Living Beyond Breast Cancer (LBBC), is a national 501(c)(3)nonprofit organization headquartered in Bala Cynwyd, just outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the United States. LBBC helps those impacted by a breast cancer diagnosis take an active role in their ongoing recovery or management of the disease, regardless of educational background, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or ability to pay.
Living Beyond Breast Cancer was founded in 1991 by radiation oncologist Marisa C. Weiss, MD.
Since 2005, LBBC has been in receipt of Charity Navigator's highest rating of four stars.
LBBC is nationally recognized for the quality of its educational programs. The organization calls on many volunteers, including the world’s foremost health care professionals, who generously donate their time and expertise so the organization can offer its services at low or no cost. As of 2007, LBBC had received Charity Navigator’s highest 4-star rating for sound fiscal management for three years in a row.
C'ez nas viharji divjajo. Stuerme wueten ueber uns,
Mesta gorijo in telesa. es brennen Staedte und Menschenkoerper!
Slast nas stresa Lust durchstroemt uns.
Spet se c'es polja Ueber die Fluren lautet
glasijo zvoki nas'e govorice, der Klang unserer Worte wider,
ki nam molitev je in vrisk. die uns Gebet und Jauchzen sind.
Ne, ne dopusti vec', vesoljni bog, O allmaechtiger Gott, lass
da bi nas'a sila potonila, unsere Kraft nie mehr schwinden,
saj je tako brezmejno sladka, mila... denn sie ist so unendlich suess
und lieb...
Storms rage over us,
cities and human bodies are burning.
Lust flows through us.
Over the land the sound
of our words rings out,
that are to us prayer and exultation. [Not 100% sure about this verse.]
O almighty God, never let
our power fail again,
for it is so endlessly sweet and dear...