Marjorie "Mo" Mowlam (18 September 1949 – 19 August 2005) was a British Labour Party politician. She was the Member of Parliament (MP) for Redcar from 1987 to 2001 and served in the Cabinet as Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Minister for the Cabinet Office and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.
Mowlam's time as Northern Ireland Secretary saw the signing of the historic Good Friday Peace Agreement in 1998. Her personal charisma, reputation for plain speaking and her fight against a brain tumour led her to be perceived by many as one of the most popular "New Labour" politicians in the UK. When Tony Blair mentioned her in his speech at the 1998 Labour Party Conference, she received a standing ovation.
Mowlam was born at 43 King Street, Watford, Hertfordshire, England, the middle of three children of Tina and Frank, but grew up in Coventry, where her father rose to become Coventry's assistant postmaster. She would later be awarded the Freedom of the City in 1999. She was the only one of the family's three children to pass the 11-plus exam. She started at Chiswick Girls' grammar school in West London, then moved to Coundon Court School in Coventry, which, at the time, was one of the first comprehensive schools in the country. She then studied at Trevelyan College, Durham University, reading sociology and anthropology. She joined the Labour Party in her first year. She worked for then-Labour MP Tony Benn in London and American writer Alvin Toffler in New York, moving to the United States with her then-boyfriend and studying for a PhD in political science at the University of Iowa on the effects of the Swiss system of referenda.
Gerry Adams (Irish: Gearóid Mac Ádhaimh; born 6 October 1948 in Belfast, Northern Ireland) is an Irish republican politician and Teachta Dála (TD) for the constituency of Louth. From 1983 to 1992 and from 1997 to 2011, he was an abstentionist Westminster Member of Parliament for Belfast West. He is the president of Sinn Féin, the second largest political party in Northern Ireland and the largest nationalist party. From the late 1980s onwards, Adams was an important figure in the Northern Ireland peace process, initially following contact by the then Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP) leader John Hume and subsequently with the Irish and British governments and then other parties. In 2005, the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) indicated that its armed campaign was over and that it is now exclusively committed to democratic politics. Under Adams, Sinn Féin changed its traditional policy of abstentionism towards Oireachtas Éireann, the parliament of the Republic of Ireland, in 1986 and later took seats in the power-sharing Northern Ireland Assembly. However, Sinn Féin retains a policy of abstentionism towards the Westminster Parliament, but since 2002, receives allowances for staff and takes up offices in the House of Commons.
So Graham Norton 2000-S3xE10 Mo Mowlam, Jason Priestly-part 1
So Graham Norton 2000-S3xE10 Mo Mowlam, Jason Priestly-part 1
So Graham Norton 2000-S3xE10 Mo Mowlam, Jason Priestly-part 2
So Graham Norton 2000-S3xE10 Mo Mowlam, Jason Priestly-part 2
Symposium Section: A Tribute to Mo Mowlam
Ep 6 Mo Mowlam
Mo Mowlam's First Walkabout in Belfast, May 1997
Star Portraits : Aine Divine paints Mo Mowlam
Young Mo Mowlam
Mo Mowlam visits Maze Prison, Northern Ireland
Julie Walters wins Best Actress - British Academy Television Awards 2010 - BBC One
Mo Mowlam Maze Prison Visit: Media meet the Prisoners
Mo - North American Premiere Sunday March 21 2010 at 9 pm ET
When the Blair government takes office in 1997 the difficult job of Secretary of state for Northern Ireland, trying to broker peace between sectarian factions, goes to Dr. Marjorie Mowlam, known as 'Mo'. With her no nonsense attitude, rough language and liking for a drunk - not to mention the odd flasher's moment - she is equal to any man and totally committed to her role. However she has cancer. The chemotherapy gives her hair loss and she plays on this to defuse situations with humour. Unfortunately the cancer is malignant and will kill her within a few years but Mo keeps this fact quiet in order to see through her Northern Irish task.
Keywords: character-name-in-title, one-word-title
[Mo Mowlam and Adam Ingram arrive at a meeting of the Protestant Orangemen who want to stage a march past a staunchly Catholic housing estate]::Adam Ingram: Should I try telling them I've got a season ticket to Ibrox?::Mo Mowlam: Well, at least you're a Prod, Adam, and a bloke. I bet this is the first time there's ever been a fanny in the building.::[as they walk in there is heckling and jeering]::Mo Mowlam: I take that back - the place is *full* of cunts.
[Mo Mowlam is chairing a meeting between Martin McGuinness and Gerry Adams of the Sinn Fein / IRA and Senator George Mitchell who will be chairing the Peace Talks. Both sides are trying to score points off each other. Mo defuses the situation by taking off her wig]::Mo Mowlam: Sometimes aren't there just times when all you want is a bloody good scratch.::Martin McGuinness: I suppose so.::Mo Mowlam: I tell you what, boys. Let's start this meeting again. Only this time, no cocks on the table.::[after the meeting]::Mo Mowlam: How did I do, George?::Senator George Mitchell: I have to say you have the most unorthodox negotiating technique I've ever seen in my life. My answer is: "brilliantly". I think we're in business.
