Pastor Chui - An Initial Estimation of the Numbers and Identification of Extant Non SnakeNon Amphisb
Superfamily Iguanidae
“Historically, the taxonomy of iguanids has been difficult and not without controversy (
Frost 1992; Frost and Etheridge
1989; Frost et al.
2001; Macey et al.
1997; Schulte, Valladares, and Larson
2003). From a baraminological perspective it is important to note that intergeneric hybridization between the land iguana (
Conolophus subcristatus) and the marine iguana (
Amblyrhynchus cristatus) minimally connects the two genera into a monobaramin (Rassmann, Trillmich, and Tautz 1997) and therefore, it is not surprising that iguanid taxonomy and origins has piqued creationist interest (Hennigan 2009; Hennigan,
Purdom, and
Wood 2009; Wood
2005). Wood (2005) did statistical baraminology (baraminic distance and
3-D Multi- Dimensional Scaling analysis) on data obtained by Frost and Etheridge (1989) and Frost (1992) and found that Frost’s subfamilies (Crotaphytinae, Corytophaninae, Hoplocercinae, Iguaninae, Oplurinae, Phrynosomatinae, Polychrinae, and Tropidurinae) have significant positive correlation with each other and significant negative correlation with acrodont lizards, which defines the group as a holobaramin.
“Wood proposed that Iguanids in Frost’s biosystematics (including
Galápagos members of Tropiduridae (e.g. lava lizards) and the land and marine iguanas) are a holobaramin and can trace their ancestry from the original pair of iguanids that dispersed from the
“Systemetists that tend to lump taxa would not necessarily have a problem with that conclusion, especially since the conclusion was derived by quantitative means. However, there are limits to statistical analysis and one of the most glaring is that the characters that were analyzed were few (when compared to the total number of possible characters) and data were not completely holistic.
“These are the dominant iguanid lizards of
Mexico and
North America and have the following characters; xeric environment design, most oviparous with
Phrynosoma and
Sceloporus being oviviviparous, birthing 6–30 neonates (
Vitt and
Caldwell 2009, pp. 523–524). The desert horned lizard (
Phrynosoma platyrhinos), sometimes called the “horned toad” is a well-known member of this taxon.