- published: 14 Nov 2012
- views: 19040
Mycoplasma is a genus of bacteria that lack a cell wall around their cell membrane. Without a cell wall, they are unaffected by many common antibiotics such as penicillin or other beta-lactam antibiotics that target cell wall synthesis. They can be parasitic or saprotrophic. Several species are pathogenic in humans, including M. pneumoniae, which is an important cause of atypical pneumonia and other respiratory disorders, and M. genitalium, which is believed to be involved in pelvic inflammatory diseases. Mycoplasma species are the smallest bacterial cells yet discovered, can survive without oxygen, and are typically about 0.1 micrometre in diameter. Hundreds of mycoplasmae infect animals.
The term mycoplasma, from the Greek μυκής, mykes (fungus) and πλάσμα, plasma (formed), was first used by Albert Bernhard Frank in 1889 to describe an altered state of plant cell cytoplasm resulting from infiltration by fungus-like microorganisms.Julian Nowak later proposed the genus name Mycoplasma for certain filamentous microorganisms imagined to have both cellular and acellular stages in their lifecycles, which could explain how they were visible with a microscope, but passed through filters impermeable to bacteria.
Mycoplasma lecture talks about mycoplasma pneumonia contamination and detection of mycoplasma infection. http://shomusbiology.com/ Download the study materials here- http://shomusbiology.com/bio-materials.html Remember Shomu’s Biology is created to spread the knowledge of life science and biology by sharing all this free biology lectures video and animation presented by Suman Bhattacharjee in YouTube. All these tutorials are brought to you for free. Please subscribe to our channel so that we can grow together. You can check for any of the following services from Shomu’s Biology- Buy Shomu’s Biology lecture DVD set- www.shomusbiology.com/dvd-store Shomu’s Biology assignment services – www.shomusbiology.com/assignment -help Join Online coaching for CSIR NET exam – www.shomusbiology.com/net-c...
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Copied from 911tvorg Cancer, AIDS, Weaponized Mycoplasmas & Gulf War Illness. Prof. Garth Nicolson's hypothesis is straightforward: "The emergence of new illnesses and an increase in the incidence rate of previously described signs & symptoms are due to our toxic environment & the purposeful development & testing of Weapons of Mass Destruction." Dr. Nicolson heads the Institute for Molecular Medicine. He spoke at the 9th Common Cause Medical Research Foundation Conference, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada on Aug. 29-31, 2008. This video was produced by Snowshoe Documentary Films, a great alternative to corporate media at SnowShoeFilms.com. They produce, and show on their site, documentaries for Social and Economic Justice.
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Se hace una descripción del agente etiológico Mycoplasma pneumoniae, con epidemiología, patogenia, manifestaciones clínicas y tratamiento DALE LIKE Y SUSCRÍBETE VISITA MIS REDES SOCIALES: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/rcfmed
جامعة الباحة / د. محمد آل قمبر يشرح الميكوبلازما / Complete lecture on Mycoplasmas محاضرة عن المايكروبيولوجيا - الميكوبلازما جامعة الباحة / كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية / قسم طب المختبرات / د. محمد بن عبدالله آل قمبر / محاضرة حول الميكوبلازما / Complete lecture on Mycoplasmas - 1433-1434 second semester للحصول على قائمة محاضرات البكتيريا الكاملة انقر على الرابط: http://drqumber.wordpress.com/publications/bacteriology-youtube-lectures/ مايكروبيولوجي , ميكروبيولوجي , احياء دقيقة , كائنات دقيقة , بكتيريا , البكتيريا , الفيروسات , الطحالب , الفطريات , البروتوزوا , طلائعيات , الاحياء الدقيقة , الأحياء الدقيقة , الكائنات الدقيقة , الطفيليات مايكروبيولوجيا, الجراثيم, المايكرواورقنزمز, كامل انواع البكتيريا, البسلاي, الكلوسترديا ,الكلوستريديا, الاكتنومايسيز, النوكارديه, الكوراني بكتيريا...