[Mo Mowlam is meeting Loyalist Protestant prisoners in the Maze Prison after Republican IRA Catholic prisoners broke into a Loyalist wing and shot one of their friends dead]::Mo Mowlam: The Irish Republic will renounce all territorial claim on Northern Ireland which will remain part of the UK for as long as the majority here want it to. But everyone will have to make *painful* compromises. People will have to share power with sworn enemies. And perhaps see men back out on the streets who may have killed their friends and family. It'll be very very painful. But the prize is peace - for generations to come. I think you're big enough to grasp it.
[Mo Mowlam has just been on the phone to Reverend Ian Paisley]::Mo Mowlam: Paisley says there are terrorists and at least one homosexual in the building.::Adam Ingram: Well we'd better get Security onto that one. Is he sure there's only *one*?::[they laugh]
[Tony Blair is giving a speech and is thanking all the people who played a part in the Peace Talks. When he mentions Mo Mowlam's name, the audience get to their feet and cheer]::Tony Blair: I think I can say without fear of contradiction that's the first time there's been a standing ovation in the *middle* of a speech. And the person getting the ovation isn't even the person making the speech.
[as Mo Mowlam comes out of the Commons, Peter Mandelson is waiting for her]::Mo Mowlam: What are you doing here?::Peter Mandelson: Observing the Northern Ireland debate.::Mo Mowlam: What the fuck for?::Peter Mandelson: I have a long-standing interest in Northern Irish affairs. My grandfather, as you know, was a very distinguished Unionist.::Mo Mowlam: *Fuck* your grandfather. You're after my job - aren't you?::Peter Mandelson: Of course not. Though a cabinet reshuffle is on the cards and in politics one must never rule anything out.::Mo Mowlam: Don't lie. Smarming round Trimble. Probably telling Tony to sack me too, you devious cunt.::Peter Mandelson: Is this really the demeanour one would expect of a minister of the crown?::Mo Mowlam: You won't *fucking* win!::Peter Mandelson: If you carry on like this, people are going to ask if there's something wrong with you.
Mo Mowlam: [angrily] If you want a friend in politics, buy a fucking dog!
[Barrie is reversing into a parking space between two Jaguars outside Downing Street]::Barrie Williams: I hope I don't hit your boss's car. Which one's his?::Tracey Temple: Both.
[after the Christmas party at which the affair between Tracey Temple and John Prescott began]::Tracey Temple: [voiceover] As far as Christmas parties go, the way I see it like this: if you don't regret *any* of it, then you clearly haven't had a good time!
[after making love with John Prescott for the first time]::Tracey Temple: [voiceover] Some people think that sleeping with the boss is a stupid idea, but I like to consider myself more open-minded than most. Sure, it has its risks. But it also has its rewards. The way I see it is like this: if you don't try something new every once in a while, how will you know whether you'll enjoy it?
[Julie Jones has just burst into John Prescott's office and caught Tracey Temple sitting on his lap; now the two women are discussing it in the smoking room]::Julie Jones: What did you think you were doing?::Tracey Temple: He flirts... and I reciprocate. That's all it was.::Julie Jones: Tracey, you were on his lap.::Tracey Temple: He was upset and I wanted to make him feel...::Julie Jones: ...Horny?::Tracey Temple: ...Better. You know what we're like - we're both very tactile people. There's nothing going on between us. I mean, it's Prescott - would you?::Julie Jones: [primly] Physically, I'd find it difficult. But if power and oafish charm were my aphrodisiac...
[John Prescott has invited Tony Blair and Gordon Brown to his flat for a dinner party]::John Prescott: What's the matter, Gordon?::Gordon Brown: Sorry. Would you mind. Could I get another chair.::John Prescott: What's wrong with it?::Gordon Brown: It's too low.::John Prescott: Right, try this one, Gordon.::John Prescott: Tony, are you too high or too low?::Tony Blair: Gordon's always looked down on me - I wouldn't want to change that!
[At John Prescott's dinner party, Gordon Brown has been relentlessly pressing Tony Blair all evening to name the date when he will resign as Prime Minister. They are now at Prescott's front door, about to go home]::Tony Blair: Gordon, why don't you take the first lift. I'll be five minutes.::Gordon Brown: How can I be sure you'll go when you say you will?::Tony Blair: You know something, Gordon, these jokes are just tiring after a while.
So Graham Norton 2000-S3xE10 Mo Mowlam, Jason Priestly-part 1
So Graham Norton 2000-S3xE10 Mo Mowlam, Jason Priestly-part 1
So Graham Norton 2000-S3xE10 Mo Mowlam, Jason Priestly-part 2
So Graham Norton 2000-S3xE10 Mo Mowlam, Jason Priestly-part 2
Symposium Section: A Tribute to Mo Mowlam
Ep 6 Mo Mowlam
Mo Mowlam's First Walkabout in Belfast, May 1997
Star Portraits : Aine Divine paints Mo Mowlam
Young Mo Mowlam
Mo Mowlam visits Maze Prison, Northern Ireland
Julie Walters wins Best Actress - British Academy Television Awards 2010 - BBC One
Mo Mowlam Maze Prison Visit: Media meet the Prisoners
Mo - North American Premiere Sunday March 21 2010 at 9 pm ET
Julie Walters on playing Mo Mowlam in her next film
Camel Walk - Mo Mowlam's Exotic Desert Excursion live at Rhythm Tree 2013
Tony Blair's standing ovation at final PMQ's - BBC News
LVF leader Billy Wright shot dead by INLA in Maze Prison
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Julie Walters on The One Show PT1
Julie Walters on The One Show PT3