Islom Abdug‘aniyevich Karimov (Cyrillic Uzbek: Ислом Абдуғаниевич Каримов; Russian: Ислам Абдуганиевич Каримов Islam Abduganiyevich Karimov) (born January 30, 1938) is the first President of Uzbekistan, serving since 1990.
Karimov, placed in an orphanage in Samarkand at birth, grew up to study economics and engineering at school. He became an official in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, becoming the party's First Secretary in Uzbekistan in 1989. On March 24, 1990 he became President of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic. Karimov's election to the Uzbek Communist Party resulted after his predecessor Rafik Nishanov failed to quell inter-ethnic clashes and instability in the Fergana region. He declared Uzbekistan an independent nation on August 31, 1991 and subsequently won Uzbekistan's first presidential election on December 29, 1991, with 86% of the vote. The election was called unfair[citation needed], with state-run propaganda and a falsified vote count, although the opposing candidate and leader of the Erk (Freedom) Party, Muhammad Salih, had a chance to participate. Karimov permitted the participation of the opposition organizations Birlik ("popular movement") and the Islamic Renaissance Party until his efforts to consolidate power over Shukrullo Mirsaidov, a former Communist Party elite who had originally supported Karimov's rise to the Party presidency. The period of political thaw was brief; Karimov began to complicate the registration process of opposition parties during elections. As Birlik grew in strength as a "popular movement", it was denied the ability to register as a "political party" without the required 60,000 signatures. The Karimov government allowed Birlik one day to gather these signatures, 25,000 of which they rejected. Karimov effectively took authoritarian measures to block any meaningful opposition.
Супер мост построили в Ташкенте / Great Bridge was built in Tashkent
Ислам Каримов прибыл в Сеул 27.05.2015 / Islam Karimov arrived in Seoul 05/27/2015
Ислам Каримов засыпал Нурсултана Назарбаева комплиментами
Part (2-3) Torture farm (Life and Death under Karimov)
Top 5 Brutal Dictators you didn't Know
Ислам Каримов вступил в должность Президента/Islam Karimov took office as President
Jun 4, 2012 Uzbekistan_Putin meets Uzbek President Islam Karimov in Tashkent
Russia: Putin invites Uzbek President Karimov for official state visit
Karimov's "Uzbekistan (Kleptocratic state) is the biggest family business in the world"
Islam Karimov Obeshal i Postroil "Islamskuyu" Respubliku
Russia: Uzbek President Karimov lands in Ufa for SCO summit
Navruz bayram-Islam Karimov Uzbekistan 19 03 2014
Islam Karimov Prizident / Islom Karimov she'ri
Ислам Каримов принял Главу МОК Томаса Баха /Islam Karimov received the head of the IOC, Thomas Bach
Супер мост построили в Ташкенте / Great Bridge was built in Tashkent
Ислам Каримов прибыл в Сеул 27.05.2015 / Islam Karimov arrived in Seoul 05/27/2015
Ислам Каримов засыпал Нурсултана Назарбаева комплиментами
Part (2-3) Torture farm (Life and Death under Karimov)
Top 5 Brutal Dictators you didn't Know
Ислам Каримов вступил в должность Президента/Islam Karimov took office as President
Jun 4, 2012 Uzbekistan_Putin meets Uzbek President Islam Karimov in Tashkent
Russia: Putin invites Uzbek President Karimov for official state visit
Karimov's "Uzbekistan (Kleptocratic state) is the biggest family business in the world"
Islam Karimov Obeshal i Postroil "Islamskuyu" Respubliku
Russia: Uzbek President Karimov lands in Ufa for SCO summit
Navruz bayram-Islam Karimov Uzbekistan 19 03 2014
Islam Karimov Prizident / Islom Karimov she'ri
Ислам Каримов принял Главу МОК Томаса Баха /Islam Karimov received the head of the IOC, Thomas Bach
Nabira Islom Karimov bobosidan nima istaydi?
Владимир Путин и Ислам Каримов / Vladimir Putin and Islam Karimov
PM Modi and President Karimov at the Signing of agreements and Joint Press statements
Islom Karimov nutqi. Islam Karimov's speech. no comments.
