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Flag for USA New York, NY, USA — Sunrise, Sunset, and Moon Times for Today

Moon: 97.4%

Waxing Gibbous

Current Time: May 20, 2016 at 1:24:14 AM

Sunrise Today: 5:34 AM 62° Northeast
Sunset Today: 8:12 PM 298° Northwest

Moonrise Today: 7:04 PM 108° East
Moonset Today: 5:08 AM 254° West

Daylight Hours: 14 hours, 37 minutes (+1m 43s)

Location of New YorkLocation

Today's Sun Position in New York

The Sun's altitude in New York today. The horizontal line signifies the horizon, the vertical lines show the times of sunrise and sunset. Altitude and heading are displayed in the box on the right. The graph defaults to current time. Hover over it to select a different time. How to use this

Sun's current position over Earth

1:24 AM




8° N



Day length

14h 37m 16s

Change since

Yesterday: +1m 43s

Winter: +5h 22m

Summer: -28m 23s

Night, Twilight, and Daylight Times in New York Today

12 AM
2 AM
4 AM
6 AM
8 AM
10 AM
12 PM
2 PM
4 PM
6 PM
8 PM
10 PM

Day, night, and twilight times in New York today. Black is nighttime, light blue is daytime. The darker blue shadings represent the twilight phases during dawn (left) and dusk (right). Hover over the graph for more information. How to use this

Night12:00 AM – 3:39 AM
Astro. Twilight3:39 AM – 4:23 AM
Nautical Twilight4:23 AM – 5:03 AM
Civil Twilight5:03 AM – 5:34 AM
Daylight5:34 AM – 8:12 PM
Civil Twilight8:12 PM – 8:43 PM
Nautical Twilight8:43 PM – 9:23 PM
Astro. Twilight9:23 PM – 10:08 PM
Night10:08 PM – 11:59 PM

Sun in New York - Next 7 Days

Scroll right to see more
2016Sunrise/SunsetDaylengthSolar Noon
MaySunriseSunsetLengthDifferenceTimeMil. mi
May 205:34 AM8:12 PM14:37:16+1:4312:53 PM (69.5°)94.077
May 215:33 AM8:12 PM14:38:57+1:4012:53 PM (69.7°)94.095
May 225:33 AM8:13 PM14:40:36+1:3812:53 PM (69.9°)94.112
May 235:32 AM8:14 PM14:42:12+1:3512:53 PM (70.0°)94.130
May 245:31 AM8:15 PM14:43:45+1:3312:53 PM (70.2°)94.147
May 255:31 AM8:16 PM14:45:15+1:3012:53 PM (70.4°)94.165
May 265:30 AM8:17 PM14:46:43+1:2712:53 PM (70.6°)94.181
* All times are local time for New York. Time is adjusted for DST when applicable. Dates are based on the Gregorian calendar.

See full month's Sun

Equinoxes & Solstices 2016

Scroll right to see more
March EquinoxMar 2012:30 AM
June SolsticeJun 206:34 PM
September EquinoxSep 2210:21 AM
December SolsticeDec 215:44 AM
* All times are local New York time.

Sun Articles

Today's Moon in New York

The Moon's path in New York today. The horizontal line signifies the horizon, the vertical lines show times and headings of moonrise and moonset. The graph defaults to current time. Hover over it to select a different time. How to use this

Year 2016 Moon Phases

1:24 AM




210° SW


Waxing Gibbous

Percent illuminated


Moon in New York - Next 7 days

Scroll right to see more
2016Moonrise/MoonsetMeridian Passing
MayMoonriseMoonsetMoonriseTimeDistance (mi)Illumination
May 20-5:08 AM7:04 PM---
May 21-5:43 AM7:59 PM12:25 AM(34.5°)251,02099.4%
May 22-6:21 AM8:54 PM1:12 AM(32.2°)249,79399.7%
May 23-7:04 AM9:47 PM2:00 AM(30.7°)248,23098.0%
May 24-7:52 AM10:37 PM2:50 AM(30.0°)246,36894.4%
May 25-8:45 AM11:23 PM3:40 AM(30.3°)244,23088.7%
May 26-9:42 AM-4:31 AM(31.6°)241,83281.3%
* All times are local time for New York. Time is adjusted for DST when applicable. Dates are based on the Gregorian calendar. Illumination is calculated at lunar noon.

See full month's Moon


Moon Articles

Planets Visible in the Sky in New York This Coming Night

MercuryFri 5:03 AMFri 6:42 PMFri 11:53 AM
VenusFri 5:24 AMFri 7:45 PMFri 12:34 PM
MarsThu 8:22 PMFri 5:46 AMFri 1:04 AM
JupiterFri 1:32 PMSat 2:30 AMFri 8:01 PM
SaturnThu 9:08 PMFri 6:42 AMFri 1:55 AM
UranusFri 3:55 AMFri 4:57 PMFri 10:26 AM
NeptuneFri 2:21 AMFri 1:31 PMFri 7:56 AM
PlutoThu 11:30 PMFri 9:02 AMFri 4:16 AM
* All times are local time for New York.

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