- published: 14 Sep 2012
- views: 514733
The Dukla Pass (Slovak: Dukliansky priesmyk, Polish: Przełęcz Dukielska, Hungarian: Duklai-hágó, Czech: Dukelský průsmyk; 502 m AMSL) is a strategically significant mountain pass in the Laborec Highlands of the Outer Eastern Carpathians, on the border between Poland and Slovakia (Lemkivshchyna) and close to the western border of Ukraine.
The Dukla Pass is the lowest mountain pass in the Carpathian Mountains main range. Located south of Dukla in Poland and northeast of Prešov in Slovakia, the pass is acknowledged as an area where Eastern and Western Slavic cultures meet.
In the 17th century, it was the haunt of a bandit and folk hero, Andrij Savka. The Dukla Pass was the scene of bitterly contested battles on the eastern fronts of both World War I and World War II (Battle of the Dukla Pass).
The Battle of the Dukla Pass, also known as the Dukla / Carpatho-Dukla / Rzeszów-Dukla / Dukla-Prešov Offensive was the scene of bitterly contested battle for the Dukla Pass (borderland between Poland and Slovakia) on the Eastern Front of World War II between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union in September–October 1944. It was part of the Soviet East Carpathian Strategic Offensive that also included the Carpathian-Uzhgorod Offensive. The operation's primary goal to provide support for the Slovaks was not achieved, however it concluded the full liberation of the Ukraine in its modern borders by the occupation of the Subcarpathian region as a territory of the former Carpatho-Ukraine.
The German resistance in the eastern Carpathian region was much harder than expected. The battle which began on 8 September would not see the Soviet forces on the other side of the pass until 6 October, and German forces would stop their heavy resistance in the region only around 10 October. Five days to Prešov turned into fifty days to Svidník alone with over 70,000 casualties on both sides. Prešov that was to be reached in six days remained beyond the Czechoslovaks' grasp for four months. The battle would be counted among one of the most bloody in the entire Eastern Front and in the history of Slovakia; one of the valleys in the pass near villages of Kapišová, Chyrowa, Iwla and Głojsce would become known as the Valley of Death.
Dukla [ˈdukla] is a town and an eponymous municipality in southeastern Poland, in the Subcarpathian Voivodship. The town is populated by 2,127 people (02.06.2009). while the total population of the commune (gmina) containing the town and the villages surrounding it is 16,640. The total area of the commune is 333.04 square kilometres (128.59 sq mi). Dukla belongs to Lesser Poland, and until the Partitions of Poland it was part of Biecz County, Kraków Voivodeship.
The town lies on the Jasiołka river, at the foot of the Cergowa mountain (716 meters above sea level), in the Low Beskids. Dukla is located south of Krosno, along European route E371, which goes from Radom to Presov. The Dukla mountain pass is located in the Carpathians, a few kilometers south of the town, on the border with Slovakia and was a scene of a major battle in 1944.
First Slavic settlers appeared in the area of Dukla probably in the 5th or 6th century. It is not known which tribe settled here, and most probably, Dukla belonged for some time to Great Moravia, although it is not documented. Some time in the 10th century, Dukla was annexed by the early Polish state, ruled by the Polans. In the nearby village of Wietrzno there was a defensive gord, whose traces can still be seen.
Dukla is a town in Poland.
Dukla may also refer to:
Various sports clubs in former Czechoslovakia were named Dukla in memory of the Battle of the Dukla Pass:
... situácia bola asi trochu iná ako sme sa učili ...
WWII Slovakia Dukla 1944
... situácia bola asi trochu iná ako sme sa učili ...
Od świtu 8 września do 30 listopada 1944 teren ten stał się miejscem walk i pochówku około 99 tys. żołnierzy Armii Czerwonej głównie Ukraińców, Słowaków oraz żołnierzy niemieckich. Straty wojsk sowieckich wyniosły ok. 123 000 zabitych, rannych i zaginionych. Wojska czechosłowackie straciły ok. 6500 żołnierzy, natomiast straty niemieckie i węgierskie szacuje się na prawie 70 000 ludzi. Operację dukielską zaliczono do najbardziej krwawych epizodów II wojny światowej na ziemiach polskich, a jedno z miejsc walk w pobliżu Chyrowej, gdzie toczyła się krwawa bitwa pancerna, nazwano "Doliną Śmierci".
