johnny got a gun
Ack Ack Ack Ack
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Ack Ack Ack Ack
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Ack Ack Ack Ack
All the papers write about Johnny
All the radios shout his name
He grabbed his gun and shot me down