- published: 03 Apr 2016
- views: 1597
The JET Programme: The Good and Bad
JET Program: A Typical Day as an ALT
My Finances on the JET Programme
JET Programme Interview 2015: Questions, Tips, Anecdotes
Tokyo Orientation for the JET Programme 2015
2014 JET Programme Room Tour - TheJetCoaster.com
JET Programme - WHAT TO BRING, Bicycle, Money, Clothing, Weather, Shoes (survival guide PART 3)
My Apartment Tour In Japan | JET Programme
JET Programme: Placement - Part 1
JET Programme: Arriving in Japan
So I made a giant list of things that I wanted to talk about that are good, bad, and in-between with the JET Programme, schools, and life in Japan. I ended up having to make these into separate videos because it was getting too long. This one is about the good and the bad for for the JET Programme. Basically here is how I made my list: THE JET PROGRAMME BAD: - Critical information you won't know until you arrive. (Such as information about your apartment, school, city, etc.) - Subsidized rent could be more fair. - Tokyo Orientation - You can't use medical leave for a bad cold, only for a positive test for the flu. If you have a cold and need days off you'll have to use "Nenkyu: paid days off usually used for vacation or holidays" - No overlap between successor and predecessor. GOO...
Three months ago I was still going to lectures, cramming essays, and making sure I could graduate; three months later I am standing on the other side of the classroom and formally an English teacher in Japanese elementary + junior high schools and.... WHAAAAAAA? BUT the JET programme (Japan Exchange and Teaching) life is more than just teaching! It's also about taking off your shoes at school, eating the same food as your students, cleaning the school after lunch, and adapting to the Japanese lifestyle in your downtime. You'll have 99 problems settling down in Japan, but the joy of seeing your students smile at you ain't one. Don't forget to subscribe for more Japanese shenanigans! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecaradventures Instagram: TheCaradventures
I wanted to make a video about my finances in Japan. I live in Kyoto, Japan and I teach at elementary and junior high schools. I work as an ALT and I got here through the JET Programme. My finances are mine alone and every ALT will have different finances, but I wanted to show you mine just so you can get a bearing of what you could expect.
This is some of the questions I got when I was in my interview last year 2014. Hope this finds someone in need like I was last year.
Hello everyone! So I've finally finished my Tokyo Orientation video. This video is about my experiences at the orientation and tips for new JETs who are expecting to attend this orientation.
Hey guys, if you want to see more awesome JET and Japan stuff, visit my site www.thejetcoaster.com please^^ also: www.instagram.com/apollojet www.twitter.com/GTalbo Okay here it is, FINALLY, an updated room tour video:) It's been about 4 years coming. I feel like this is a good update to my original room tour video because it shows what your apartment will eventually look like when it's full of stuff that you accumulate from your life in Japan. Everyone's place will look different, and to be honest I've got a thing for nicely designed interior spaces. I think a person's room is a reflection of their self, so I try to make my place as inviting as possible. Most of the stuff in my apartment was given to me or I bought really cheap from departing ex-pats and JETs at "sayonara sales". I ...
Everything you need to know about what to bring, bicycle, money, clothing, weather, and shoes.
Hey guys! This is the first of two videos discussing my placement on the JET Programme. In this video I discuss how I came to decided what to put on my application. In the second part I will talk about what I think about my placement, plus I'll give you guys some info about what the region is famous for/what I'm looking forward to about my placement! Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe! All questions welcome :)
I will share my screen and go through each page of the online application, pointing out things to think about and mistakes to avoid along the way. Hope to see you there! https://www.ALTInsider.com https://www.ALTInsiderResumeReview.com
Hey guys! This video is explaining all the advice I have on applying (mainly gathering documents) to the JET Program! I forgot to mention that if you have a teaching certificate or JLPT certificate that you'll also need those! If you have any advice to add on to mine, please leave a comment down below! Thank you very much for watching!!! Please like and subscribe! Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bekaboo2013 Instagram: @bekaboo2013
Greeting Argonauts! This is Part ONE of a multi-part (4 or 5 probably) series where I will be summarizing my thoughts on many things concerning the JET Programme via the 23 questions asked in a recent article posted to the excellent website, Tofugu.com Link: http://www.tofugu.com/interviews/jet-teaching-senpai/ It's fitting that I have this opportunity to talk about JET again as this month is my 10-year anniversary posting content to YouTube. A special anniversary celebration video will be coming soon and feature a few nifty give-aways too! Thanks for watching, and Part TWO should be up tomorrow. -Jason
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
Submitted by Gaelle Vote for this video and check out the other videos at the JET Video Contest Homepage: https://jetvideocontest.com/system/international2/pc/?contest_pk=2 A video introducing the charms of Gifu city and the abundance of cultural attractions and historical sites. The video showcases Gifu's appeal as a metropolitan and international hub for tourism. We hope you will enjoy the video and fall in love with Gifu as we did !