The Battle of Dukla Pass By Bill Tarkulich - Saturday, October 24, 2020 By 1944, the Russian and First Czechoslovak Armies had been moving aggressively across Poland and Ukraine in a broad front, defeating the German troops and liberating its’ indigenous peoples. Soviet Russia had been supporting and leading partisan action in Slovakia for three years, providing troops, supplies and coordination. Russia planned a quick diversion to support the SNP uprising, entering from the Dukla Pass. This “diversion” turned into one of the bloodiest conflagrations in the history of Slovakia. Six days to Presov turned into 50 days to Svidnik alone and over 138,000 casualties. The Russian and Czechoslovak Armies had expected to meet up with the rebelling East Slovak Army Corps deep inside Slovakia....
Tank Brigade (Czech: Tanková brigáda) is a 1955 Czechoslovakian film made about the World War II Eastern Front conflict between German and Czechoslovakian forces. The film is largely a propaganda film, depicting actions of the 1st Czechoslovak Independent Tank Armoured Brigade, with Soviet forces, who both fought their way to the Czechoslovak border, and participated in the Battle of the Dukla Pass. The film depicts the struggle for Slovakia and the successful liberation of Ostrava in Northern Moravia. One scene depicts a battle for the Miloše Sýkory bridge in Ostrava city, featuring the actual bridge. Three thousand members of the Czechoslovak People's Army participated in the film. -- From 21 September 1944, Czechoslovakia was liberated by the Soviet troops of the Red Army, supported by...
Vyrobilo: Múzeum Slovenského národného povstania v Banskej Bystrici a Vojenský historický ústav v Bratislave © 2015 http://www.muzeumsnp.sk http://www.vhu.sk
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Napínavý, uvěřitelný, fascinující a dojemný dvoudílný film režiséra Davida Ondříčka (48) Dukla 61 o největší důlní katastrofě 60. let, při níž zemřelo 108 horníků zavalených v dole, sebralo českým divákům dech. Mnozí ho už teď považují za přelomový, jiní za největší filmovou událost roku. Pro mnohé je to poprvé, co se o komunisty dobře utajené tragédii dozvěděli..
... situácia bola asi trochu iná ako sme sa učili ...
... situácia bola asi trochu iná ako sme sa učili ...
Na severovýchode Slovenska je Karpatsko-Dukliansky priesmyk, kde sa v 2.svetovej vojne odohrala strašná tanková bitva, kde počas necelých dvoch mesiacov bolo zabitých, alebo zranených viac nez 150.000 ľudí. Sovieti a Čechoslováci nakoniec zvíťazili a dnes je na tomto krvavom mieste prírodné vojenské múzem.
Free download: https://dukla.bandcamp.com www.instagram.com/duklavinohrady Hudba: Josef Hradilek a Lukáš Vydra; slova: Lukáš Vydra. Autory textu Holubi jsou Jan Zábrana a Boris Pasternak. V písni Co chceš dělat jsou použity úryvky z filmu Miloše Formana Černý Petr a skladba Viem čo nechcem od Vaša Patejdla. Fotka na obalu od Váklav Miškovský. Děkujem Tereze, Anežce, Mayen boys a Igorovi za pomoc s mixem. Nahráno v Praze během léta 2017.
The Dukla Pass (Slovak: Dukliansky priesmyk, Polish: Przełęcz Dukielska, Hungarian: Duklai-hágó, Czech: Dukelský průsmyk; 502 m AMSL) is a strategically significant mountain pass in the Laborec Highlands of the Outer Eastern Carpathians, on the border between Poland and Slovakia (Lemkivshchyna) and close to the western border of Ukraine.
The Dukla Pass is the lowest mountain pass in the Carpathian Mountains main range. Located south of Dukla in Poland and northeast of Prešov in Slovakia, the pass is acknowledged as an area where Eastern and Western Slavic cultures meet.
In the 17th century, it was the haunt of a bandit and folk hero, Andrij Savka. The Dukla Pass was the scene of bitterly contested battles on the eastern fronts of both World War I and World War II (Battle of the Dukla Pass).