PM Modi meeting the President of Uzbekistan, Mr. Islam Karimov
Vladimir Putin Meets Uzbek President Karimov
Islam Karimov, Statesman on the international scene
Islam Karimov Gangnam Style Harlem Shake 2013
Part (1-3) Torture Farm (Life and Death under Karimov)
Part (3-3) Torture farm (Life and Death under Karimov)
Гастарбайторы узбеки это ЛЕНТЯИ Позорящие Узбекистан !!!!
Pete Allman Exclusive Interview with Gulnara Karimova
Karimov's Propaganda
Creationism by Lewis Black
Richard Dawkins schools Howard Conder on morality
Uzbekistan Today
What Do You Think About Atheists?
Part 3 Sufferings (SLAVERY) of Uzbeks ILLUSTRATED
Crazy Caller #1 - Aliens Read the Bible
Part 1 Sufferings (TORTURE) of Uzbeks ILLUSTRATED
Islam Karimov devrait être réélu à la tête de l'Ouzbékistan
Islam Karimov evil dictator
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher talks to VOA about US-Uzbek relations, March 14, 2013
Islam Karimov Trailer
Narendra Modi meeting the President of Uzbekistan, Mr Islam Karimov
Uzbek 1
President Karimov visits, protests, HRW comment
Uzbekistan - Karimov's Presidency Referendum
WRAP US Secretary of State in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
WRAP Karimov speaks, chief prosecutor on deaths, border areas
Karimov meets Premier Wen Jiabao
Uzbek leader Karimov says Andijan uprising was planned abroad
US Senators in Uzbekistan
Narendra Modi and President Karimov At The Signing Of Agreements | Joint Press Statements !!!
Narendra Modi and President Karimov at the Signing of agreements and Joint Press statements
PM Modi and President Karimov at the Signing of agreements and Joint Press statements
PM Modi, Uzbek President Karimov hold delegation level talks
PM Modi Meets Islam Karimov | President of Uzbekistan | Central Asia Tour
PM Modi in Tashkent | Delegation Level Talks with Uzbek President Karimov | Central Asia Tour
Narendra Modi at Delegation level talks at Tashkent, Uzbekistan
PM Narendra Modi Meets President Of Uzbekistan Islam Abduganievich Karimov |
PM Modi & Uzbekistan President Islam Abduganievich Karimov give joint statement in Tashkent (P - 2)
Ислам Каримов переизбран Президентом Узбекистана/Islam Karimov President of Uzbekistan
Ислам Каримов жестка призвал расследовать резню в ОШ 2010 Года
The War on Islam and The Lessons of Farhad Usmanov Al-Shaheed
Обама поздравил Каримова с победой на президентских выборах
PM's visit to Uzbekistan: Signing of agreement & joint press conference
EARLY EDITION 18:00 Leaders of Korea, Uzbekistan seek economic cooperation beyond energy
ПЛОХИЕ НОВОСТИ с В. Мальцевым. 30 марта 2015
Prezident Karimov qasamyod qildi / Ислам Каримов вступил в должность Президента
ПЛОХИЕ НОВОСТИ с В. Мальцевым. 3 февраля 2015
Тише, пожалуйста: Ислам Каримов, Владимир Путин на саммите СНГ в Минске. 10.10.2014
Uzbekistan repression and lack of democracy in Central Asia
Google уничтожил интернет-цензуру Роскомнадзора.Вячеслав Мальцев Плохие новости 30 марта 2015
Hizb ut Tahrir / political Islam's growth in central Asia (Al Jazeera TV 2010)
ARIRANG NEWS 16:00 Leaders of Korea, Uzbekistan agree to more cooperation in..
Abdul Adhim Live - Eherecht, Verlobung im Islam 2010-01-17
DAY BREAK 06:00 President Park seeks stronger economic ties with Central Asia
Abdul Adhim Live - Eherecht, Eheschließung und Heirat im Islam 2010-01-24
Abdul Adhim Live - Der Prophet Josef (Yusuf) Frieden auf Ihm 2010-05-22
Abu Jibril - 10 Dinge die die Ehe kaputt machen Teil 1v2 - 2010-12-26
Abu Jibril Volle Länge - Das Vertrauen auf Allah (swt) 2011-02-01
Abdul Adhim Volle Länge - Schwäche und Kraftlosigkeit im Glauben Teil 1v3 - 2010-11-28