Here's some advice for a Japanese self-introduction! Please like, comment and share this video. Post any questions in the comments box below, or message my YouTube account directly. Here's the script for my Jikoshōkai: Minasan ohayō gozaimasu. Hajimemashite. Jonasan Ronguden to mōshimasu. Joni to yonde kudasai. Igirisu no Manchesutā kara kimashita. Ni-ju-san sai desu. Watashi wa Rancastutā Daigaku de seikagaku to kōgaku o benkyō shimashita. Shumi wa Shōtokan Karate desu. Igirisu wa karate no insutorakutā to shite hataraite imashita. Watashi wa shichi-gatsu sanju-ichi-nichi Nihon e kimashita. Nihon wa hajimete desu. Washoku o tabetai desu. Zutto o dokugaku de nihongo o benkyō shite imasu ga, nihongo wa mada heta desu. Nihongo ga motto jōzu ni naritai desu. Dakara, dōzo iroiro ...
Check out my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr pages for extra info I don't put up on YouTube like pics, status updates, and other random information! Part 3 is finally here! In this video I discuss various aspects of the JET Program interview, from what the environment is like in the interview location itself to how you should prepare. As always, feel free to ask me any questions via email or social media and I will try my best to answer them!
Follow me on social media to see stuff I do in Japan that I don't post on YouTube! So it's been a long time coming, but I've finally created a video that talks about the orientation in Tokyo that JET participants will have to take part in. Please comment or email me at fahadinjapan@gmail.com if you have any questions!
Some stuff I wish I had known when I was applying, and something to fill the time as you wait.
This video is for those who want to apply for the position CIR (Coordinator for International Relations) within JET Programme. I talked about my experience with my application 2012-2013. I will be going to Fukushima-shi in Fukushima-ken this Augest, 2013 and I hope this video will be helpful for many of you who are thinking about applying. It is a general guideline as (I have heard) that many other regions/ countries do have different time frame or process. However, the general message for the applucation is the same and I hope that you will get to know more about the application after watching this video. I had a hard time looking for anything related to CIR when I applied in 2012, so this video is truly dedicated to those who have a rough idea of what this position is and are seriously t...
This is the first in my ALT/Ex-pat interview series. The aim of this series to sit down with various people in the Japan ex-pat community and to get an idea of their Japan experience. Stay tuned for more interviews and come back for the rest of my channel's content. Cheers! For those who who will come to Japan on the JET Programme from the UK, this video is aimed at you. For everyone else, I hope you enjoy hearing the stories of a British ALT. Laurence's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doa_knux/?hl=en My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jrobkatsuura/?hl=en
An Introduction to the JET Program. The Japanese Government, CLAIR, nor The JET Program had any involvement in the creation of this video. All information displayed in this video came from the experience I had over my three years on JET, as well as speaking with other ALTs throughout Japan. Your experience may differ, because as they say: "Every situation is different." For official documentation on the JET Program please visit these sites: http://www.us.emb-japan.go.jp/JET/ http://www.jetprogramme.org http://ajet.net http://www.clair.or.jp/e/jetprogram/index.html Music: http://incompetech.com Wallpaper by Kevin Macleod Sunshine by Kevin Macleod
Without an editing program Philip, Liz, and I created an introduction video for the two new JET (Japanese Exchange & Teaching) Programme AETs (Assistant English Teachers) who would be moving to Asaka City, Saitama Prefecture in the summer of 1998. It's a long and extremely detailed video because we were doing our best to explain exactly what to expect. Living in a new country isn't the easiest thing and hopefully this video helped them back in the day. * Subscribe, Comment, and Like * http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=garyploski http://casthim.com - acting site http://garyploski.com - blog, pix, etc. http://twitter.com/garyploski - twitter http://facebook.com/casthim - facebook
So I made a giant list of things that I wanted to talk about that are good, bad, and in-between with the JET Programme, schools, and life in Japan. I ended up having to make these into separate videos because it was getting too long. This one is about the good and the bad for Living in Japan. LIVING IN JAPAN BAD: - Loneliness - Homesickness and Culture Shock. - Language Barrier - Seasonal Allergies - Bugs - Super hot/cold weather. - It can be expensive with dependants. - Your days off are the same as everyone else, it'll be busy. - Cell phone set-up is a long process. - Possibility of natural disaster. - Dealing with issues back home. - You have to pay for a visit with the doctor. - Japan is extremely convenient and thus easy to spend money!! GOOD: - Learn to be independent. - Heal...
"FEEL THE SPEED!" Today I'm taking on a challenge again based around planes and as I've seen people attempt land speed records on this game before, I thought I would take on a arguably a harder challenge of creating a jet capable of going faster than the fastest manned aircraft currently in existence "NASA' X-15" Which achieved a speed of 4,520 MPH or in Kerbal speak F***ing fast. Mods Used: 1. OPT Space Plane Parts - http://goo.gl/VRyAxN 2. KAX - http://goo.gl/z1ncgW Hope you enjoy! Stay Tuned Stay Awesome (o)
Every time I move abroad I always buy a few things before I leave. Since I'm about to move to Japan, I went shopping for all the things I wanted to purchase before I take off. Most of the stuff I bought this time was either Canada related or job related. It was actually a lot of the JET Programme and teaching related things that was my big dilemma. I've moved abroad multiple times but I've never taught so that was the new and unknown part for me. But I finally feel prepared and I don't think there is anything else I need to buy pre-Japan. Much love and happy travels xo Meggie Kay P.S. Wow! This video is a lot longer than I expected it to be. I'm not sure if it's because I actually bought a lot of stuff or I was just super ramble-y. - - - - - Find more adventures on my blog: http://no...